—«--------------------------------- Sig Eckholm Dies Friday Morning . Sig Eckholm, a former' resident of Coquille when he we» foreman of the S. P. section crew here, and later moved to Coaledo when he war Is the time to have that Christmas Portrait made This handsomely tailored, down-to-earth suit will be­ come an indispensable part of your fall and winter wardrobe. You’ll love the smart stitched detail and slimly fitted skirt. Natural silvertown musk rat fashioned into a broad tuxedo front gives an air of extravagant beauty to this handsome|y styled, warmly interlined coat. Pride includes 20% fur tax. $24" Lorenz Dept. Store OOQVILU $27.50 $39.50 $44.50 Furniture Nan UM \ OBKGON DfllardMarket Open Sundays for your convenience Fruito Vegetables YAMS or SWEET SPUDS fancy No. 1 quality 3 lbs. 25c POTATOES Klamath Netted Gems U.S. #2s 50-lb bag 1.29] LE I11UCE Genuine S & M Crisp, solid heads 2 for 25c Fresh Sweet Cider CIDER ORANGES LAMPS Amber or White SWEET CHOCOLATE HONEY Hermetically-sealed Dust and Moisture-proof PREPARE NOW RAISINS PORK Nestles Floradale Pure Honey New Crop 5 lb. can $1.29 Seedless • 4 lb. pkg. 49c BEANS Festival brand 21/z tins or lb. &13 pz. ea 19c Fisher's BISCUIT MIX None better, a real value Ig. pkg. 29c CORN FLAKES CAKE FLOUR SYRUP SHRIMP Albers or Kellogg's Swansdown Karo Blue Label - - - - - GREEN BEANS Perry's at Bandon Marion Brand 3 WASHING POWDER Super Suds SHORTENING FLOUR - Broken.............................. ROAST BEEF Swift's Jewel - - - Fishers Blend or Drifted Snow 6oz. pkg. - L op Pkn 5c OOz