'.‘■■'frF" TIB «AT IS B1CHT HOUSEHOLD GOODS Used Furniture by KNOX W« hav« "Llttl« Jo/' that cut« Campu* Cap by Knox, of court«. . .which mean» that it has that added "Oomph" that Knox has such a flare lor» In «xdusiv« Juilliard Z«phyroy* Corduroy in th« following colorsi ORANGES APPLES Fancy Spitzenbergs 3 lbs. 25c ONIONS Sweet Spanish Fancy Tender - Fresh SPINACH CAULIFLOWER MINCEMEAT Finest > quality SAUERKRAUT JUICE PORK & BEANS DILL PICKLES - - - Festival Columbia PANCAKE FLOUR SYRUP Trepak Fisher's Staley's Amazio or Karo CHILI CON CARNE Cudahy's Brick FLOUR MILK COFFEE Fisher's Blend Alpine, Morning, Borden Wadham's Drip or Rec