THE COQUUXC VALUT ÜNOME, age eight F OREGON, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 6, 1»44 * Personal Mention Red Devils Win From Pirates 20-6 (Continued from Page One) Mrs. Jean Laird Bryan is expected home in a couple of weeks from Florida, where she is viistlng Mrs. Jack Laird, the former Gretchen Clinton, .at Pensacola, Florida. Jack is expecting a transfer soon and whether Gretchen can accompany him to his uew_ station Is something on which they have not yet been in­ formed. Mr. and Mrs. Cytf Yarbrough re­ ceived a wire Wednesday morning from their daughter, Dorothea, that she had reached Chicago on her way to an Atlantic port to board the U.S.S. Hunter for. her overseas trip with the WAVE platoon of which she is a member.. I curred when a Pirate was so jostled that the ball flew from his arm» and was caught by Jim Kimsey, who ran away from the field, from about Marshfield’s 40-yard line, and scored without a hand being laid upon him. The Red Devils then bucked it over for the extra point, making it 13-6, and the crowd began to feel better, a» did also Spike Leslie. The last touchdown cyme late in the game. Dave Kline, who had been out for more than «quarter after a leg "bruise in thg first quarter, made a 16-yard gain, Hurst followed with a 30-yard run around end, and fol­ lowed that with another 10 or 13 yard run for the third touch­ down. The extra point was made and the game ended shortly there­ after with the Devils winding their . fifths straight game, 20-6... There were at least a thousand 'spectators at the game an<| except ¡for the Marshfield adherents, the crowd chedlbd wildly »t thig exhi­ bition of power And deception .which the Red Devil» showed.' The band, the baton twlrlers and the majorette gave a very entertain- American Income Rise» One Ceni; Living Coat» Also Up Cent Over 1943 ing IS minutes of music and march­ ing between halves and did them- seives proud. The Myrtle Point Bobcats de feated the North -Bend Bulldogs last Saturday, 13 to 6. Sgt. John H. Shull Awarded * Good Conduct Medal Technical Sergeant John H. Shull, 32, of (NBA), Coquille, Oregon, has been awarded the Good Conduct Medal, it has been announced by the Fifteenth Army Air Force. In the words of the citation which accompanied the award, Sgt. Shull’s work has “demonstrated fidelity through faithful and exact per­ formance ot duty, efficiency through capacity to produce desired results. It also mentions that his “behavior has been such as'' to deserve emula­ tion." i Sgt. Shull is stationed in Italy with a 15th AAF Liberator bombard­ ment groqp. He 18 a member of a veteran group which has completed over 100 missions against strategic targets In the network of Germ in industrial, rail and oil centers throughout southern Europe and the Balkans. Serving as an aifpTrme mechanic specialist, Sgt. Shull entered the ser­ vice Septetmber 5, 1042. He at- t hilarious sequence of events. The comedy highlights occur when Casano,va’s cigarette is the cause of the destruction of his parents-in-law mansion, the scenes In the maternity hospital and in the hotef room where Casanova wrestles with the problems Starring Gary Cooper and Teresa Wright, “Casanova Brown,” was of formulas, diapers, and baby burps. Gary Cooper has one of the droll­ built primarily for laughs. . Gary Cooper's role is that of Cas­ est parts of his career and Teresa TIMBER WANTED anova Brown, a literary professor, Wright is helpful as .the child’s WANTED—Fir and Cedar Piling, all who, on the eve of his marriage to mother. Frank Morgan has a char­ sizes. Quote f.o.b. shipping point, Madge Ferris learns that he is the acteristic role as Mrs. Ferris, with earliest shipment. Niedermeyer- father of u child born to Isabel Drury Isobel Elsom as his domineering wife. Martin Co., Portland, Oregon. 42t3s (Trtesa Wright) after her parents Anita Louise is Madge Ferris, the had had his previous marriage to her girl who nearly marries Casanova. Isabel's parents are respectively I and Paper annulled. Richardson Si When he learns that Isabel is of­ played by Patricia Collinge and Ed­ ry. It* fering the child for adoption, he mund Breon. Mary Treen is Moni­ takes the baby from a maternity hos- ca, —. the — chambermaid. ------- - ------- pital and hurries to a cheap Chicago | Nunnally Johnson produced and hotel. Fearing aunrehensinn apprehension ;md and the wrote the screenplay, while Sam possibility of having the; baby taken Wood, credited with seven Academy Beulah Chapter, No. 6, O. E. S., ¡away from him, he seeks to make Award nominations, directed. Reac- is holding a public Card Party in j his position more secure by provid­ 1 lions of critics and commentators Masonic Temple, Friday evening, ing the baby with a mother, and pro- point to “Casanova Brown” as being Nov. 3, at eight o’clock, The public : poses marriage to the chambermaid, one of the great comedy hits of the is invited. Bridge, Pinochle and Con­ i Monica. She accepts and they visit season. It was produced by Inter- i national Pictures for RKO Radio re- tract Rummy will be played. Tickets I the Marriage License Bureau. 40c per person, including tax. It The climax comes when he is I traced to the hotel and confronted by We have Silver Identification Anyone finding bill fold around {Madge and Isabel and their parents, Liberty Theatre last week please re­ ' to say nothing of Monica. From this Bracelets for Men, at good variety. We turn to owner, whose name is in the ‘ apparently hopeless situation he also repair Alarm Clocks. Schroeder ’ tie purse, and receive reward. It* manage! to extricate himself iri~a’ Jewelry. ! tended the air force airplane me­ chanics school at Keesler Field, Miss., and the B-24 Factory School at Willow Run, Mich. He was formerly a shipyard construction worker pri­ or to entering the «service. Gary Cooper In ^'Casanova Brown" At Roxy Thur.-Sat. Friday, Saturday, Sunday THE SCREEN BLAZES AGAIN WITH A THOUSAND TRUE THRILLS! PURCHASING POWER: JULY 1943vs JULY 194 4 Beulah Chapter, No. 6, O. E. S., is holding a public Card Party in Masonic Temple, Friday evening, Nov. 3, at eight o'clock. The public is invited. Bridge, Pinochle and Con- . tract Rummy will be- played. Tickets { 40c per person, including tax. it Th« Past Noble Grand Club will meet at the home ot Mrs. T. S. Stev­ ens Friday evening, November 3. B. P. W. To Discuss Ballot Measures Monday Night Mrs. Bertha J. Smith, chairman of the Legislation committee of the club, will ye in charge of the program at the regular meeting of the Coquille B.&, which will be held in Guild's Hall next Monday evening, Nov. 6. All members are urged to attend and hear the discussion on legislative matters which will be up to the voters for a decision the next day. '•»HE above chart, showing how k the average American fared in national income changes in the test twelve months, la based on the monthly consumers' study of In- Fees Paid Into County Clerk’s Office In October *A total of »1288.60 was paid into County Clerk Oddy’s office in fees during the month of October. For recording «564.10 was paid, for cir­ cuit court «435, for probate and county «138, for marriage licenses »84, and for miscellaneous items »87.50. _ FOUfifK-Roli of Films, exposed and ready for development, at corner Tenth and Coulter. Owner can se­ cure them from Mrs. Vance Rus­ sell, 7SS North Heath, evenings and by paying 3l>c for this adv. It* POPEYE CARTOON ANV%™OBUS LATEST NEWS EVENTS MATINEE SATURDAY (THUR,- FRL SAT The Greatest Romantic Comedy of All Tone I The star*...the band» a»they ★ GEBRBE Bin ★ 1ER A ZORINA ★ Siin£W ★ BISON WELLES’ ¿sag Gary COOPER Teresa WRIGHT I “Casanova 4 - ®rown W090 ” *3 fall Morglfl • NEWS . SPORTLIGHT Trail Breakers fiiitctii by SAM a NIINNAILÏ JOHNSON gw. ' ? Aliti laiisi Latest News Comedy ADMISSION 16c - 40c MATINEE SUNDAY LATEST NEWS Matinee 18c - 40c Evenings 16c - 55c