i r* : ’ 'JJ. ,/r ' A. C. Schultz i .... w Arago News items FAG* FfVF Jr« Woman's Club Enjoys Meeting Fairview News Marriage Licenses W1MTED Mrs. Jahn Stearns, from Minne­ Oct 29—Albert Elmer Palmer, of sota, arrived at the home of her Marshfield, and Winnie Irvin Llnnan, The Coquille Junior Woman’s of Sacramento. Calif. daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. They were 44 Club met Monday, October 33, at married last Friday «by Rev. G. H. Avon Wilcox, last Friday. She plans to make an extended visit there, i the Guild Hall. A potluck dinner j Newland at his home on the Bay. Ales see him for 1 Mr. and Mrs. Orvus Miller, Phyllis,. the Oct. 21—Raymond Albert Linke, of Barnesville. Minn., and Ellen May Alice and Orvus, Jr., of Myrtle Point, new chalrn • Auto Repairing of all kinds rt business meeting was held I Leith, of Eastside. They were mar­ Emmett Hammack and Stella Ham- Teneen and the i • Accessories, Wi shin g . PMtaktag mack, "also of Myrtle Point, were Mrs. Russell HUI. and Ruth Creager reported that the ried here Saturday by Rev. Chas. • Woldtag dance was very successful. The G. Brown at the Pioneer parsonage. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. to furnish school members voted to make a donation Oct 24—Carl 8. Studley and Elea­ and Mrs. Nile Miller. ) weeks. Ladles sttendnlng were Manton Carl, of Hubbard, Oregon, dames Chezem, Jensen. Faye Holver- to the Community War Chest. At nor C. Studley, both of Seattle, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. stott, Phillip Jensen, Hill, Wilson, the next meeting Jean Williams wUl Wash. Oct 25—Everett E. Beck, of Eaat- J. D. Carl, Sunday His mother, Mrs. Stratton, Quenton. Benham, Buoy, present a program on Health, which should be of great interest to all ¡slde, and'Audrey Ruth Secord, of Ellen Carl,.came in with him and and Frye, Southside Faont at WUtard is visiting at the home of her sister, I At a board meeting held Sunday members, f Marshfield. Cognate, Oregon ' The program presented after din­ Mrs. Amelia Lafferty. Mrs.'Carl after church, the resegnation of Rev. .—F. R. j plans on staying for a whUe to visit and Mrs. Roy Parker was accepted. ner was greatly appreciated by all USED FURNITURE * m ’ at the homes of her relatives in Coos The Parkers are called to fill a pul­ of the girls. A qnartet, composed of Leone Ingman, county. pit in Washington and expect to Lee Montgomery, Phyllis Hanse and Olivia Olson, sang Mrs. Werner Plaep and sons, Rich­ leave in about three weeks. ard and "Bobby, left Monday for Me- ___ _ _ ____ __ the __ two several songs and Phyllis Hanse and Each Friday afternoon Minnville, where they will visit at rboms of school children combine to OUvi* Olson contributed a piano Group lining was allo «n- the home of Mrs. Plaep’s parents, have a program. Last Friday the duet Captain and Mrs. G. R. Hall, for program was as follows: Lower about a* week. ¡grades, business meeting of 4-HI Those present were: Mildred • Mr. and Mrs. Melden Carl and members; 4th grade. News report; Marvene Lake, June Marie Douglas visited at the home of Mr. sth grade, History lesson report; 6th ¡Burch, Ardis Sherwood, Blanche at and Mrs. Roy Tennant in Coquille, grade, Preven facts; 7th grade, Re- R**- Lenore Graham, Loe Montgom- •ry, Leone Ingman, Phyllis Hanse, ilast Sunday. , port on lesson pupils likss best; 8th «T. Miss Ethel Fish was a Monday grade. Facte and reports. Requests Olivia Olson, Verna Ray Earls, Ann Laverne ¡evening caller at the home of Rr. as follows: poem, Ann Qulvey; song, Holimon, Jean Berglund, ¡and Mrs. John Widmifk Widmitk. lower grade boys; two songs by all Ellingson, Jean Williams, Jean Slate, Heintxelman, C Gertrude . ......................... Heintxelman. " Mr. and Mrs. Nile Miller visited at upper grades, “Yankee Doodle" and Vlrgthia Program starts at 8j00 P. M. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank “America;" song, song. TwUla Twills Dawn Wil- Swinney, Clarice Crawford, Helen Herker, Sunday evening. son and Shirley Quenton; song, Betty Wltcosky, Genevieve Robbins, Vlr- BINGO, FISH POND, CAKE-WALK, BEAUTY PARLOR, Mrs. Gordon Fleming and Virginia Hill; ...... , song, Richard Wilson; song, - ---------------- -—- Max- «W» Lattin, .---------------------- Ernestine Beatty, FORTUNES came In last week from Salem and Jimmie Alford; school song, “Old lne Whereat, Virginia Moss, Phyllis Coil Bed Springs Bicycles Washeß Sewing Machines Roar With Gilmore" Gilmore Service Station M. Brooks Authority On Deafness Here Hallowe’en Carnival Riverton School Friday, October 27 visited for several days at the home Black Joe,” Svi th dramatization by Giorgi«. Betty Reed, Beatrice Oder- of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Schroeder. Miss Oerding. 1st grade, Arithmetic «»*. Doris Ann Wood, Mary Lou Mrs. Arthur Doyle and Carol came song; story, “Goldylocks,” Pat Davis: Culver, Roberta Stonecypher, Fran- down from Myrtle Point last Thurs- skit, “Three Little Pigs,” Miss Oerd- 001 Detlefsen, Helen Sinko and Ruth day to visit with her sister-in-law, Ing; request song by both teachers. Creager. • Mrs. Gordon Fleming. ,-- - ____ ____ ----- ------- —— were Mothers present for ~ program were- • ~ Gn hostess committee Mrs. Fleming and Virginia left Mesdames Russell H1U,'King, Wilson, | Ruth Creager, Ernestine Beatty, Gen­ Friday for Cocguiile, where they Quenton, Stratton, Phillip Jensen, evieve Robbins and Virginia Lattln. spent the night at the home of Mr. Tom Benham and a visitor, Mrs •nZ m — Lloyd n—x Oddy, «-♦ — — and Mrs. before re­ Carrie Benham, of Coquille. Soroptimists Mat Tuesday turning to their home near Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Isaacson visited Six new members of the Coquille on Saturday. Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. Soroptimlst Club were given C. E. Mullins, Herbert Cart, Glen and Mrs. R. M. Noah. friendly official welcome at the Collier, Henry and Harry returned L. L. Buoy is also the proud owner Tuesday meeting by Wilda Schroe­ home last Wednesday from their of a “Farmal.” C. A Holverstott'a der. Lets Leslie, president, pre­ hunting trip up in the Eckley coun­ tractor Is a “Farmal,” too. sented corsages as a personal token try- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Blohm, spent the of her own. Now members .were Mr. - and Mrs. Lawrence Barklow week-end of Oct. 13 at the Oliver Marguerite Stem, Larkie Benham, and Mrs. Stephen Lawrence, of Port Enlund home at SutherUn. Lorene Simpson, Ruth Axtell, Mabel Orford, were Arago visitors last Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Judd returned Yarbrough and Patsy Barkwell. Mrs Thursday. last week from a trip to Reno, Ne­ Marie Blaugh was a guest. Under Jack Damron, of Empire, spent the vada. new business were plans for a party week-end visiting at the home of his Mr. and Mrs. Gardner visited her to be held Tuesday, Nov. 14. Twen­ uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs. H. E. parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Hurst, ty-four were present. Thors Wat­ ! Sunday. The Gardners live at Ban­ Watkins. son’s sextette of high school girls Mrs. Albert Lillie and Mrs. Daisy j don. sang three pretty numbers. They Doyle, who have been picking cran-, The Oscar Olson family is reported were: “All Through the Night," berries at Bandon the past few days, as moving to Bandon. •When You're Smllln," and "Trade spent the week-end at their homes Mrs. Louise Langenberg, of Sweet Winds.” in Arago. They returned to Bandon Home, came to visit her relatives— Sunday evening. parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Noah; Birthday Party For Rev. Charles G. Brown, of Coquille, sisters, Mrs. L. L. Buoy and Mrs. Mr*. Clausen conducted the regular Sunday morn­ Harry Krantz, of Middle Creek- Mrs. Roy Detllllon wus a luncheon ing church service, Sunday school Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shook and followed with on attendance of 31. son, Jimmie, returned to their home hostess last Friday, honoring her There will be services again next at Tulelake, Calif., last Wednesday, l daughter, Mrs. Alton Clausen, on the ber birthday. Mrs. Clau- Sunday, preaching at 10 *. m. and after about ten days' visit at thè pcc««ion home of his sister, Mrs. T. H Ben- WM the recip»««» oi «eversi Sunday school atril a. m. x lovely gifts.. - Guests who attended . Mr. and Mrs. Perry Neal, of Coos ham, and family. I Bay, visited at the home of her par­ Mrs. Carrie Benham spent thelwe™ Meedamss John Orr tnd B« Shields, of Myrtle ~ Point; Bell Keuel, week at the home of her son, Tom, r ...................... " ~ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Mace, Sunday. Miss Jean Watkins spent the week­ on the old home place, coming from of 1 Eureka; Wm. Roth, J. E. Norton, Maynarfd W. E Marr ion and end at the home of her parents, Mr. her home in CoquUle and returning George 1 and Mrs. H. E. Watkins. Monday. She was accompanied by 1 Basil Olson. Mrs. Wayne Woodward and Mrs. Mrs. Tom Benham when she called Ida Myers visited Mrs. Frank Lane at at the home of her daughter, Mrs. C. 1 Royal Neighbors Notes the Mercy hospital In North Bend A. Holverstott, and family Sunday Florence Hallock was initiated into Monday. afternoon. 7 • ■ 1 the Royal Neighbors Lodge last Wed­ The Adult Sunday school class will Word was received Monday from , nesday evening, Oct 13. Mrs. Guy give s Hallowe’en party this Friday, Lt Harold Norris that he was in Torrey 1 and Mrs. Earl Schroeder were pct. 27, at the church. Everyone is the hospital at Victoria, Kansas, with ] hostesses. Twenty were in httond- cordially invited, and a good time is throat Infection. He has been sta­ ance. The rooms were decorated planned for all. tioned at Victoria, where he is In with fall flowers and plans were Frank Lane spent several days last pilot training on a completed for the public card party, week at North Bend visiting his wife, Raymond Norris has been sent to , which will be held Nov. 1. Lunch who is in Mercy hospital. San Diego, to go to Landing Craft was served. School for about six weeks, before being assigned to a new ship. Get a good Book at Morton's Rent­ Mrs. Alice Gummow is in Keizer al Library. . stf Hospital, where she submitted to a Valdien Emigh was last Friday ap­ major operation. pointed executrix of the will of Peter Walter Shutt. Jr., was hired to Emigh, who died June 10. Frank be the janitor at the school house Heath, Frank Slover and Jay Slover after the resignation of Roy Parker, will "appraise the estate which is es­ who is moving away. timated to be worth $1300. Mrs. Frank Schragg and baby boy Bennett Swanton was named on returned home from the hospital in Monday as administrator of the $350 Coquille last week. estate left by Fred H. Sappington, Mrs. Amanda Johnson has been who died Aug. 31, 1044. feeling ill the past two or three weeks. Calling cards, SO for SI.00. .Word has been received that the Harvey M. Hall family, former resi­ dents of this valley, are now living I at Hay, Washington, where they are j assisting in the work at the Assembly ! of God church. _______________ to holders of lucky numbers. Three grand Proceeds to be I Coquille Hotel, Coquille on Saturday, October 28th ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mold expected to Fall Shades in Probate Court Items 80c RAYONS, Marsh Soldiers1 Wives and Circuit Court Cases WAYNE MORSE fer U. 1. Senator Oct 19—Esther Lucile Carlson vs. Arthur Edgar Carlson. Suit for di­ vorce. Oct. 20—Elsie A. Anderson vs. Virgil R. Anderson. Suit for divorce. Oct. 21—Arta M. Erickson vs. J. E. Erickson. Suit for divorce. Oct. 23—R. L. Card vs. Fannie Card. Suit for divorce. , Oct. 23—Bonnie Marie Lawhorn vs. Leonard Reeves Lawhorn. Suit for divorce. Oct. 24—Vistula Tallman vs. Gail Tallman. Suit for divorce. FOR MONUMENTS Cement Grave Cover or Border. Also Cement Building Blocks. Phone ' 123L. John S. Sanders, Ml West 6th, Coquille, Oregon. a I * Returning Husbands » * I You may have seen In the papers where a writer cautioned Army wives that their returning hus­ bands would be "strangers” to them-because they've been through experiences that their wives could never share. wrote an answer to that; he called it nonsense. "What do our mon want most? To ttniah the war and come homo .. . What are they Sghtteg for?...for every­ thing the word home means." tfrfte's wscopKbleto’’»cen»- imenrand love» the apones nf froth violett. ’ F ir __________________ 3.S» dustino rowott .. J. Barrow Drug Co every lighting man. For home Is a lot of little things! A garden or a work bench—well-thumbed books... a mellow glass of beer with ’ Of course, the word "home" means somoQHng different to No. 100