- M , ■ I . . -C Æ <4 A colorful ’eant to be shown early evening, The display will be ue two sections. The ATHLETIC PARK, will be a reproduction of the recent battle at Leyte in the Philippines, with assaults on Jap with flame-throwers, the bazooka, dynamite and deadly Infantry w K iras ; 3:0« until 8:0® P. M„ there will be IN THE COMMUNITY there will be of the U. S. Infantry's terrible display the work of Squad, demonstrating battle formations of the basic combat unit in modern warfare. ■ The entire display is to be shown, ABSOLUTELY FREE, and all of Reuth- is invited ta the spectacles and the U. S. To do your part In support of the United States war efforts sa «•■•' Buy Sth War Lo; ■ ft* * This advertisement te paid for by the following Coquille business houses Which extend a cordial invitation to all their customers and friends to be present at what promises to be a very realistic show of what the U. S. Infantry is using on all war front: COQUILLE BRANCH, THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND MT. STATES POWER CO. 7 QUELLE CAFE COQUILLE LAUNDRY RACKLEFF PHARMACY STEVE’S GROCERY J. A. LAMB. A COMPANY FURHMAN'S PHARMACY PEOPLES MARKET COWBELL DAIRY BARROW DRUG CO. > THE COQUILLE VALLEY SENTINEL __________________________________________________ t '•«*> ^4-X'; — _____________________ - '■‘til 7 .