CLASSIFIED Word Seventh Adventists To | St. James’ Episcopal Church Ashenf eiter. See ihLn"ït‘T««0^ Observe lMth Anniversary I Comer E. 3rd A Elliott Sts. Division, at East Third. Coquille ' Ne AAr. less a Special services this week-end at' Rev. Robert L. Greene, Vicar Phone 14 IM. -- 1 Mrs. Elmer A. McCue and Betty i V- Spry, both of Coquille, under- the Coquille Seventh-day Adventist ^anday:, W ATER WELL Drilling — Frod C. . ---- - RANCHER , went major operations last Friday. church are held in the observance 8:00 a m Holy Communion (2nd, 250 .««-(with 200 acre, of cul­ The same day Mrs. Lester Thorpe, of the one-hundredth anniversary of 4lb ant* Lee, 507 Clark St, North Bend, Sundays), I Oregon. Phoiy 5411. tivated land mostly riv« bottom) of Powers, submitted to a tonsilec­ the beginning of thy Seventh-day' 8:45 *’ m Church School. two good houses, two barns, with all tomy, and Jack Hendricks of the I 11:00 a. m. Nursery and Kindergar­ Adventist movement. FARM MACHINERY haa been re- equipment and 100 head of dairy Coney Island Cafe here to an ap­ The program, to be carried out na­ ten. leased for sale without certificates. •to*- 884,000.00, terms to respon­ pendectomy. 11:00 Morning Prayer with Sermon. tionally, according to denomination­ However, new farm machines will sible partie». A baby girl, Ruth Elaine, was born al plan, features the progress that the (1st and 3rd Sundays—Holy Com­ still be manpfaeturad in limited Douglas County—2846 acres of to Mr. and -------- Mrs. —--------- C. H. - Finley of Myr- church has made during one hundred munion) quantities; therefore all those who sheep fenced; all first class pasture 0® Point on Friday, 5:00 p. m. High School Young Peo­ She weighed years, ^nd calls for special prayer want neqf machines next year with the exception of 160 acres of pounds. ple. < and consecration in behalf of the should place orders now for Mc­ good J fir " timber, “ * ' priced reasonable ‘ Mrs. Earl Wards, Myrtle Point, work of the future. Cormick Deering farm machines for quick sale. , . JS®3 w______ ____ underwent a __ major operation 8:00 p. m. Altar Guild (2nd Tues- on "In this century,” according to re- -J. A. LAMB COMPANY. a 52 Acres of good land, about 15 Friday and Mrs. C. L. Tuttle of this ' ay). ---------------- —----- . ___ . ., . —------ —, 1 " ’TP« _ . —- cranberry _____ 1— a ____ ai the _ _ _____ . .. ports that are given, “the movement 8:00 p. m. Shortened Evening a UTO PAINTING and Body Work. “tr*“ whlch «• «°°d clt* an appendectomy same day. has grown from'humblq beginnings Belle Knife Hospital Emmanuel Baptist Chnrch » Rev. Menno D. Rempel, Pastor Thursday, Prayer Meeting, Junior Choir, Young People's choir. Friday, Teacher’s meeting, Im- portent Sunday, Sunday School at 10 a. m. Morning Service at 11:00. . Sermon, “The Glory of Genuine Repentance.” You are welcome. 7:00 p. m. Children’s Hour led by Mrs. Russel. 7:00 p. m. Baptist Youth Fellow­ ship led by Cleo Capps. 7:bO'p. m. Adult Fellowship, Le- Roy Hassler Leader. 8:00 Evening Service. Good sing­ ing, special music, sermon. "The l*rayer with Instruction for . Adults. Three Steps In Our Redemption in (4th Tuesday.) , Christ Jesus.” Tuesday, Choir Rehearsal 10:00 a. m. Holy Communion. Men's Chorus. •» 2:30 p. m. St. James’ Guild. You are welcome to all of 8:00 1*. m. Evening Guild' (1st and services. 3rd Wednesdays). One Cent • Bring your car in------ we can start «M*r-«W>m hopse; close to Mrs. J. D. Williams, of Roseburg, Roseburg, , Jnto into one ot of world wor|d proportions with work at once. Southwestern Motor . 1 Orford and Highway 1«1. to ’ubmltt®d to a major operation on ^ny^ty and poWer be sold reasonably for I Monday. I Co. ---- ------ I m — a— cash. “Beginning with no literature, no 80 Acres good creek bottom on ; 1 Mra- *• Bosserman and Mrs. institutions, no paid laborers, the SOMETHING NEW — Milking Myrtle Creek; new, fivesroom house, ¡H. A. Young, who underwent major cause has grown to globe-propor- Machines, Vacuum Pumps, new chicken house 24x24, with some I ' operations four find six weeks pre- Uon8i empioying 30.000 religious Hand and all-electric Separa­ stock and equipment. $8000.00 on i vU*t*ly; wcre ««»‘""uch improved last workeri, publishing millions of dol- i j week that they were able to return tors, will soon be in stock. terms or $7000.00 cash." . lars worth of Bible literature, main- Church of God Eaton’s Feed Store, Coquille, s 1 Acre, four rooms with bath to their homes Friday morning. 8:00 p. m. Bishop's Committee (3rd 1 taining hundreds of medical, edu­ Corner of Henry A Seventh and balement, fruit and garden; Other dismissals were Mrs. Nor­ cational, and publishing Institutions, Thursday). ARE YOUR HENS LAYING? If not z Walter Lee Greer. Pastbr North Henry Street; $1450.00 cash man Wilson on Oct. IT, Beulah Mc­ —:------ z------------- I and in addtion 9,212 churches with a ask us about our MONEY BACK 8andar. Oek 83 will handle, balance easy terms. Cauley of Eugene on the 14th, Mrs. I present denominational investment The Assembly oi God GUARANTEE to make them lay. i 10:00 a. m. Sunday school. 3.25 Acres with six-room house Oliver Weekly of Myrtle Point on of $74,785,933.08. Seceiui and Heath Sta. FARR A ELWOOD. 11:00 a. m. Worship: sermon, L. C. Persing, Pastor and bath, chicken house, etc., on Sunday, Mrs. Frank Schragg and I “This hundred years has witnessed “Christ, Our Wisdom, Rlghteous- This is a baby, of Fairview, and Mrs. Forrest God’s opening providence in every Sunday: NEW ROOFING end Waterproofing Marshfield Highway. i A ss . Sanctification an