.. ífeeC1 1 *4 ?■ **, j / y- I B FIOM HOMI M. 1M4. Made Al .field, »049,000;, Worth Bend. *949,000; Coquille, pas.eoo. The First .Nationar Bank hero, up to last Saturday night, had sold IBS,' OM worth and the Coquille post- office total sales up to Saturday noon were *14,408.7». , Delos Britton A Jap Victim In Sept. Coquille and southwestern Oregon, where he had spent practically all of h'ls life, was again stricken with grief last week when it was learned that Private First Class Delos A. Britton, U. 8. M. C. R„ was killed in action during the performance of his duties and in the service of his coun­ try on the 17th of September. The name of his ship or station cannot be reported but it was in the South Pacific, in the Palau Island section. Word came to his mother here, Mrs. Amy Britton, in a telegram from — 'w the Commandant of the Marine chairman nt Advancement. torpg Bt Washington, D. C. Australia And New Zealand New Forces In World Affairs Baby Escapes Death Tuesday Coquille Unit Red Cross Notes two Qntyiille Red Cross win most Prt- day, Dee. 1, from 1:80 to 4sM ». m. in Guild HaU to as*, knit, crochet, Richard Pointer Killed In Germany Mr. and Mr». Ralph Pointer ot Myrtle Point, who formerly lived in Coquille, received. word last week that their son. Private Richard •to- . ; Bd- M. S. Anthony Held The Jack Hunt Slightly Wounded In France ' fe iMi Dance Nets Shrine Hospital $650 I ui nnu j Hanwi, Morrieon end Liston Parish. The Shrine dance in the Coquille Community Building last Wednesday evening, the proceeds of which went to the Shrine Hospital for Crippled Children in Portland, was one of the largest held hM^Nnce last July 4th dances and the participants all en­ joyed a very splendid affair. The music was excellent and nothing happened to mar the serenity of the assembled dancers. The net proceeds transmitted Portland were slightly in excess »650..