The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, December 07, 1944, Image 1

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là1 ¿/i
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w f. MM.
■tom mnw .iii d i. nf> ,
Cy-k' MH. ■
d Douglas
In War
I Sale Contest
quilla Chamba
Cortea Stop Tl
votad exclusiv.
of the proposal
1st B. B. Jamboree
At Bay Dec. 12
Basketball has now succeeded foot­
ball at C. H. S. and Coach Spike
Leslie has a good-steed squad with
which to start the season. . which
really opens with a Basket Ball Jam­
boree at Coos Bay next Tuesday,
Dec. 13, and which is to be fallowed
with a Jamboree in COquille the next
Water Bills To Be
Increased Ten Per
(ent On February I
Community Officers
In Conservetion
Program Are Chosen
Coquille Bond Soles
45 Percent Of Quota
More Tax Money
Thon Ever Before
At the Cnmasimity Coneervattou
mwetingi already held this week, M
Coos Bay an Tuesday and at Myrtle
Point on Wednesday, County Agent
Geo. H Jenkins was elected secre­
tary by'each. Coquille’s masting is
being held at the city hail today at
I:M p. m. and the one at Bandon
will be to the city hall there Friday
at 1.30 p m
John D. Cart is chairman of the
county general committoe
which, in conjunction with the local
committees, will decide what con-
servstion'practlces are best adapted
to the four districts in order to re­
ceive the substantial benefit pay­
ments from the U. 8. government
which will be available in IMS.
At the Marshfield meeting F. B.
■end was elected chairman, Cly ma n
C011ver, vice chairman: and they are
$145lCTS Paid A* F mb la
County Clarfc
______ _______
' More than half of the total fees. ' MessrsRoberta,
•mounting to 11454.75, paid in to were »iff" called up<
County Clerk Oddy's Office during ot „)rne particularly
November were for recording, the su)t from Mr. McU
amount being »745 05. Circuit court oi the Myrtle Point
few amounted to $430. probate and I Thr ooto4__
county court to IM, for marriage B- lnn. men prcMnt ,
censes »54, and the balance was for t ahnlllH havp a lorttJ
miscellaneous Items.
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