; ■ ’ > '■ x.xx*,x... . ■■ i ■■ jfi — Early Christmas ; >. Mailing Imperative 17 Public response to the Port Office TWifnriti “Shop Now! Mali la November" 'campaign is good but needs to be bettor, according to Postmaster General Frank C. Walker. “Extraordinary wartime conditions / more people buy and mail thia month the Foetal service cannot do its job of delivering all Christmas gifts on J. G. time I; * Filin ... - - ’■ e > C IL BT1II s? •SITUATION IMPROVED, BUT tary staflte mtasts iMMbody1' or ghrts MMteW MMw St* àrf to w nr * Shellubrication, still your best bat to protect your oar against the ravages of wartime Stop :tod Go, provides the kind of Iw dhi id—H— > fow aa r mu mifam turer reco mm e nds . >■ But It goes further ! A special Shellubrication receipt reports on the oondition of many hid, don places where destructive wear can begin. Lot Shellubri- oation help protect your car. Historical Society ; Essay Contest Is On Th* Oww HMerisal Society has »elected "The Conitltuttonal Con- TWtJon ot U»r» aa the subject for the IMS Ci C. Beekman’ease/ ooB- L Shell