't 7 ! "»•i F ; —' * '■< C ■ „ . i 1K Y'-'" z+’-j »AMP MMB _____ ■ — f Electric Fence Units, »14.75 ... up. WiM work on UO-vo't line hot shot.battery, or automobile but tory. Also Het-Shot Bateriee for sale. Geo. F. Burr Motor. on Â'K I .K «î --- -------------------------------------- t PHO KPT, * Cities of Cao. county For Coquhfo o’clock Tuesday evening. " to: city, 19.0; school 31.7; port 1.7; —o— ■V state and county (estimated), 28.2; total 80 mills. Other totals: Marsh- field, 74.9; North Bend, 100.4; Ban- u don, 82.8; Myrtle Point, «2.3. —o— " } Excellent hot soup to now being *• served at the Grade School build- ing, under the auspices of the Edu- I I j 1 S’ ■ T ■J JI V I I I ‘I f fi 5. ¡ ibhgü Hsniffiiw LflCHl COW • call us WHEH The Christmas spirit is a very tough Senate began kicking the State De- competitor and the age-eld custom pertinent appointments around. to being observed notwithstanding the ‘ The House has worked rapidly and war. It to unfortunate that the tim- smoothly this week. Everything pre- ing of the bond drive brought It into Piously scheduled has been acted such competition but it was probably upon. More than a week ago, the deliberately designed to do ao in the Rutos Committee, which determines hope of discouraging excessive ! what measures shall come to the . Christmas buying with resultant yioor fpr debate, (and when), ended pressure on the defense against in­ flation. '< • 1 lie gm diete of the disappointing showing in the bond safos, it to a good sign that the Christmas spirit to so universally observed because of it* affect bn the public morale and Ito influence on unifying th. coun- lt waa for the Houre to dear try’s we. vflort 1______ -1— — .rheduted up pending and previously scheduled i legislation. . O'"" ________________ pared for the coming session of the' The journey of a piece of legisla- Legisiature. The housing problem tion through the House to final pas- will be even more Severe then in 184» »«*« u usualljr a long and compli- and many legislators are having great «ted one. Any Mwmbar may lntro- diffieulty in finding places in which duce • blu- 'n* biu i™l?edl‘1 * y to live during the session__________ . referred to a committee. The choice The sevswl state departmenta are °* the committee ta determined by the busy preparing legislatton which the object dealt with in the bill. Be- experience of the past two years has ,ore a committee considers a Ml , demonstrated to be needed in the ad- it is the general practice to aen< it ministration of present lbws and down to the administrative depart- regulatlons. There will be an ua- 1 ment—or sometimes to two or more usually large number of bills pre-1 departments—and get an opinion as sen ted this year owing to the great. to what effect the proposed law will expansion of the activities in the aev- ,bave ao far as i the administrative &Æ?* I •*^1 t Ml I IB g JJ g •> [A ■ ’ Ì fr" .» Í ' T 51 « Sunkist Navel erst, 241 sive, 1; fc $5.80 Oranges u” This ii I wish j mas and dor the < year we a wbrld i, Banana squash . / ‘ I 6000 INUSTKRT. -- ib. fine for baking GHAFEHtBlrirM No. 1 California ------------------ --- ■ — ....... T ¿ s'-'*' /• E CiManber r 7 ■ i •> Extra Fancy * DELICIOUS APPLES PEANUTS 29e ib f.'-.- T WALNUTS , — H> . «I» I I , ■ Dromedary HNGERBREAPamr Kurs ROAST BEEF pkg. HILLS BROS. COFFEE »■ Chopped Ripe Rfl # 1 tall cans - Fancy Washington Albaçore TUNA FISH solid white meat can 44® &^|35c finit Cocktail WML PAP Floradale Light Amber TE in the roll —I rT..-. m-. ■ 5-ib. poii y »J.29 «X*: 19® 10 X Z<-7-; 57« Dodge Brood The 78th Congrua will convene January 9 (constitutional date), or ü * 25® 33c it JfF TT-——,r. ■r* “■ » can I V 10' Fresh Roasted HONEY 1 10« lb. NM^ which brings it up for debate on the Floor. The procedure of the Senate is somewhat similar. All bills must be acted upon by both houses and signed by the President before tMy become law. ®t-y 4® Large size Texas Pink Drive and Walk Cqrefully Is Urged h Secretary of Stet« Robert 8. Farrell haa >OÀn*d wMh M the Na- tional Safety Council and other safe­ ty agencies in urging Oregon drivers and pedestrians to drive and walk more carefully, to avoid accidents during the holiday season this year. “The month of December is a peak period for traffic accidents in Ore­ gon,” Farrell said. “During the past five years, there hps been an average of IS pedestrians killed in traffic ac­ cidents each December. Accidents all types soar during the closing month of the year.” The nation-wide campaign to cut down traffic accidents during the holiday season was launched as na­ tional safety officials scanned the na­ tion’s traffic record and noted the eral departments. There, coupled deportments are concerned^ departments ere trend toward casualties in traffis with the hundreds of new bills in ' when r«Ports from the depart- during the Christmas season. prospect,-4rtll constitute a formidable «nente are at hand, the committee In urging greater care during the. Uisk for lhe Legisalture to accom- may take the bUI up for consideration holiday season, Farrell pointed ■ out plish within the timfc allotted. Truly ,Mlnor bul* are u>uall’r h®"d*ed rBth.; that accidents on the home front are this year in particular there will be «r Quickly. But, if a bill is at all still running, more than two to one no profit to any legislator in the controversial or if it involves large deaths to American fighting men on __ ■ >_____.__A__ ........ 1« I- session as the entire eompensoMea and important matters, it is custom­ all battlefronta. The death totals will be absorbed long before the 'ses­ ary to have committee hearings since Pearl Harbor up to the first Hearings sometimes last months sion is ended. of December for the nation were Then the entire record of the hear­ The Legislature will be composed 380,000 for accidents ar)d 108,887 for ings, generally including the depart­ very largely of experienced and able war. ■ mental reports on the legislation, is men and should give a good account “This does not imply, of course, printed. of itself. It is particularly fortunate that life on the home front is as dan- i At long last, the bill is considered | that it is so constituted at this criti­ 1 gerous as on the battlefront,” Farrell in a committee executive session and, > cal time because of the great impor­ said. "But they do indicate the na­ if it is approved by a majority of tance of the legislative job ahead to the committee, is “reported out” and ture of the challenge to us here at • prepare the state for the post war home to avoid these unnecesary cas­ placed on the calendar for action. period, which is almost sure to come ualties. I hope every driver and pe­ I The “report" of the committee is a before the 1847 session. brief analysis of the bill and an ex- destrian in Oregon will adopt this The Legislature will convene a day , ^tonVwhat it will be”when It slogan, and abide by it during the or two before hand in order to or- a law Thc commitieeS holiday season—and at all times, for ganize both houses and get away to a usUBl)y reclte in their reporU the I that matter: For a happier holiday—avoid ac­ flying start. It should be borne in reaMOIM( why they think the bill is cidents!” mind by al) who have legislation to good and ghouW r< , .¡F propose that such measures must be< After the ..greening” by depart- preaented early in order to receive menU rtb b“1 toon for the child. 1 > th^t we see a star when we know that others also see it.” I realize lk- V. _.-e , .