<- . . V ‘. ' * T' ■ ■ > ’• ' i 4 4 »AGE SIX w* .4 i Pioneer Methodist Church FOR SALE—Rabbits. 3 does and one TAKEN UP—Stray Goat at 495 No. CbrdjM Thanks St. James’ Episcopal Church Schroeder St. Owner please call Rev. Chas. Goodwin Brown, Pastor buck. Inquire at Ulett Apt. No. 2. To the many kind and thoughtful Corner K. 3rd A Elliott Sts. for her and *pay Mpunts for this people of Coquille we want to thank One doe htjs 8 little bunnies and 9:45 Sunday Schoo! hour. The em­ The Rev. Robert L. Greene, Vicar One Cent a Ward Each Insert!«« adv. Frank G. Wihon. it* each anu every one of you for your phasis is on God’s Word, 2 Timothy JP on« is bred. . It* Sunday: N« Adv, lem than 25 cento ------------------ * generous gifts, kind messages and 2:1». Holy Communion (2nd, 8:00 a. m. ATTENTION«— Prospective'made- FOR SALE—Plywood Top for half 11:00 Sunday morning worship offers of help. WATER WELL Drilling — Fred C 4th and 5th Sundays). ton Pick-up. Se« Guy Tennant, to-order Suit buyers. You can hour.' Beginning the second week of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. A. Hannon Lee, 507 Clark St., North Bend, Church School. 9:45 a. m. McKintey. Jt* now order your made-to-measure and son, Francis,. Oregon. Phone 5412. 11:00 a. m. Nursery and Kindergar- our Spiritual Lite services. Special suit trousers with larger bottoms; Anyone finding bill fold around music. : ten. also pleats. Call 232J after 4 p. m. atte M Ti - UN LUMBER COM- NOTICE TO CREDITORS 7:45 Each evening this week, ex­ Liberty Theatre last week please re­ 11:00 Morning Prayer with Sermon: or see me at Ulett Apt. No. 1 PANICS I AND LOGGING COM- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ' (1st and 3rd Sundays—Holy Com­ cept Saturday evening, Spiritual Life turn to owner, whose name is in th« after 5:30 p. m. Let me show you the undersigned ha» been duly ap­ ; PANIE8: services. Rev. Prank E. Brown, will purse, and receive reward. it* pointed Administrator of the estate munion ) my complete line of later styles One of Klamath Falls’ largest lum­ bring the messages. of GERTRUDE M FRASER, De ­ 5:00 p. m. High School Young Peo- and fabrics. Louis Frenier. It* FOR RENT — Furnished 3-room ber companies has discontinued - There is no great success without ceased, and that all persons having 'ple. Apartment. Good residential sec­ claims against said estate, should operations because of lack of tim­ MINERALS—Phenothiazine Insecti­ some honest effort. We do not enter Tuesday ber. Five 1940 Mack Heavy Duty tlon; close in, newly redecorated; present the same, duly verified and cides. Rural Watkins Dealer. J. V. 8:00 p. m. Altar Guild (2nd Tues- into the possession of great spiritual reasonably priced. Logging Trucks, four with chain Se« B. W. with proper vouchers therefor, to values without some effort to possess. Sims, 851 N. Coulftr St., Coquille. th« undersigned at the law office ay). drives. Five 1940 Page and Page Dunn, 261 South Heath, phone 56J. of HARRY A. SLACK, First Nat l. Phone 288J. 43t4*s 8:00 p. m. Shortened Evening Bank Bldg., Coquille, Oregon, within 18,000 pound dual axle Logging Ito Emmanuel Baptist Church six months from the date of this Prayer with Instruction for Adults. Trailers. . Truck» and Trailers PRE-PASTED WALL PAPER—No notice. (4th Tuesday.) Rev. Menno D. Rempel. Pastor with 9.75x20 tires for sale at paste to mesa with, just wet the SEPTIC TANKS — Just received a IMted, and first published: Octo- Wednesday shipment A metal tanks. FARR A paper and smooth it on. Easy to 9:45, Sunday School, Note the O.P.A. “As Is” ceiling price. ’ 'C hillis k . perkins , 10:00 a. m. Holy Communion. ELWOOD. Mechanically the trucks are ex­ use, economical. FARR A EL­ opening time is changed to 9:45 in- 2:30 p. m. St. James’ Guild. Administrator of said estate. cellent; cabs are rough; the trail­ stead of 10:00 as before. The Junior WQOD. ARC or ACETYLENE Welding, any 38t5 8:00 p. m. Evening Guild (1st and ers are in exceptionally good con­ 'Choir sings. NOTICE TO CREDITORS time, anywherfe, day or night. 3rd Wednesdays). NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That dition. Tires on trucks and trail­ SOMETHING NEW — Milking 11:00, Morning service. Sermon by Prince Auto Electric, 290 North Machines. Vacuum Pump«, the undersigned has been duly ap­ Thursday ers are approximately 85 per cent Pastor. "The Doom of the Unre- Taylor, Coquille, Phone 174M. tfs pointed* by the County Court of 8:00 p. m. Bishop’s Committee (3rd Hand ana all-electric Separa­ new. “As Is" ceiling price on penting." Communion service and Coo« County, Oregon, as Executor of Thursday), " , tors, will soon be in stock. WASHING MACHINE REPAIR—We the Estate of William Thomas Brady, truck and trailer to aproximately Baptismal service. Eaton's Feed Store, Ctoquille; s service all makes of waaners. Deceased, and has duly qualified as I 7:00, Young People's meeting. 84100.00. Christian Church 385 ■'West IM. Washer Service Co. Also for sale-one 1942 Ford School HEADQUARTERS for crown Dairy , 8:00, evening service. Sermon by NOW THEREFORE, all persons Front St. Phone 17. tfs having claims against said Estate are East 4th A Coulter Bus Chassis with Superior School Pastor, “The Thr»e Steps in Our and Poultry Feeds at Pacific Feea Liston. Parrish, Pastor Redemption.” The men’s chorus and bus body. A Seed Co. tie BARB WIRE—Heavy gauge two- hereby notified and required to pre­ i te . - sent the same, together with proper , Thursday '7:30, Bible study and young people’s choir sing. You are Wire or call Vern Moore, Balsiger point. FARR A ELWOOD. vouchers 'therefor, to the under­ prayer meeting. We will discuss welcome to worship with us. Motor Company, Klamath Falls. ARE YOU BUTCHERING? We have sign«! at the office of J. Arthur Berg Smoked lalt. Sausage seasoning, FOR SALE— Sugar Sacks, 12 Oregon. 41t2s Tuesday: Men's chorus at 7:30 cents at Coquille, Oregon, within six Matt« 5 this week. Tenderquick, Liquid smoke, Salt. • ■ : Dioic Bible ocnuui School u.Td, 9:45, Martha mai vua mumc/, Mulkey. and church choir at 8:15. each. Apply at Cranberry Can- month« from the date hereof. FISHING TACKLE-rNew shipment Kegs, Crocks, Butchering knives. ners, opposite depot. ’ t, , its i944Uted thiS 28th day OÍ S*pt*mber, superintendent. Wednesday, Cub Troop at 4:00 p. m. just received which includes many J. H. McCloskey, L Wor“h‘« «:<» «»W*- High school boys meet at 7:00 p. m. Meat pumps, FREE instruction items you have been looking for. WANTED—Child1» pre-war Wagon, 37t5 books FARR A ELWOOD. Executor of said Estate. Lorcr8 Supper, special muaic. The Thursday, Prayer meeting at 7:30, ’ J. A. LAMB COMPANY. s in good condition. Writ« Mra. Ray ~—————— ■ ■-------- I pastor will continue the series on welcome. Junior choir and young , L - ... - ---- ------ -- -- 81 FOR MONUMENTS Reilly, Box 37, Arago, Oregon, it*» NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT the Christian and Social Institutions. people’s choir at 7:00 p. m. This FOR SALE—6-room House and bath ’ Cement Grave Cover or Border. ^ Message, “The Ohristian and His time, to practice for program. at 590 East Ninth, Coquille. Write Also Cement Building Blocks. Phone FRU^T TREES — Place your order undersigned has filed his first and •Friday, church program hy our Donald Burch at Powers, or see 123L. John S. Sanders, 541 West 6th, now. FARR A ELWOOD. Final Account in the matter of the Govt." _____ _______________ and Young People’s administraron at the Estate Intermediate of Jesse group at Langlois. Mr. Carlllle at 442 North Collier, Coquille, Oregon. s FOR BALE—A 25-acre dairy, 'all L Jernes,* deceased; and” that’ the C. E„ 6:30. Coquille. ♦ 42t2*s ......... > stock and machinery. Accept all County Court oFthé State of Ore- : .. Evening service, 7:30. FOR PLUMBING repairs and Ser­ Th« N Naaarene Church Of Tha WALLBOARDS—Canec 4x8 sheets, cash or on reasonable terms. ?eCiter 2^Oi94Í°altnt^é hour ^‘10*00 I Wednesday 7:30, Choir Practice. vice-call 2-L. J. A. LAMB COM­ Ninth and Heath primed one side, ideal for refin­ Price 87,000.00. Laura A. Hamil­ A, M. as the time, and the County i PANY. s Rev. V. W. Anglin, Pastor z ishing old walls. FARR A EL­ ton, McKinley Star Rt„ Coquille, Court Room in the County Court The Assembly of God The Sunday School hour is at 9:45 GOOD SERVICE makes Good In­ WOOD. Oregon. 42tfs Houae at Coquille, Oregon, at the i Second and Heath Sta. place, for hearing objections to said! ». a. IT). m. • surance I give service. - F. R. L. C. Persing, Pastor Final Account and the settlement ofj WILL Keep little girls at my home, Morning worship is at the eleven Bull. s WE PAY CASH FOR WOOL—MO­ said estate. J Sunday: 1 daytime, while mothers are work­ HAIR—HIDES. Fhrr A Elwood. I 9:45 An hour in the study of the I hour usual time with the Pastor M. R. Kennedy, ing. Mrs. A. F. yVilson, 168 Sher­ FOR RENT—2-room Apt.,'new paint; 40t5* Administrator of said estate. Bible that will profit young and oW preaching od the subject of the water furnished. 3-room Apt., ! liAnlillaa ik«» 4T T wood Ave., Coqullldi ’• lt*s beauties of the Lord Jesus Christ OS as i for time and eternity. There is a new paint and paper; het water portrayed through His 'righteous class for every age. Mrs. Charles DRIVE IN and let us inspect your and bath. Quiet. No pets. In­ f ones. •fe. Byrd, Superintendent. tires for hidden defects before you quire 351 So. Henry St. Flora E FOB FISCAL YEAB JULY 1, 1M3, to JUNE 30, 1944 Evening service hour is 7:30 when 11:00 Morning worship; "Man shall take that trip. This service is free Dunne. To the Honorable Mayor and Common Council the pastor will give a report of the not live by bread alone— and may save you trouble and ex­ of the City of Coquille, Oregon. I 6:30 Christ Ambassadors service; Pastors conference at Nelscott Thurs­ » # '* pense away from home. Thornton FOR RENT—Furnished Cottages with Gentlemen: ‘Submitted herewith for your consideration is my annual report cov- Mary Lou Newton, president You day and Friday of this week. Praise shower baths and wash room. Tire Service. tfs P** and dlabur*en’ents for theflscal year July 1, 1943/to June will enjoy the service of the Young service and pastor preaching. Lights and water paid Reasonable Ju, Wednesday night at 7:30 is mid­ - FARM MACHINERY has been re­ rent. 9431k North Coulter St. tfs People. D . GENERAL FUND leased for sale without certificates. week prayer meeting. < I 7:30 Evening evangelistic service. 811,674.19 / Special Tajik ..._................ .37'" However,, new farm machines will For Refrigeration Service phone 6/80/44 Special prayer service Friday 35,942.83 There is a message in every song shop, 1MJ; write Bex 387, Co­ Road Taxes ................ ................... ... 1,704.91 still be manufactured in limited morning at ten at the parsonage. sung and from the Word of God for State Street Taxes .... ........ .................... ... 4,569.42 quille. “If Available, well get quantities; therefore all those who you. Mt. States Power Co, 2% Gross sales ... 1,499.32 want new machines next year it” Garnier’s Refrigeration Firat Church of Christ, Scientist First Fines .................................. ............. Monday: 671.00 Service. 1 27tfs should place orders now for Mc­ Licenses . ............ . ........ ............. ... 943.75 Coquille, Oregon Fellowship of the coast counties Ceqaille, |) . Building Permits ________ _ ___ Cormick Deering farm machines. ... - 65.75 WANTED TO BUY—Old noraes, cows ' meet her*. Sunday School at 8:80 9:30 a. m. Liquor Taxes .............. .. ...... . .............. ... 2,469.28 —J. A. LAMB COMPANY. s 2:30 Pastor Paul Peterson of North and calves for Mink feed. B. T. Rentals .......... . ............. ..... ..................... Sunday Service at 11 a. m. 90.00 Payments On Real property contracts ... 4,144.00 Hepler, Bullards route. Phone Bend will speak. , DRAIN TILE—Orangeburg perfor­ Subject for next Sunday, “Adam Interest thereon ..._.................. ......... .. .. *89.99 6:30 Is an informal Christ Am­ and Fallen Man.” 9R5, Coquille. at Jan. 11,45 ated fibre pipe is best for any use Collections on Unbonded liens .......... ... 3,142.10 bassadors service. Rev. William where clay drain tile can be used. Wednsaday evening meeting at St 8:00 Wednesday Interest thereon ............... . ........ . ........ 2,031.77 WATER SYSTEMS—We stock both j Hageman of Portland, the state pres- o’clock. Rural Fire calls ...... . ......... . ....... ......... FARR A ELWOOD. 100.00 Deep and Shallow Well. Automatic Sale of Raincoats .......... . ................. 67.00 | ident of the Young People, will speak. Free public Reading Room at 239 Water Systems; also Rotary and Recovery on destroyed mattress .............. FOR SALE—House, four rooms and 14.50 i All are invited to this service but W. Second, Roxy Bldg., open every Refund from State Highway Commission 78.99 Centrifugal Pumps. J. A. LAMB bath, and two unfinsbed rooms up­ , especially the young people. day except Sunday and holidays from Gas Tax refund .......... . ................ ............... 90.00 COMPANY. a stairs, at 508 North Henry, ' Co­ Miscellaneous .......... ............ ............ .... . ..... 7:30 Rally service for the Christ 1:30 to 5:00 p. m. 37.60 quille. See Mrs. Ivan Robison at Re-lmbursement on taxes paid . .............. 78.66 Ambassadors, there will be special If you will NEED IRRIGATION By Warrants Redeemed ...... -......... that address. lt*s » 37,796.84 music and Rev. Wm. Hageman will EQUIPMENT in 1945—Order now Transfer to Com. Bldg. Fund ......... j.......... ' 2 500 00 u