F The Comptons Buy Hotel, , Chandler Hotel {Three Die In Plane Crash Here Sunday * ' w ’ ♦ ’• | Mr. and Mrs. Lafe Compton, who ' have operated the Coquille Hotel since its opening Jan. 1, 1924, this week completed a deal for the pur- chase' of the Chandler Hotel in ■ the C. H. S. football team and sug- 1 geefted that business homes close again on Saturday, Oct. 28, between , 2:00 and 4:00 o’clock, for the Co- quille-Marshfield game here. By Coos Bay followers of the i county conference of high school ■ - vote the directors went on record i __________ _____ that | as in favor of the two-hour closing football are _________ beginning to realize Coach Leslie has one of the smartest ■on the 28th and smoothest running outfits in the' Coun»y A«ent Jenkins reported on league this year, since the Red Devils’ !^J"anb^rry P‘dWr’ •“.uJat‘on Judge King Speaks Red Devils Trim Bulldogs, 25-6 To B.P.W. at • Banquet; » . (Continued from I-age'Dne) (Continued on page three) meet his father, but Mrs. Hannon, is ________ top heavy, and we cannot continue going to the front door, was jammed that " way. _ and business ____ „ Industry and bruised and suffered a punctured mult supply the jobs. arm artery. She was taken to the i Peace after the war is something I Marshfield, both building and bust- Myrtle Point hospital, where her Bu individtlah must be thinking ubout ucvnuac because wv we lost the peace «uim after I victory, 29 to 8, over the North Bend ¡said the bog owners could use 300 ness. The deal which was pending condition has proved not to be aeri- , ’ uiAJut wiu ■ to 400 more pickers than have re- last week was completed on Monday ous. • the last war. A change of viewpoint Bulldogs on the latter's home grounds {aponded thus far. * . last Saturday. It can also be said of this week. The purchase was . Following the fire alarm hundreds _ _ ____________ ___ ___ __ _ u necessary in the present changing 9Fa aa spot and artri world. « a Judge ww a . _ A told _ 1 _a of _ w- the that this is the first time the Red made from Mrs. Verneta Glasou, ' of people rushed out to the King who has operated it since the death it is a reason for surprise that none twenty-six hours it took him to Devils have beaten the Bulldogs on 'Republican Central Committee of her husband, H. J. Glasou, in 1924. were injured from stepping on the travel from Myrtle Point, to Salem their home field since Spike has Met Here Tuesday Evening - This Tills is not as serious news to Co- live wires which lay on the Coulter during his college year* and now we been coaching at Coquille High. u.. Raleigh D. Green, chairman of the {are twenty-six hours from London. At the start of the game. North Coos County Republican Central quille as it might be, for the Comp- street pavement and parking, tons Intend to make their home here The city and state police soon ar" The world has shrunk, we are close Bend received the kick-off and be­ Committee, presided over a specially and the local hostelry will be un- ‘rived upon the scene and their j together and the problems of the fore the Red Devils got them stopped called meeting at the Coquille city der the management of Mr*. Comp- forts to regulate and control the world are our problems. He said they had made four first-downs and î hall Tuesday evening. Precinct ton. . crowds were most successful. 'the United States should be a leader were on th* Coquille five-yard line.. committee nien and I women were M„n. from mBnv Lafe will be assisted in the oper- J it was not tong either until »h* but won’t be unless the people get But from there on the Red Devils' ■ present many , sections of the ation of the Chandler by Mrs. Comp- Mt. States Power Co. crew was on busy soon and formulate their plans, took the ball and using the T forma- Appointments to to *i fill pre- ton’s twin sister, Mrs. Franses Sand- the job, setting a^new pple to replace . Civilization will be destroyed in tion, and with Bob Alborn flipping »¡cinct vacancies were made __ . _____ . . The varioL strom, who comes from Portland, the shattered one, an<, getting power I caae ther war. CclBC o Ul f ano iallCJllld WCaa» Eventually Kb Vdl mtslijr the trW; pass to Meek, were able to score in varibus members of the executive She will be ‘ hostess and of lines back in place. J in charge ’’ Utopian peace wil be the late Wen- the- second period. Dave Kline went «board ------- 1 were called on for reports. j The telephone company crew was 1 dell ’s idea the dining room. dell , . Willkie Willkte's idea of of One One World, World. over for the extra point. Ben Chandler, Jr., of Marshfield, fi­ The Red Devils next score, mak­ nance chairman, made his report. Mr. and Mrs. Compton first came also quickly ou the ground, with the Judge King closed with reading the to Marshfield at the time •of the local manager, Dan Brown, and Mr. final paragraphs from Leland Stowe’s ing it 13-0, came in the same period Harry Slack , state committeeman ------ ._____ railroad jubilee in 1916, and except Chapman from Marshfield, district book, "They Shall Not Sleep:" when an attempted pass by North from Coes county, gave a talk on VU»nr1 uzna anilleti before KxMr. it It wna .---- ..______ . * . for six months away from there he manager, directing their crew’s op­ Bend was spilled, was ---------------------- Instructions to the precinct workers. was associated with the Chandler erations. tossed, and George Hujpt picked up "» Yes, yesterday is dead. until coming to Coquille in 1923. On all sides have been heard the But oply the weak or the incurably the spheroid and ran 69 yard* for We have Silver Identification The local and traveling public words of highest praise for the splen­ greedy wijl weep for yesterday. the score. —— Bracelets for' Men, a good variety. We will miss Lafe Compton’s smile and did efficiency shown during the tate ■ Tomorrow is a different day. It North Bend scored its six points also repair Alarm Clocks. Schroeder happy greeting here,, but one and all afternoon by the Coquille Fire De­ will belong only to those who are as in th* last quarter after reaching Jewelry. tfs congratulate him and his wife on partment, the Stale Police, the Co­ clear of mind as they are strong as the Devils* 12-yard line, with a pass their expansion into a larger busi­ quille Police, the yowr company heart. across the goal line. See “Spike" Leslie tor the Pest in ness and wish them the greatest of and the telephone company. . Also in thedast quarter Coquille liability, or other Insurance. Office, Today is dying as swiftly* as those success-in their two-hotel combina­ W. W. Tllghman, who formerly who fall and those who have fallen scored two more touchdowns, Hurst 1279 So. Hall, in former hospital bldg., tion. owned and operated .the Standley upon the fields of battle. If tomor- intercepting a pass and running 39 phone 9; residence phone 99L. store and still owns the store build- ,row is not a better as well as a dif- yards for the score. The Red Devils final score followed We carry a complete nne of V- Ing “» wel1 M »he Rodgers home ferent day, we can be sure that they Meek ’s interception of a pass on the' of Refrigerators, . next door, asked the Sentinel to ,hall not sleep. Helts for all make. ___________ r Washing Machines and other equip- «m«»« him as highly commending the Listen carefully and you may hear 49-yard line when he ran to the 17. menu Washer Service Co. 366 W. actions and efforts of the above­ ia faint echo from the gave* on One play took it over from there. Al­ Front. Coquille. Phone 17.. 9 named five agencies. An officer Guadalcanal and Bgtaan, from Nor­ born tossed to Meek and when the from the Naval Base at the Bay was way and Poland, from Chezcoslo- Bulldog tacklers started for him 1 on the scene in half an hour. He was vakta and Yugoslavia, from Spain Meek tossed it to Porter who had followed later by a crew from the and Greece, from Flanders and Rus­ raced Info the end zone. \ base whiph until dark and for a!, sia, from China and Malaya and Coquille’s record for the afternoon good portion of Monday, combed the : Burma, from Holland and the Indies, was the interception of seven North ground for hundreds of feet from the from — . . and - ------ Tunisia Sicily and .... Italy, Bend passes and the completion of scene of the catastrophe for any part I and from battlefields named and eight of their attempted eleven pastes. From rushing Coquille made of the plane, its motor, equipment and nameless. I instruments, whether they had been “We shall not sleep,” the echo says. 102 yards to North Bend’s 137; from mutilated by the explosion or not. “But neither shall you, my friends, passe*, Coquille 93 yards, N. B. 42; Coquille's punting average was 37 Hundreds of people witnessed the neither shall you.” yards; North Bend’s one punt went plunge of the Avenger and it was —e—— ¡most fortunate that the usual col­ Music of the evenihg was especi­ for 27 yards. reldta< Leslie says that the North Bend lection of boys and girls around the ally delightful. Plano solos by ! store, after school hours, was not Aileen Wilson were a Waltz in E squad is a tough outfit, but that his j there on jhig Sunday afternoon. Minor, Chopin, and a selection from team played a good defensive game, as well as a sterling offensive one, Standard’s tough asphaltic coatings seal against weather Folks Songs of Percy Granger. County Receives Tv^o Chocks damage, stop leaks, resist cracking and checking. Use Vocal solos were by Kenneth and North Bend had to work hard for all its fains. * . From State Oifices In Salem Talley, accompanied by Mrs. Talley. Standard Asbestos Roof Coating, for top quality, Stand­ And another thing; which anyone I County Treasurer Stauff received The numbers were "Pale Moon” and ard Roof Paint, for economy. For best results, prime Who has watched the Red Devili “ Land of Sky Blue Water,'* by ChM- a check for >65,702.82 from the State with Standard Utility Coating or Standard Priming play, has readily seen 1« that the (Support School Fund at Salem this Wakefield Cadmahf'an encore was Solution. Renew shingle roofs with Standard Shingle team co-operative spirit by every week. It is to be divided among "Sunrise and You” by Arthur M. man on the squad is of the highest Stain or Oil. ’ • * Coos county schoo^end another for Payne. order. Chairman of the Coast District, the same amount will come next The starting line-up was: Natalie Burns, gave a very fine con­ G. B.'HOWE April. Coquille (29) North Bend (6) vention report. The conference was He also received from the Secre­ Train ..... ..... Damron tary of State a check for 8817-43, held at the Waldorf Astoria with _. VtnitF i connty’s share of th* alcoholic present the presittents of 47 states .. Buchanan Kelly beverage tax for the quarter ending ahd the 48th state represented by Budealich the vice-president. Twenty million Smith Sept. 30. Bellah women are ip industry today, women Bbckles Your local represeni ative for Siggstedt have advanced she saitL^bt are still Chesem Horsemen Get Two Deer, - ..... . Mills far from, their goal. “Woman wield DeNoma Bear In Eastern Oregon STANDARD Or CALIFORNIA „_x. Wilson | tremendous power and politicians are I Alborn Two Coquille hunters, Phil Alborn' afraid of thsW ’’ ewy ¡country Kline ........ Noel RH. Fry and Wayne Wataon, did not use up where the war permits the B.P.W. Meek . F.... . Sanders any gas oh their trip to eastern Ore- clubs w >. The >nv Inter- Hurst ____ are carrying w on. gon in the John Day section, part of* national was organized in Geneva in Coquille substitutions------ Porter, their hunting ’ being on the Morris 1939. Federation dubs have not Boots, Johnson, Jenkins, McKinney, Ray ranch. They rode horseback failed in war time, the speaker said. Minard, Billings. North Bend made all the way out and back. They each Eva Stevens, president of the club, no substitutions. got their buck but what seemed to welcomed __ _ ________ the group ___ in aThort talk Interest them more was the 300-1 and closed the’meeting A confer- pound bear they killed. Both hit 'ence at Corvallis Nov. 4-8 was an­ the big.fellow, one shot striking his nounced. The next business meeting i SuccMsful Oregonian shoulder and the other went through will be Nov. 8, at which time an its head. t outside speaker will discuss the - (Continued from Page One) » - A—_l—__ measures on the November ballot. i Inter-State Commerce Commission, Lion* District Governor Here Mrs. Stevens paused to say a few j which will have to approve thwTrsil- words on the passing of Edith Walton, For Dinner Session Today road’s application when it la made, Bob Fischer, of Eugene, Lions who until her ill health prevented statistic* and information about- the had been an active member of the (Club District Governor for Oregon coast counties in Oregon and Cali­ district 36E, arrived in Coquille yes­ club. fornia. ’ # terday and last evening made his -------- *- A development in Coos county ' official visit to the Myrtle Point club. which Mr. Moore mentioned, would This noon he is making his official be the increase of cranberry bogs visit to the Coquill* den. I in the Coquille valley and in north­ ern Coos county. The present pro­ Don Farr Named Co-Chairman duction of this crop is now about Charles B. Minor passed away For S. W. Coos Republicans Wednesday at 10:30 p. m. at the hos­ 60,000 boxes, and the estimated pos­ wr£S sibility, when all suitable land is Don Farr was appointed Co- pital here after an extended illness. Chairman for the southwestern part 1 He was born at Thomasville, Mis- producing, is 160,000 boxes. r OK Leaves Coquille 7:11 a. m. He said the project would cost of the county, by Republican County souri, Oct. 16, 1864, and was at the 'millions upon millions, one tremen- MARSHFIELD - NEWPORT - PORTI.AND Chairman Raleigh Green last Tues- time of passing, one day past 80 Idous item of construction costs being _ _____ day evening at the central committee years of age. j 'the necessary bridges across rivers Ar. 7:51 a.m. Ar. 11:45 a.m. Ar. 4:25 p.m. ¡meeting held in the city hall here. He came to Bandon in 1937 and has and streams near the coast. Hints Don will be assisted by Graydon made his home there since that time. ¡were given as to tAe possible loca«- , Anderson here and Jack Kronenberg He was married to Etta L. Howard, tion of a crossing of the Coast range at Bandon. A meeting of Coquille 'Jan. 6, 1893, and to this union were and* of where the line Would run in Leaves Coquille at 10:28 a.rti. for Bandon, Crecent City precinct men and women will be born their two surviving sons, Farley Coos county, but definite information •jcalled at once for organization work. R-. of Bandon, and Benton, of Hood and arrives at Eureka 6:53 p.m. ------ - ----------------- iRiver, and a daughter, Mrs. Ola> on these matters is not for publica­ BANDON - CRESCENT CITY - EUREKA A traveling "examiner of automo- , Vineyard, of Hood River. He #is ' tion at this time. John R. Denning, of Portland, rep ­ • • bile drivers, from the Secretary of a,*° survived by eleven grandchil- ! ---------- ------------ resentative of the United States State’s office will be at the Coquille dren. Minor passed away last July. Chamber of Commerce, was intro- “ • CALL US WHEN | city hall Tuesday, Oct. 24, from nine 1 Mrs. being held duced but •tated “ he ex* tlH four o’clock, to receive applica- • Graveslde services are __ ____ ______ Agent: W. II. Barrow YOU NEED ANT OF jtions of those desiring drivers1 11- at the I.O.O F. cemetery at Bandon P«‘ed see everF Professional and Depot: Barrow Drug Co., Roxy Corner Thursday, at 2:30 p. m. under business man in Coquille during his these services censes and to conduct examinations. . A* »1 -- ’1«. _a*------- A» Ah. A 3 — a 8 A 1 A n a 4 talk MM 1L* I the direction of A the Gaw> Funeral . May here, he would A/hi not VMM make Phone: 245 Phone 222R, to Art Hooton for your Home, Rev. Mr. Stubbs of the Bandon at the dinner session. stmnnn all tni wrsr with mmhiiiii v « an 8 p »9 t « tim Evan Alborn reported progress on electrical wiring and repair needs. Baptist Church officiating. ths preparation of copy for a Co­ He Is located north of th* ball park ou'the Fairview road. 52tf* publicity folder ahd added Now is the time to order your quille - Christmas cards for Imprinting. Nor- i »hat the committee was still in need number of * glossy print pictures Electric Fence Units, 314.79 and ton’s have the cards and do the work, j of - a ------- Phone 53 - “ C*q*ille UP- WIW work on 110-volt Ibie, or Satisfaction guaranteed. s of scenes and industries in and I hot shot battery, or automobile- bet- around Coquille. tery. Also Hot-Shot Baterles for Mr. Alborn also reported on the Get a good. Book at Norton's Rent- sale. Oeo. F. .Burr Motor. I6tfs el Library. tfs committee's actions in support of A. C. Schultz Roar With Gilmore” Protect roots now Gilmore Service Station t R. T. Moore Reports Railroad Meeting A tor U.S. SENATOR BUS SERVICE From Coquille Death Ends Suffering Of Chas. B. Minor PKOHPT SERVICE Greyhound Daily Service Northbound ICKING, wMwe Southbound ISTRlBliTION a e * am a a m a a •»