I called that my a be on the F/O he has so far T. B. to travel. Frank iFnr (Thrißtmaß Radio SM„ Fa- '4! '42 Chevrolet Oldsmobile Radio Seat Covers for Pick-ups and Trucks Fog Lamps Chrome Wheel Discs and Wheel Rings # Auto Wax Auto Polish Other Miscellaneous Accessories for Your Car for Christmas Southwestern Motors s t Suggestions rurMyi Í*. • Mirrors OGIqbes • Rugs . • Perfume Sets • Vanity Sets • Rocking Horses • Toy Chests j •Animals BLANKETS Come in and look around ¿oír Cas txpeasive Coifees Cost So Little? iw jiAWtty fratto ‘ Tiiimnin fq-]1 DWlFS (> stamps) »¿Twa jS APPLE JUICE, S 4k W IT Quart Grpfruit Juice, Town House 44 ox. can Canterbury Tea, black 14 IK..—..... J” Edwarde Coffee, lb. 25c . 2 lb. jar................ ................ Krispy Cracken Jr-: 2 lb. pkg- _---------- Flour, Kitchen Craft «• lb. fk................... ...... Spic. Crabapples Rustic (2 stamps) 223 jar...... . ...... .. Kadota Figs Sundown (4 stamps) 3M can Peaches, Castle Crest (• stamps) No. 2>/2 ............... F ? Fancy Peat, Sugar Belle. r (3 stumps) n T^^I h ... Del Monte Cora, vac pack 12 os. ............................ .Expensive high-grade Cofieee each as lob ffill sad Airway 17c C . 35c 30c 43c 54c 33c ’199 10c packing to ing to done locally and stocks are always frosh. Mob Kill and Airway "bag" Coffee. sell at a saving of 10c or more per pound. Why pay more? 18c 25c Ta make it worthwhile to GET ACQUAINTED ■ 17c 14c 21c 15c 14c 15c rich Io coHee at any price. 39* MILD. MELLOW BLEND isaoao ft 25c] TOMATO SOUP 3 25c Campbells—-Favorite Among Good Foods ’ Morning Glory Ä. FRESH BREAD M-,TÆ 13c Sb-PURBSOAPs.^ ox. pkg. - 39c Quick Suds DON’T DELAY! BUY THAT EXTRA WAR BOND NOW! DO IT TODAY! 6th Gift to a WAI .WAX LQAN BOND APPLES CRANBERRIES, Ceos Bay, ORANGES, Calif. Navels, 11 GRAPEFRUIT, Texas pink, juicy, lb.... <12c lie BROCCOLI, local garden fresh, lb... TURNIPE, clip-top, mild-flavor, IK..... SALADS, Mixed vegetables, cello bag POTATOES. NA l’s.,—......... -..... ............ ONIONS, dried, keep! 2 .. .. ........... re