THE PAPER THAT'S LIKE A LETTER FROM HOME VOL. XL. NO. 4L THURSDAY, NOVEMBRE 3. 1944. OOQUILUL OOM COUNTY. OREGON. —■a-'-.j' Ns Adoption Would Bankrupt Thousands Oregon Businesses Two Coquille Boys Lost In Europe Coquille Wins Fifth Straight Game By A Score Of 20 - 6 iOne Picking Machine Don Bolt Presents Proving Satisfactory - Splendid Lecture "Close-Ups Of The News" Something EveryoneShouldRead r Marion C. Miller was in town Sumner Fish, who was up here Those who did not hear the toc- Wednesday from his ranch on the from his cranberry bog near Bandon ture by Don Bolt at the High School Dora route. He reported that his Monday, said that while most of the auditorium Tuesday evening missed younger san, Tech. Sgt. Ted R. Miller, bogs had been pretty well «ticked, a decided treat. was j killed in action in France in he still had from 1500 to 2000 boxes Mr. Bolt, who was speaking under Whether it was'a little over confi­ The following article, written by September. Ted, who formerly re­ to harvest. He knew, too, why the the sponsorship of the Coquille Ro­ The following to the text of the a man who in hto business knows sided in Coquille, had f>een in the dence or just a case of jitters, the others were more nearly done than tary Club on a program of Inter­ Upton Close broadcast on October 1, exactly that the figures and state­ Army for two years and overseas for he *«• "nd »* hoping for a ces­ national Rotary, had as his subject, which has created a vast amount of ments he has made are correct, will more than a year. He IM1U had ____ been M| in fans at the Coquille-Marshfield game “The Role of the North American interest and which those who heard J* to hundreda and the Negth African ¿¿mpZ^n, *Ud here last Saturday, in the second sation of the rain for a few days. it, or have read it since, think to Machines for garnering cranberries Continent in a Post War World.” • the ««httng up the Italian quarter, to experience a lot of ap­ are in various stages of manufacture, one of the finest arguments yet He to an experienced journalist and who may, on general principles, think peninsula and lost hto life in France. prehension when they allowed the the most satisfactory one to date traveler and his task was as up-to- made in this campaign as a reason the „ Townsend Plan • _ measuhe, __ . , t which Another Coquille boy. Orville Pirates to tie the scone 6-6. being that on the Stankavich bog date as this morning's newspaper or for electipg Gov. Dewey to the presi­ Coquille had gained six yards in for picking the Stankavitch variety • lo!’ ^Buster) Coy, wn of Mr. and Mrs. today's radio broadcast and the facts dency. ia what la needed for old-age relief. Orin B. Coy, was reported as missing the first quarter after Hurst had Mr. Cleae is heard over the Mu­ ef berries. The vines of that variety he presented were extremely thought Ito adoption would engagement in France, made a 15-ya rd run behind good in­ stand higher from the ground than provoking and instructive. tual Network each Sunday afternoon. a wire received by his terference, one of Al bom’s pa»c> do the McFarlin variety and this tet­ Mr. Bolt's subject was one in He to sponsored by the Lumbermen’s Washington, D. C„ this had been good for another 15, and ter cannot be gathered satisfactorily which every American is vitally in­ Mutual Casualty Company, whose Meek grabbed a second good pass by the machine which operates so terested and it is to be regretted that Portland office gave the Sentinel and ran another 15 for the touch­ successfully on the Stankavitch bog. everyone in Coquille could not have permission to present the address to down. The kick for ¿the extra point It requires two men to operate that its readers. He said: heard him. , x failed. mpchine and a unit can be picked At the close of Ms talk an open Starting from the kick-off the Pi­ ia three minutes by the machine forum was held and many questions I I’m going to tell you my good 11s- rates made several first downs and While it requires a human picker 2U were asked of the speaker and htaltenera’ 601,1 tho“ who dlslike *«* ««tag strong when the quarter ¿¿"¿¿Ter' the ume hto re reiulonln “onlng g ,nd a,ld those t»*»* who lUw like lt it, > how i amount. unhesitating responses indicated hto. ended. Stevens intercepted a Marsh- _______________ thorough study and understanding of |el*Uon «“«natives 1«* to me as a Saturday field pass early in the second canto \/ . *> \/ contemporary historian. I am not a his subject. and they but the Devito seemed to be up in 1 Lack of space forbids a complete party man, having never joined a since the air as the Pirates turned on the report of his talk but if it was a fair political party. I am. however, an steam and several five yards or sample of the other three in the American who believes in the two- more gains were nullified by Co­ Again the Sentinel wishes to urge aeries, beginning Nov. 7, no one party system. quille offsides. A poor kick of only all voters to mark their ballota You understand that politicians on should miss them. 11 yards and then a Coquille fumble 312xYes on the referendum measure, each side will endeavor to make you In the afternoon Mr. Bolt talked to allowed the Pirates to get the ball on ordered by petition of the people— the students at the High School and think that if you .elect their candi­ the Coquille 2-yard line, from where the Burke bill parsed by the last his comments on the forum meeting date you will enter, after January °" “'“ay. a puM into the end zon— wa> good 20, next, into the best of all possi­ legislature—which will put the sale there were very enthusiastic on Wednesday, for The kick faUeX T CS Next Tuesday Red Cross Notes Coquille Unit Armistice Dance Saturday, Nov. 11 Wm. F. Philpott Passes In 82nd Year I. Fred Adams For Joint Representative Reedsport Hi To Meet Red Devils ’tf SflARP 50 0HJEVÊ Lions To Sponsor Football Banquet Water To Be Off Sunday