-J-??- Hi School To Present Christmas Programs Church they Mrs. > Jane with a V. W. Two Christmas programs are to be presented at the high school Thurs­ day, December >1. One o* those is to be given in the afternoon for the Junior high school and Senior high school students and one in the eve­ ning tor the parents, starting at g:00 o'dock. The high school band will start the programs, fallowed by a pantomime and a group of songs given by the Junior high school students. High, School Glee Clubs and I groups will then offe? various cal numbers. A finale of all partici­ pating groups will complete the pro­ gram. ■*- I Parente are urged to make every ^Mbrt to attend as the program I promises to be one of the finest ever I Insurance apeaamn. T.-JC. Dull. f and M to no as- . respond heartily to this effort duty upon Ms re- to coordinate the knowledge, prayers jand plane of the churches of Coquille las each church in turn is hoot to the -group, with four meetings planned » presented by the local schools. i ¿y OLO SOUTH Holy ©««/ dSar i * / wr. The duet on the cover is by ■ a young Southern gentle­ man and his Jove. The duet inside is by Old South—a charming box of Dusting Powder and the Hotmail bottle of Cologne. Wood­ land Spice or Plantation Garden Bouquet. 12.151 Tar­ way to Dorothy Harris is visiting with husband inSan Francisco this week. the