The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, November 16, 1944, Image 1

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Red Devils To Ploy ...
At Medford Saturday „
Official i
For November 17
Teachers Conference
Mrs. J. Randleman,
Coos Pioneer For
tag I
- • •
waited on th*
try to
in the
the big
ed the
at the
J-___ I___
notes weanesaay
on Wednesday
The body at Mn. N. W
taken to Salem this m<
cremation. She passed at
Myrtle Point hoapital last
after being
According to word received from
Salinas, Calif., this week by Mrs.
Martha E. Mulkey, her son, Lieut. Mortuaries at two o'clock W<
Charles I. Mulkey was united in day afternoon. Mrs. Grace 1
marriage at Salinas last Sunday to
Miss Marjorie Hardenbrook of San
Jose, Calif., who formerly resided
here. She is the granddaughter of
S. S. Hardenbrook of Coquille. She
is a granduate of the Taft, Calif.,
high school and of the San Joae
Junior College.
Charles, who is a pilot in the
Army Air Forces, having enlisted In
February, 1043, graduated from Co­
quille High in May, 1M1, and later
attended Oregon State College for
two years Mrs. Don Farr is a sister
of the groom.
The future plans of the young
couple depend on what Uncle Sam
has for him to do.
Chas. Mulkey Weds
Miss Hardenbrook
Buy A TicketTo
The Shrine Dance
Dr. Strand,
of Oregon, according to
has adBed practically
sical properties of the college since
1M8 and he urged that citizens get
behind a movement in the legisla­
ture to aid not only the college but
the other Institutions of higher ed­
ucation as well.
This is Dr. Strand’s first Visit to Merchante* Meeting In Coos
this part ef the state and he ex- j
pressed a strong desire to return.
I Bay Set For Thia Evening
The Coquille Rod Devils won their' largely by the help of such affairs
Dr. Poling, at the piano, led in a! -------------------------
- ----- by
, the
— OJ».A.
Attention is sailed
Armistice Day football game with the as this and. contributions by those in-* series of songs by the club and put ' of all merchants interested in price
Myrtle Point Bobcats, up there, by a forested. One of the recent produc- a lot of his usual pep into the effort. 1 problems relating to toys, furniture,
larger score than they won by the era of funds was the paper drive in
A committee from the Lions club,1 apparel and machinery. A meeting
first time they met, the score Satur- Portland, which brought thousands of consisting of Geo. H. Jenkins, M. O. will be conducted by O. P. A. price
day being 30-0, but it was a'costly dollars to the hospital.
Hawkins and Wayne Smith, was * specialists dealing with the above
C.H.S. Won Final
fecence Game
. him out of the Medford game this
to, ' coming Saturday. Dave had been
| tackled and was down when another
player rushed in and jumped on him.
fracturing a process adjoining the
spinal, column.
Myrtle Point started off with a
on rush for the opening kick-off and
a_ fod the first quarter the hearts of
he Devils supporters were up in their
75 necks for several minutes as the
ier Bobcats, by reverses, round the ends,
and line plunges, carried the ball to
0» within five yards of the Coquille
by goal line. They were stopped cold at
27 that point, however, and did not
again seriously threaten, although
they shoWed a lot of fight and power
throughout the game.
The second quarter saw conditions
completely reversed, with Coquille
on the offensive throughout, and
De three touchdowns were scored before
nc the half time gun.
The most spectacular score was
ed that made by Boots, who intercepted
be a Myrtle Point pass and ratted,
in without any interference help from
(Continued oh
banquet for the High School football
team last evening.
The club voted to finance the trip
of the high school band to Medford
with the football team next Saturday.
Bob Greene reported on a recent
of meeting of the district scout council
to and stated that on account of there
being a number of vacancies in both
the other local scout troops that there
8:00 p. m. at the O. P. A. office in
the First National Bank Building.
Coos Bay. This is an opportunity
. the merchants of this area cannot
I afford to miss as it is very essentia!
that they have a clear understanding
of the regulations. Everyone is urged
1 to attend,
----------------- —
J p. W. Adams Wins Out
would be ne urgent necessity for the F
j s , Representative
Rotary club to sponsor a third troop
at present.
While Karl B. Steiner, of North
Two new members. Alton Grimes Bend' earned Coos county as a can-
Belle Knife Hospital
Mrs. Glenn Wolff, from Norway,
entered the hospital last Wednssday
for treatment. On Thursday Mrs.
Eva Cox, ef Sitkum, and Mrs. An­
drew Spurgeon, of Coeledo,
went major operations.
On Friday, Harry Collier,
Arago, entered for treatment of an
Infected leg and John Warner, of
Gaylord, entered for treatment.
Mrs. Jack Storms, ef Bandon, <
tered for treatment on Sunday,
did Rex Morgan, of Coquille on Mon­
Wesley Greer and his eon,
Glenn, both of Myrtle Point, sub-
mitted to major operations on Mdh-
Eddie Culver, an 11-year old
boy from Marshfield, underwent an
appendectomy on Monday.
Marcella, daughter of Mrs. Faye
Jeffries, of Coquille, submitted to s
major operation on Wednesday.
Dismissals the past week were
Cleo Willis last Friday, Claude
Below 32 Degrees
Mornings This Week
The thermometer has bean dowi
to K or a little lower the last throe
mornings, ice forming on bi
and unprotected earth spots,
with white frosts eJbry me
since Sunday.
Heavy morning
have also
been the usual thing since it started
raining last