-CLASSIFIED 5 Oae Cea* a Word Baek laaerttar WATER WELL DrUUng — Feed £. Lee, 507 Clerk M, North Bend. Oregon. Phone 5411. BARB WIRE—Heavy gauge, hog . barb spacing. FARR A ELWOOD. LOST- Pair Bi-focal Glass as in case two weeks ago. Finder please re­ turn to E. W. Goodwin, lia Wert Fourth, Coquille. ¿ti 11 FOR PLUMBING repairs and Car- vfce—can 1-L. JT. A. LAMB COM­ PANY. 5 Belle Knife Hospital An 8*4 pound baby girl, $ho has been named Mary Jacqueline, was born to Mr. x and Mrs. Frank Sims, of Port Orford, last Saturday. * Harold Anderson last Thursday, and Arthur Nelson, an eight-year- old boy, on Thursday, both of Co­ quille, underwent appendectomies. i Mrs. Jack Storm, of Bandon, en­ tered for treatment last Thursday. ■I A major operation was performed ; for Ethel E. Dunning, of Bullards, on Sunday and a minor operation for Orville Clinton of the Bullards route on Monday. A baby boy, weighing 7 to pounds, was born to Mr. and Mrs. R. Kalno, of Riverton, on Tuesday this week. Mrs. J. C. Welch, of Bullards, un­ derwent a major operation on Wed­ nesday. I Dismissals the past week were Jack Hendricks of the Coney Island Cafe here last Friday, Mrs. C. H. Finley and baby of Myrtle Point on Sunday, and Mrs. Earl Ward on Wednesday. Oregon Journal GOLD FISH—New shipment just ar rived. FARR A ELWOOD. i Attention io Details Oregonian Night Phone 15« Southwestern Motors Southwestern Motors Goodyear Store rj The five proposed dams on Snake I river to Improve navigation as far as Lewiston, Ida., appear to have suc- * cessfully run the gantlet and «are r, items in the riven end harbors bill k which has passed the house. As a matter of fact, the five dams will be built in that section of Snake river which is in the state of Washington. They are part of the development of the Columbia basin, the great irri­ gation project to be watered from Grand Coulee dam and are needed to carry the heavy products of Idaho down the Snake and Columbia to1 tidewater. Idaho is expecting lm-1 portant overseas trade and believes ' this improvement will be of'material! assistance in realizing thia expects-1 tion. The idea lurking in the minds of advocates of the five Snake river dams is that products from Idaho , will be taken to the Vancouver- Portland area for processing or shipped “as is" to the orient. If the program for the dams is carried through they should be built by the time the first section of the Grand Coulee reclamation project is ready for settlement. Coquille 109H