Bare Facts From BearCreek A. C. Schultz • WoMtag Gilmore Service Station Southside Faont Rf. at Willard Coquille, Oregon J. w. H1LDENBRAND REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER Fred W. Adams Republican Candidate — for - "KEEP CORDON COOS-CURRY COUNTY ON THE JOB* SAYS FORMER GOVERNOR CHARLES A. SPRAGUE SENATOR CORDON Charles A. Sprague, the man who ran against Senator * Play Safe--Beware of Egg Robbers Cordon in the May primaries wholeheartedly endorsee . Cordon’s candidacy to succeed himself on November 7 By his deeds since being appointed U.S. Senator * Comes mixed, reedy to use. Inexpensive, dime's worth cdvers more tbmt ISO sg. ft. by Governor Earl Snell. Senator Cordon has won the approval of the whole state. methods Again I Beulah Chapter, No. 6, is holding a public Card Party in Masonic Temple, Friday evening, Nov. 1, at eight o’clock, The public is invited. Bridge, Pinochle and Con­ tract Rummy will be played. Tickets 40c per person, including tax. It HEM u.s. senator K m GUY CORDON KH VOTE FOR ciuui a. gpMMC Rd AO» C»*" ft tenoto. Cemmtwe. Imptnol Hot««. Rortlond. Or* L - . ■