F »■ PAGE THREE ■» -■ ì ASaperb Bombing Job Phil Alborn, Army Air Corps, Visiting Parents This Week filed by him on the 2nd day of Octo- owners thereof, and you debarred Judge of the Circuit Court of Coos ber, 1044, and that the first meeting from asserting any claim whatsoever County, Oregon, made, dated and of his creditors will be held at City in said premises, advene to the plain- entered on October 31st, 1844, and Hall in Coquille, Oregon, on the 14th tiffs, and for such other and further which order requires that the date Phil Alborn, son of Mr. and Mr*. , NOTICE TO CE EWT0 |M . . . . day _ _ ____ relief as to equity, shall seem meet. of November, 1044, at 10 O'clock of the first publication of said Sum­ Evan Alborn, is spending a week __________ ______________ NOTICE IS _ HEREBY GIVEN, _____ That | in i_ the ♦»._ forenoon, •———, at -* which —«-•-y- place an3 ' I The grounds upon which said re­ mons shall be November 2nd, 1844, Received by friend* here i* * copy visiting them here, he having arrived the undersigned has been duly ap- time th* said creditors may attend, lief , is Uoed in said Complaint te the date of the last publication there­ of the Dtetlngutehed Unit Citation Sunday morning and being due to the County Court of prove their claims, appoint a trustee,: that you claim or assert an interest awarded the 459|h Bombing Squad­ rennet haek tn th. quwkt«.. Air Tteu. Cou* Couniy. Oregon, as Executrix of appoint a creditors committee, ex- in said premises adverse to plain- of being Thursday, November 30th. 1944. ron in Italy, which waa delivered by . th® E,tate °t Fred C. Hudson, de­ amine the bankrupt, and transact tiffs. F. E. McCRACKEN, an Saturday. Phil has been in the ceased, and has duly qualified as Major General Nathan C Twinins rnu nas Deen in me cease such other business as may properly This Summons is served upon you Attorney for Plaintiff, come before said meeting. A Coquille boy, Alr Corpa alnc« March 11 by publication thereof in the Co­ ■ prior ruri/xi» trv bvari Kmmm a civilian nm. NOW, THEREFORE, all persons Dated November 2, 1944 Residence and P. O. Address quille Valley Sentinel, Dursuant to an to that that had been a em .1 ­ Paul Harmon,' aon of Mr. and Mr*. having claims against said estate are C. L. HAMILTON, order of the Hon. Dal M. King, 42t5 * Coquille, Oregon. ployee in the Navy Yard* at Pearl hereby notifies and required to pre­ » Referee in Bankruptcy. S. A. Harmon, ia a member of that Harbor. sent the same, together with proper squadron. Th* citation reads: Before coming to Coquille he had vouchers therefor, to the undersigned, IN THE ORCUIT COURT O* THE ? MM visited friend* and relatives in at the office of J. Arthur Berg, STATE OF OREGON, FOR THE Coquille, Oregon, within six months From General Order No. 3038, COUNTY OF COOS Bremerton and Seattle, and was ac-. from the date hereof. Sept. 2: Nelson and Cecil Nelson, hus- comanied here by hte sister, Betty Dated tills 2nd day of November, Dave husband and wife. Plaintiffs. “fof outstanding performance uf (May, who 1* employed in an office 1944. —vs— \ duty in armed conflict with the en­ Laura Hudson. N. L. Western, and his wife, Jane ¡at the Puget Sound Navy yard*. She 42t6 Executrix. emy ... the 459th Bombardment Doe Western, if Re has a wife, true ; also has a week to visit with her Group was notified to prepare max­ name unknown, and all other per­ NOTICB TO CREmTORS j parents. . sons unknown, claiming any in­ imum number of aircraft for a mi*- j _ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That terest 'in or io the real estate ston against th* Bud Voslau Airfield j., , „ - . . the undersigned has been duly ap­ described in Oomplaint, and asaembly plant in Austria. Th* I*4*“** pointed by the County Court of . . Defendants. « ♦ . * Coos County, Oregon, as the Admin­ initial purpose at this mission was To Havc 30 Day® At Home Tires worn to the fabric will never be strong, safe istrator of the Partnership Estate of to destroy this target of primary im- I Jack Clinton, Naval lieutenant To N. L. Western, his wife, and al! Jr. Fred C. Hudson and Wm. H. Barrow, persons recapa. Tires worn smooth . . . then recapped with unknown, defendant*: * portance to the Luftwaffe, which; grade, wrote his parent* here, Mr. partners, doing business as Barrow IN THE NAME OF THE STATE famous Goodyear Extra-Mileage method of recapping waa capable of assembling approxi- ! and Mr*. Theo L. Clinton, on Oct. 10, Drug Co., and has duly qualified ** I OF OREGON) You ore hereby nf- such: ... will give you thousands of safe miles at war-time now THirii fitoru ! ail navcrirf; QLiired to uppc&r find finswipr the com- mutely 100 aircraft per month. . . jjrom somewhere in the South Pa- having claims again Aid este^r. D«:«nbppiy to vital Operation . . . assuming the lead at toe i n«l of that time it will be at M n,lhe Court for relief prayed for in of the entire wing formation . . .inter- ' Newport, Rhode Island, Wm. H. Barrow, their complaint, to-wit: WE ÍRE ÄH OFFICIAL TIRE INSPECTION STATION 42t5 cepted by large formations of enemy ! k ■_-------- ;-------------- Adminietratar | por a decree quieting title in and I to the following described piece or aircraft while approaching the target. Francis Keltner Home On IN BANKRUPTCY I' , ------ Coun­ In the Dtetrlet Court of the United parcel Parce* of land situated in the Coun- their group was »frwtod * 35-Day Úsve From Navy ty of Coos, State of Oregon, to-wit: Statea for the Dtetrlet of Oregon * ” “ ““ desperate effort to drive the bombers; ‘ Beginning at a point 230 feet Against In the Matter of Oscar Walter from their objective. Against U-' ag-: Francis T. Keltner, EMl/c, ar- East of an iron pipe on the West Pa- Dulaney, Bankrupt. __ ___ rived thia week from the South line of Sec. 31, Twp. 27 South, gressive and persistent enemy fight- B 28402 ¿a though an Range-12 W. W. M„ 1070.48 er* heavy . . . . through an toto^Anage intense btorage v,, w m Mrs. —? C. .— A. ««= Kelt- —— To the creditors of Oscar W a It er of and accurate antl-XaR hi. "; paints, Mr. « and feet Northerly of southwest cor­ Dulaney, of Myrtle Poipt, _ in the __ ner of said Sec. 31; running fire, they battled their way through ner’ al Ara0°- He lu,s ,la(l 29 months County of Coos and district afore­ thence North 04 feet; thence heavy enemy opposition to deliver .«* aervlce the Navy, 20 of which said, a bankrupt: | East 45 feet; thence South 94 Notice is hereby given that said feet; thence West 45 feet to a devastating blow to this important were on ** duty on a P C in th® Oscar Walter Dulaney has been duly enemy aircraft factory and surround- Atlantic, the Caribbean and South adjudged a bankrupt on a petition ' place of beginning. be adjudged the Ing installation. Through their con- I’*0**10- At the end of his leave he centrated efforts the target was com-iwU1 enl,r the •dvanced electrical i i,,« pletely obliterated by one of the i •cho°1 ■* Farragut, Idaho. moat successful bombings expert- I He aPPr«c‘ate* being back on enced in the Mediterranean theatre American soil and thinks there is no of operation*. The large productive P*ace hi the world like the old output of enemy aircraft in the vi- , s- A’’ Particularly lht‘ Pacific tai manufacturing center was cut at Northwest, its source, thus effectively and serl- | oúaly crippling enemy operational Jim Howe Finishes Radio efficiency at a time of great impor- ' Mechanics Course In Wisconsin tance. Pvt. Jas. R. Howe, son of Mr. and “The 450th Bombardment Group Mrs. Geo. B. Howe, finished his has rendered an invaluable contribu­ course of radio mechanics at Madi­ tion to the war effort, thereby re­ son, W1S., last week and sent his * .LL ¿..i flecting grea) credit upon them­ parents word that he is now “ a full ■—>ry New selves* and the Armed Forces of the fledged radio mechanic." He has tTnlted States of America." been sent now to Chanute, Ills., for Looking for Money-Savers? This was given during the cere­ a course in electronics and when that monies attending the formal award Check these typical money-saving is finished expects to be transferred to the Grpup of the - Distinguished to Florida for radar training. values! Unit Citation. Southwestern Motors Introductory Special! Bud Fraedrick Injured On One Of The Pacific Islands Cpl. Lyman Starrett Te Attend Mechanized School Word was received here this week that Lyman Starrett has been pro­ moted to Corpdral and will now at­ tend a mechanized school at Fort SIU, Okla. Cpl. Starrett received hi« basic training at Camp Roberts, Calif., and was then transferred to Fort Robinson, Ark. His wife, who has accompanied him, writes that they enjoy army life very much but both will be glad to get home again. Iti the meantime the Sentinel is reslly s letter from home. Ray Kirkendall Now On Shore Duty At Alameda TÖÄa« £ Corporal Don Chase, 23, son of ■ Mrs. Gena Chase of Coquille, is an ¡Serial engineer and waist gunner on a B-24 heavy bombardment crew now in its final stage of training at the Army Air Field, Casper, Wyo. Following completion of his train­ ing, he and his crew will be sent overseas to a combat where they will help take up the fight against the enemy. Beulah Chapter, No. 8, O. E. S„ is holding a public Card Party in Masonic Temple, Friday evening, Nov. 3, at eight o’clock. The public is invited. Bridge, Pinochle and Con­ tract Rummy will be piayed. Tickets ‘40c per person, including tax. It the Matter of Harris Martin- Bankrupt. B 28218 the _ creditors ■My__ ___ -... of Harris Martin- S 0r non-drying n > • 4t velvety smooth X ♦ worm in color A T »croons minor skin blemishes in 6 ftattering shade« Barrow Drug Co. Finest quality Mend—delieioas aad satisfying. ¡date, of Coquille, in the County of Coos, and district aforesaid a bank- ' rupt: Notice is hereby given that said . Harris Martindale has been duly 'adjudged a bankrupt on a petition i filed by him on th* 25th day of ' March, 1944, and that the first meet- ! ing of his creditors will be held, at City Hall In Coquille, Oregon on the 114th day of November, 1944, at 10 • O’clock in the forenoon, at which I place and time the said creditors may ‘attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and : transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. I Dated November 2, 184' __________ c. L. ham 1ILTON, : I - - - jn — * Referee Bankruptcy. NIBLET CORN 2ibjar49e Del Matee 12 ee. can iW*’ Serve the best—and eave! lZLr HEINZ BEANS Whole Bean Coffee Natural goodne* protected in the whole bean. EDWARDS 25c Vegetarian 17% m . Jpr RIPE OLIVES IQr Libby select HILLS &M. J. B Pint Jar 1 KRAFT CHEESE GOLDEN WEST TTZ 32c Relish Pimiento 5 es. | y _ Olive-Pimiento <3 pte.ljlM. 1 " * 2 6-oz. | C - Van Cansa’« Macaron! pkn. ’ ** TENDERONI • Which do You prefer? Dollar Size or Cowboy Style? (Answer in 25 weeks) Wilfred Wasaon, Home Last Week, la Now In Florida Ray Klrkendell, BM2/C, who ha* seen considerable action in the South Pacific, has now been given shore duty at the Naval Air Base at Ala­ meda, Calif. He and Mn. Kirkendall have an apartment in San Francisco. > Ray was in the South Pacifié for 30 Corporal Don Chase Nearing month*. Completion Of Training Course ” EDWARD'S COFFEE R. L. Medley has received a letter from his nephew, “Bud" Fraedrick, grandson of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Fraedrick who formerly resided here and the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ever­ ett Fraedrick who now live at Pros­ pect, that he was with the Marines in the battle on Palau Island and that for three days it was extremely strenuous. He received a shrapnel wound in the leg and is in a hospital somewhere in the Pacific theatre. Wilfred C. Wasaon, who was at home last week viistlng his parents, after his graduation from lhe Army Air Base at Kingman, ArizM left ¡Friday for Tampa, Florida, where he | is now stationed with the 3d Re­ placement Depot. New 2-lb. Vacuum Jar! $3375.00 SUZANNA PANCAKE CONTEST! 107 CASH FRIZZES—Entry Blanks l¥«lb. pkg. SUZANNNA Or and nfiez at SAFEWAY! Pancake Flour ■ KARO SIRUP BLUE LABEL 1% Lb, Glass « £ f--------------------------- 13C Marmalade Tibbetts Brook DUCHESSSALAD DRESSI NG /---------------------------------------- , INSTANT POSTUM 8 os. pkg. 42c 59c BORDEN'S HEMO Lb. Jar CANTERBURY TEA % lb. 22c % lb. 43c Grapefruit Jce, Town House No. 2 can 13c BLENDED JUICE, Adams No. 2 can ,.18e PRUNE JUICE Blue Tag No. 303 jar 10c PEANUT BUTTER Real Roast 2 lb. jar 30c MARGARINE Sunny Bank (2 pts.) Lb. 18c, GRANULATED SUGAR 10 lb. sk......... 03c GINGERBREAD MIX, Drom’dary 14 oz 18 ... lfe 13c Tortiato Juice SUNNY DAWN Fancy Ne. 2 (28 pte. 1A. Can pointe) Cola Syrup Mavis Mix Just add water and serve! 3'1L 25c V FRESH PRODUCE Jonathans, Schoolboy lb. 7%c; 163 and smaller box $2.89 Ex. Fey and Fey lb. 19c box $3.89x COCOANUTS, Honduran, fresh shipments lb. CRANBERRIES, Coos Bay, unequalled for flavor lb. 38c GRAPES, Tokay, vine ripened, lb.................. .'....... 17%c POMEGRANATES Sweet, Kiddies love them ARTICHOKES, Tender, something different, lb. 17%c lb. ONIONS Yellow Danvers, med. size 3 lb. tc 19 lb sk. POTATOES Deschutes, Netted Gems, U. S. No. 1 5 lb. . ......29c 15 lb. sack 58c Ö* 25c HEINZ BABY FOODS Strained 4% oz. 7c Sundown Kadota Fig* 40 pt*, 303 can 14c WHITE MAGIC BLEACH gallon jug 32c OLD DUTCH Cleanser 2 14-oz. cans 15c SU-PURB SOAP, Gran’lated 50 oz. pkg 39c RINSO GRANULTD SOAP 24-oz. box 23c IVORY SNOW 12 Vi oz . box.... ......... 23c LUX SOAP FLAKES 12% oz. box 23c PALMOLIVE Soap bath size bars 2 for 19c CALO DOG FOOD 2 for ................ 5c FAVORITE MATCHES carton of 6 bx. 21c BOND STREET TOBACCO Lb. can $1.10 guaranteed mea t APPLES, Winter Banana, Ex. Fey & Fey lb 7%e box $2.98 Delicious, 35c —-—t FLOUR Kitchen Craft Enriched 50 lb. 3« QQ Sack 199 Ih, sack $3.89 f Price VEAL LEG or RUMP ROAST, A Grade lb. 33c VEAL SHOULDER STEAK, A Grade lb........ 28c SIRLOIN STEAK, BEEF, A Grade lb. —-...... 49c T-BONE STEAK, A Grade lb..... ... B Grade lb. .... 41c GROUND BEEF lb......... ........... ........ .. 29c SPICED LUNCHEON MEAT, Sliced lb. 53c SLICED LUNCHEON MEAT, type 3 lb....... 34c (Veal loaf, Head cheese, Pickle Pimento) POLISH SAUSAGE, type 2 lb.............. SMOKED PORK SAUSAGE, type 3 lb 45c Pointa