■ v ■ .;>\' v >• ♦, ' •’ ***'■* *£>’ * Vi’ ■;>( *« i» ■. >. - ♦' ; .'A;';'-:- a ; the next meeting salad and ' crackers will be served and there ' wili be a movie picture shown by 1 Mr. Gilkey, as well as a program of Nov. 22—Leontine and Ww. H. music and readings. Knox vs. Warren C and May Laird Tl ll » A good attendance of 4t attended and Roy B. Gudmundaon. Suit to Bull . th* Nov. 21 meeting when • prt- ( ■rf.'.tdS ■ i»i—■ i r.r J gram in charge of Mrs. ¿hekten, i was •» follow»: readings by Mrs. Wi * Mn. Buckner and Mrs. Sweeten, who recited a poem. Music was by Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Laird «nd Celle ' Laird. Violin music by Mr. Roth and Bob Harrison Was accompanied ' at the piano by Mrs. Von Pegert. The door prize was won by Capt. Snyder. K A surprise awaited all who at- between th* United State» and Aus- ran last Sunday, Nov. tralla and Mew Zealand on political !„” , Park» and- Maud Travers, of Charleston, were married by Bev. M D. Rempel of the Baptist Church at 2:20 p. m. There were SO members and friends attending. gn There will be no meeting of the JF>'- •*■•1 caravan in December.—Press Cor. Circuit tourt Coses WE HAVE RECEIVED- ANOTHER ALLOTMENT OF reaonreea. ft only continue , politically pea an economica Both Austr have an extr peace in the - "T-j Army iw^ODd *w. j J 11? •. K I' . , ■ ■ ÊS Probate Court Items Eula Mae Brown ’was last Tuesday appointed administratrix of the »1500 estateleft by Edna B. Pointer, for­ merly Edna -B. Doak, who died June », 194«. C. G. Caughell, L, L. Bonney and E. L. Anderson will ag- praise the estate. Garland Lillie was last Friday ap­ pointed administrator of the estate of Robert McGee, who died at North Bond Nov. 22. Roy Kaufman, Walter E. Butler and Fred Dobbyn wiU ap­ praise the estat« which is estimated to consist of »2,000 in real property and »010.83 in personal. W. A. Bean was on Tuesday ap- j pointed administrator of the estate i letf by Mabel L. Bean, who died I I Nov. 8. and W. T.‘ Alpine, Rdhdall ' I Johnson and Lester Clausen will ap- j I praise the estate. 4 * 1941 Dodge with four wheel drives-four speed tronsmissions-hydraulic brakes, etc. Excellent for converting to pickups and light trucks. for Especially desirable roustabout cars and Mulligan wagons in the woods. Southwestern Motors Coauftle CnquUld ' Pte» »3 rWO ~- — WWte k? 1 s\ I « Sd ,’ w A® '■ 1 &»■ F 7'Rt^ t r- <• ■ .'MTL *'* ' *? iCTj; ■f gaKR8'/ * W-- 5> $ ' :>>'. j- ri > ■ r -rJ,' |M4iL*LioMS of forward-looking men fwl and wom?n gre putting every possible dollar into war bonds and «► other savings for a very practical rea­ son: THEY WANT NEW HOMES! The building of farm ¿nd city homes will start as soon as lumber is released from military service. There will be no reconversion problem. The men and women who are today so valiantly fighting the war in the woods and sawmills will tomorrow be harvesting lumber for your new home—and for their own. Lay aside a “Home Nest Egg” Bond each month ... and »tart planning the particular home that will beat meet the need* of your family. Consult a retail . lumber dealer now I Every dollar invested in a War Bond now per­ forms double service. It will help to bring the war to an end; and it will also be a step ahead toward YOUR HOME! > * * 9 7.: • * •V;5 ■ « .'4 . . > ■ •«•.■> 1 A. ¿.j-45®"' «. -Lt J HWWte1' rtt jX S j Î â L." t ^A ! 'i t - ¿¡1 h 2« k J< ' *■’.'• I'M T m M ’• * ¿1 ■ -I t •* i X? Î-.J I • '«¿A S! I 1 ■H