TBS COQUILLE VALLftY ABNTINEL. COQUILLE. OUOON, FAUB TWO 1 SugfltiHon* from Mrs. Alice Perrott entertained her sewing club last Wednesday af­ ternoon with a handkerchief shower for Mabel Winegar. Mrs. Winegar is moving to Portland thi» week. Mem­ bers present were Mesdames Jack Arnold, W. E. Cross, Geo. Gilman, Grant Wilcox, Sam Arnold, Sr, and Marie McGilvery. S híqwin W illiams P aints FIX1T Repair Work done on eOil Burners • Furnaces e Bicycles eGuns e Plumbing e Washing, Machines WELDING on Motor Blocks and Heads My Specialty New Arrivals at Purkey's Two only—Spring Davenos Carmen and Bob Repass gave a wiener roast last Saturday evening 'at the home of their parents for the ¡Youth Fellowship Group of the i Methodist Church. It was enjoyed gTeatiy by ail who attended. After ; the feast the group of about 30 com- i pleted the evening of fun by singing I songs around the fire. i w P^,hps office here. Oct. 28—Bill Joe Shaffer, of Punxsutawney, Penn, and Hazel A. McDougal, of San Francisco. They were married Saturday by Rev. G. H. Newland at Marshfield. Oct. 30—Harold Odell Laskey and Clenience Maine, both of North Bend, Oct. Glen Waiter Surprise, M Arcata, Calif, and Dorothy Belle Tyberg, of North Bend. They were married at the Lutheran church at the Bay the same day by Rev. Ed­ ward Ekiof. • Oct. 27 — Lyman Ferguson, of I Kentland. Ind, and Madelyn T. Pom- Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Sims Given They were Housewarming Saturday Night eroy, of Marshfield, married on Saturday by Rev. G. H. Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Sims, who re­ Newland at his home in Marshfield. cently moved here from Marshfield, Oct. 28 Jesse James Abell and were given a hosuewarmlng at their Pauline Louise Hamblock, both of new home at 851 North Coulter SuP Marshfield. They were married urday night by a group of Empire on Saturday by Rev. G..H. Newland friends who also brought a beautiful at his home in Marshfield. gift. Those in the party from Em- Oct. 28—Jesse James -Abell and ' pire were Messrs, and Mesdames Pauline; Louise Hamblock, both of Marshfield. They were married Sat­ “Hap” Hoffman, Wm. L. Dusenbury. urday by Justice F. R. Bull at his’Cliff Lourty and Whiteside. I Insurance apecianet. F R. HUH. SCHOOLS Marriage Licenses Youth Fellowship Group Entertained Saturday Evening ' Phone 222R, to Art Hooton (oryoui electrical wiring end repair needs lie is hatted nmlh of the ballpark pi» the Fairview road. 62tf* Amend it to INSURI the future of.,» x. Handkerchief Shower A Hallowe'en Dance was enjoyed {by a large crowd Saturday evening ..in Eagles -Hhll. Ruby Johnson re- feeived first prize tor best lady’s ■ costufne anest gentleman's costume. H's YOUR Constitution ■ Masquerade Surprise Party Miss Aileen Wilson gave a sur­ prise Hallowe’en-party for her niece, Miss Helen Carver, who is attending ’ school here. Guests came in mas­ querade which added greatly to the . enjoyment of the evening. After ap­ propriate games, cider, doughnuts und popcorn were served. The guests were Thelma Bechpel, ’• Beverly Bechpel, Shirley Brown, Nancy Mar- j ney, Shirley Steward knd Helen 1 Carver. The Ladles Auxiliary, F. O. B-, met in regular session October 27. New s members Initiated were Mrs. Vera f Perkins and Mi's. Anna Moore. _ Eugene Aerie extended an; invita­ tion to all Coquille Eagles to attend its 42nd Anniversary Celebration Nov. 10, 11 and 12. Birthdays celebrated during Oc­ tober were by Lelah Avery, Mabel Harped, Madam President Agnes Story, Katherine Lemon - and Mar- , garet Brockway. Mrs. Lee Clower has been visiting in Portlandt getting acquainted with tier new granddaughter, Gerry Dawn, born Sept. 30. Mrs. Hazel Flannery has returned from California, where she wm vis­ iting her daughter, Marian Adams. J Mrs. Adams returned to Coquille with her mother. ’ S herwin W illiams THURSDAY, NOVEMBER a. 1844. With Matching Swing Chairs $129.50 Belle Knife Hospital Hubert Phillips, Professor of So- • ■ cial Science at the Fresno State Col- Mrs. Naomi Jackson entered from lege, California, will be the princi- Myrtle Point last Thursday for treat- pa) speaker. Hie subject will be ment. "^UBsla's Position— East and West.”, On Monday Mrs. Faye Jeffries, of Dr. Phillips will also talk to the stu- Coquille, underwent a major opera­ dents of the Coquille school Tuesday ' tion; Mrs. Edna Rakestraw entered afternoon. . > the hospital with a broken ankle This will be the second of the series received in a fall; Mrs, Harry Aber of four Institute programs presented j and Tom Riley entered for treatment. by the Rotary Club as a service to On Tuesday Ctaud Brown, of Co­ the community. The other two pro­ quille, and Cleo Willis, of the Fair­ grams are scheduled for November view route, underwent appendecto­ ' 2$ and December 5. -• mies and Mrs. Gus Sclwoeder, of Hubert Phillips was born In Ohio Arago, entered for treatment. and was educated at the University Dismissals the pust week were of Chattanooga and Columbia Uni­ Mrs. Betty V. Spry last Friday, Mrs. versity, receiving the Pl}. D.v degree iE. A. McCue on Saturday, Mrs. R. from the latter Institution. 'Kaino and baby of Riverton, Mrs. He has traveled quite extensively J J. D. Williams, of Roseburg, and abroad, having been on the staff of 1 Mrs. Jack Storms, ail On Tuesday, the American People’s College, Oetz, and Harold Anderson on Wednesday. Austria, in 1932 and 193«. In 1937 he was on the _ staff of the Poncono Beulah Chapter, No. 6, O. E. S-, Study Tours In Japan and served in is holding a public Card Party in the same capacity with the Open Masonic Temple, Friday evening, Road in Europe in the summer of Nov. 3, at eight o'clock, The public UI38. is invited. Bridge, Pinochle and Con- Phillips has been a contributor to tracF Rummy will be played. Tickets , the Nation and The Survey Graphic. 40c per person, including tax. It I He has spoken before audiences in ' all parts of California. He has ap­ peared before the Commonwealth club of San Francisco ten times. | At the present time Phillips is Professor of Social Science at the J Fresno State College, is a member of the State Commission on Immigra- tion and Housing and is also member of a national panel of arbitrators of the American Arbitration Associa­ tion. He was formerly president of the California Conference of Social Work. Two only—Full Spring Constructed Davenports and Chairs Full Size, Full Weight J White Enamel Ranges $84.50 Modern Enamel Range with reservoir $94.50 Purkey Furniture When Y ob Think ef Fnrnitare Think ef Parken Dfflatri Market Open Sundays for Fresh Fruits and POTATOES Klamath Gems CAULIFLOWER CELERY HEARTS . Fresh, Crisp 00 ALLOWANCE FOR YOUR OLD BATTERY ORANGES Large 116 size SWEET SPUDS or YAMS - Fancy Texas Tin’^ Grapefruit - Pomgranates - Caulflower - Grapes Artichokes - Spinach 18-Month Guaranteed Wizard *. SUPER POWER BATTERY M » . ■ Today's driving demands the rugged durability of • WIZARD Battery, WIZARD'S built-in fea­ tures Drovide surging power and ample reserve . . , Oversized “Oxl-Vite” plates. Port Orford Cedar Separators, and one-piece molded case. Allowance of $1.00 makes WIZARD the out- standing value! Buy a dependable WIZARD and POCKET SAVINGS NOW! SALAD DRESSING TANG CHEESE 4 J RAISINS « PRUNES 45 Plates No. 1 Case— for most Chevrolets Dodges, Ford "A" and Plymouths.* 09818. BEANS CAKE FLOUR HONEY Swansdown Beeville Pure Honey PEANUT BUTTER There is a WESTERN GIANT to fit your car TRADE NOW! - Garden PRICED LOW! CLEANSER Sunbrite ASPARAGUS Garden Brand