Howdy Folks it » i I for the beet Tn liability, or other 275 So. Hall, in phone *; been getting along nicely and. it was expected he could be brought home on Wednesday. < _____ Marilyn Shge, of Coquille, has been appointed to handle publicity tor the “Wtyakerino” to be held on the campus November 11. This is the annual Sophomore dance for which the men cease shaving a wopk or so before. Evening clothes consist of whiskers, blue jeans, plaid shirts. A prize is awarded to the most re- msrimbl* beard. M&W Auto Ser nia.- Sat. - Sun. X First Time at Popular Price Spectacle Bey EXTRA SPECIAL FEATURE Riley Roscoe Dykes paid *5.00, fine and costa, in Jtssttee Bull'» court on Monday tor. driving a car without having secured a driver’s license. ‘ ......... x ' Thanks By Keep- Oregon-Green Com. Memphis State Forester N. B. Bag the following letter to the fort* in Coos county to direct yo« here when be heads you a prescription. Os^ (use ask me aoigaborsl of a Fuhrman's pharmacy four dable there Cq, You U IJ ve a MS W. J. that the' enthusiasm tor the Keep Oregon Green program la real and sincere. Publicity material la seen In con- spicuous quantities in every city and town, at crossroads and country ■tores. Except for the sale of* war fonda, no drive haa ever received more unanimous public support than thia movement to reduce man-caused ftr*- _ . . _____r. - It is difficult to appraise the con­ tribution of any person or group Of persons in this fine work. However, no program of such magnitude could possibly be carried on without the fullest cooperation of the press. During the past fire season, Oregon newspapers carried more than 31,000 column inches of material. News stories alone accounted for more than 14,000 inches, and increased editorial comment was noted in almost every paper in the state. . On behalf of the executive com-, mil ...ittee of Keep Oregon Green and the State Board qtf Forestry, I want to etxend our sincere appreciation for the efforts made la'prevent fires. . (TH!JR, FRI. SAT. I JR RENT, — 3-room furnished house. Electric Range. MS 'ft. Fifth St. *20 per ;