County Meeting To Honor Rural Women Don Bolt To Be First Forum Speaker Don Bolt Uniteci States Senator GUY CORDON HAS DONE HIS WORK WELL! ORDON — Is * member of very Emportant b. S. Senate eommitte Affair*. KEEP HIM IN CONGRESS * , The first forum of the Institute of International Understandings, spon­ sored by the Rotary. Club of Co­ quille, will be held in the High School auditorium at eight o’clock next Tuesday evening, October 31. Tickets at 50b are available at the High School and at the City Hall. Don Bolt, of Brazil, Indiana, will be the principal speaker. His sub­ ject wiU be “The Role of the North American Continent.” Mr. Bolt will also talk to the students of the Co­ quille schools Tuesday afternoon. This will be the first of a series of four Institute programs presented by the Rotary Club as a service to the community. The other three programs are scheduled for Novem­ ber 7, November 28, and December 5. Don Bolt, traveler, journalist and commentator, served in the British Merchant Marine and in the British and American forces during the first World War. Subsequently he trav­ eled extensively throughout the United States and around the world, as late as the summer »of 1938, spending considerable time in Con­ tinental Europe, especially in Ger­ many. He has devoted special at­ tention to the Latin American coun­ tries, making three visits to Mexico within the past year. During his newspaper career he served on the staff of the Chicago Herald and American, the Indianap­ olis News and the St. Louis Globe Democrat. His career with the In­ dianapolis News and the Pittsburgh Poet was heightened by special as­ signments he was privileged to re­ ceive to “cover” mine wars of West Virginia and Illinois, and the re­ nowned “evolution” trial In Dayton, Tennessee. - • . ' Following his metropolitan news­ paper career he became radio com­ mentator for the National Broadcast- jpg Company and later served as new editor and staff commentator for Station WAAF in Chicago. ** Because of special interest and ap­ titude for understanding internation­ al events and their meaning for the United States,^Mr. Éolt has recently entered upon a career of free lance writing, commentating, and lecturing on foreign affair*. Moyor\ Navy Day Proclamation valiant contributions O. L. Wood. Mayor Coquille, do hereby Re-e/ect HARRIS ELLSWORTH Representative, in Congress for Oregon's 4th Dist. • PROVEN ABILITY • ENERGETIC • SINCERE _________ i. • BROAD EXPERIENCE • SANE VIEWPOINT • DEPENDABLE