i *i j r • r y g ■ LiIJ 11 DON'T WAIT Make your appointment before the Holiday Rush Calling and Oil Burners sage A Christmas To Loyal Americans •A« Christmas approaches, a deepening sense of gratitude animates each salvage official at Headquarters and in the Regional and in the State Salvage offices — gratitude to* the homemakers and youth — gratitude toward the thousands of volunteer salvage workers whose sustained en­ thusiasm and activity have justified the underlying philosophy of this Nation’s salavage program: That the job to be done can best be done through reliance upon the good old American tradition of voluntary co­ operation rather than by “must orders” from Government. Let us not.relax our efforts during the holiday season: but remember that, just aa the work of our servicemen is unfinished until the wâr is won, our jyork on the home front for the salvage campaign is not finished until they are home again. We must not wait foç periodic drives, but v held by the Japanese. Much of our pnncip;il sour< replenish diminishing stockpiles is from tin cans. Tin rivilian use is a critical necessity and the program is ot *-5—.— • mi ii .n»«» — t ■ ■■ 'l ~ THE SAME CAPABLE DIRECTION, COURTEOUS SU­ PERVISION AND SYMPATHETIC UNDERSTANDING Remember to take your waste paper aBd properly prepared tin to the Train Building and youi* waste fats to your butcher ta/io 'Jmenal CHome TtlXPHOnC 100 • JWWLMfX. WMCt ' COQUILLC For information you may call Stan Sherwood or George Burr, phone 195 or Dr. J. R. Bunch, phone 82-L or 130-M Members of the Coquille Salvage Committee