4 * i Í f ♦ I ì / Grand Officers Attend Jeb’s Daughters Meeting Monday on r<- Unfinished Chests $8.50 to >16.50 Unfinished Chairs y |1J5 to 12.95 ' New High Chairs $3.05 Clothes Hampers UM Brooks - USED FURNITURE Republican Committee Meeting Mrs. Ettyth G. Walton Evidences Grim Determination Died In Salem Thursday Grand Guardian Edna Stanley and The Coos County Republican Cen­ Grand Secretary Edna Catlow of the tral Committee met in the Coquille state of Oregon jurisidctlon paid an city hall Tuesday and was called to official visit to Coquille Bethel, No. order at eight o’clock by Chairman IS, Job’s Daughters, here Monday Green. The meeting was well at­ evening. tended and many of the committee The six 9’clock banquet which women and men were present. The preceded th« meeting was served in regular routine of business was dis­ the banquet room in Masonic Hall, patched and ail the various com- where the Hallowe’en motif was car-lmittees were assigned their' duties ried out for both hall decorations and a genuine spirit of harmony and and for tables. desire foe team, work were quite * ' At the regular meeting which fol­ apparent. lowed the candidate for initiation The seriousness with which the was Sally Grable. different speakers expressed them­ Escorts and honors were extended selves in their talks was very no- to present and past Queens, Grand ticeable and it was quite obvi lite obvious .Officers, Bethel Guardians and’that none of them were l C . . of disciples Guardian Council members. 1 — •— 1 had - a — * defeatism but grim determin- ___ ____ ______ The new _________ Guardian ______ Council mem- atlon to dare, and do. Like that grim ben were installed by Grand Guard- determination that animated the as- -U'“ -, ak I j ian Stanley, assisted by Grand Sec- — semblage of .U- the founden of this retary Catlow. For Past Bethel great Republic, in the face of a Guardian Catherine Ruble was in­ storm that was approaching, this stalled as Marshal. meeting of American women and With Secretary Vera Bishop acting men, still clinging to their faith in as installing secretary and Chap­ what their forbears hadv established, lain Phyllis. Litzenberger as install­ marched bravely on to meet that ing chaplain, the following were then storm. installed in their respective offices: The seriousness of the situation at' Ada Moore, Bethel Guardian. the present time requires more se­ D. E. Rackleff, Assoc. Guard. rious thought and, it seems, that Evelyn Finley, Guard. Sec. wisecracking and downing is entirely May Rackleff, Guard. Treas. unnecesary and entirely out of place; 1 the voice of traditiop should inform Doris Ann Wood, Guard. Music. Estelle Harbison, Guard. Socia- us of the struglge for freedom, and billty. *4; ____ ______ ~ no doubt if ~ it - is ----- stiir __ respected, would Ula Alborn, Guard. Paraphernalia, save us from another struggle. I Peg Gould, Guard, of Fin. —R. M. Harrlaon. 1 Dorothy Dunn, Guard. Hosp. Two Coquille Ladies Hear Grace Moore In Portland If you did not receive our October broadside ask at once. You will find a Mrs. M. O. Hawkins accompanied of”“m^rchandLe her son-in-law and daughter, Lieut. 5^ tooking Clifford E. Kampf and Mrs. Kampf, COMPANY as far as Portland last Saturday. The ■ _. young couple were returning to1 Grand Island, Nebraska, after a two weeks’ visit here and in Curry coun­ ty with relatives. Mrs. Hawkins heard Grace Moore Saturday d|ght and stated her voice Is even more beautiful than over the radio. Mrs. G. W. Tyrrell also went to Portland for the week-end to hear Grace Moore and to see her daugh­ ter, Mavis, who is attending business college there. 1 Mrs. Edith G. Walton? former teacher in the Coquille achoola and who was a resident of thia citj for 16 years, pased away last Thursday in a Salem hospital, following a paralytic stroke a week before. The telegram from Mrs. Walton’s slater with whom she went recently to live, was sent to Mrs. Jas. Rich-, mond, but it did not give information as to when the funeral services were' to be held. Mrs. Walton's «on, Dudley, who is now with the Army Air Force in the south Pacific, was probably not able to get home for the funeral. He and Mrs. Richmond's son, James, practically grew up together and were inseparable from babyhood on until they went to college, and the mothers were the closest of friends. • Mrs. Walton was forced by-» ill health to resign as a teacher here | last year. _____________ i •r '_______________________ I Keys made for ait locks. Stevens Cash Hardware, Coquille. Ore. U A*tb*riifd Dealer J. S. Barton, realtor, announces the sale, by his agency, of the fol­ lowing properties: The Chaney Apartments on 10th, 11th, and North Elliott streets, to William Eveland and-Wife; Elmer Davis dwelling on North Henry street to Joseph and Mary A. Rowe; The Lee Atkinson dwelling at the j C al H ng carda w for tl qq Saturday Evening •' October 21 Sponsored by i Coquille Junior Woman's Club __ Music by Baumgarten's Orchestra Come and Meet Ybur Friends - IM*. H««a aad Peoltr- Adm. *0 cents per person Fuhrman's Pharmacy LAMB comer of 10th and North Coulter street, to H. R. Horner and wife; The Floyd Anderson home, corner of 6th and North Heath, to Orville Chard and wife; , Elmore J. Peterson home on North Heath St., between 6th and 7th, to William Norton and wife; The J.' H. Rigsby ranch on the Middle Fork of the Coquille river to Harold O. Parker and wife. Coquille Community Building Vaccínea and for CaMl«. a copy of for a copy very good you hw 'Recent Sales By J. S. Barton Realty Agency 29th ANNIVERSARY SALE! HILDENBRAND for a Community of a feuj Hundred io war e The Leslie E. Croffs Here From Florida Last Week Mr. and Mrs. Leslie E. Croff ar­ rived here last week from Jackson­ ville, Florida, where Leelie has been stationed for over a year as a flight instructor in free gunnery in the U. S. Navy at Ceisel Field. After spending his leave visiting at the homes of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. 4. E. Croff of North Bend and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Oerding of Co­ quille, Leslie left this morning for' {Jan Diego, where he will await fur- ; ther assignment, while his wife,1 Jane, will remain here wtih her par- ’ ents. flower living Costs » goocery Macaroni or Spaghetti, Porter 24 os 23c day. Safeway value* con­ tinue ta represent ths finest quality foods it ta possible to bay at the low­ est possible cost to its cus­ tomers. That's why we say- Kraft Cheese, old English (3 pts) 5 os 20c Compal Safeway UoIutA ‘Gardenside can 5c Red Hill Catsup (50 pts) 14 os. bot.,12c NuMade Mayonnaise 32 ox. jar 47c pint jar 26c Kraft Miracle Whip Libby Pickles, homemade style 214 28c Old Mill Vinegar, cider Banana Flour, Kanana pint 9c 5ft os. 37c Pancake Flour, Susanna 2ft lb. pkg. 15c Flapjack Flour, Albers 2ft lb. pkg. 22c Cane Syrup Sleepy Hollow 16 os. hot 21c REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER of Ones County, Oregon Election November 7, 1M4 If elected yeUr County Oeasasto- iloner I will earnestly strive for: fl) Decent roads for outlying dis­ tricts. ■ e (2f Coos County owns some 20,000 separate tracts of land, get these back on the tax rolls by sales to prospective home oWner% NOT SPECULATORS Post-war planning for our own County and our own peo­ ple. A County Manager is of vital importance. (5) a fair and open-minded hear­ ing on all matters coming be­ fore me with special privileges to none. (6) Thirty-eight years of success­ ful business * experience in Coos County. DRINK JUICES New Books, at Norton’s include the following: “Ride with*Me" by Costain; "Tom Bon«,” Judah} “Glit­ tering Hill’’ by Murphy; “geing Met Together” by Wilkins, and “The History of Rome Hanks” by Pen­ nell. Come in and browse Heaters GLENWOOD Wood-Burning Circulator ALL CAST FIREBOX — 21 inch Sise $72.50 Stevens Cash Hardware Coquille dr . . . for health and refreshment! Royal Satin SHORTENING Safeway has a large variety of ’em—priced low! Guaranteed Quality Blended Juice, Adams, 2-No. 2 cans __ 33c Orange Juice, Adams, 46 n. can H 18 ■ TEA 10c rise O- Canterbury Black, lb. 85c MOLASSES 36 os. Red Hen bottle VANILLA or LEMON bitte Westag Flavors' SALT, Plain or Iodised 7c Sno-White Pkg- FLOUR. 25 lb. sack, $1.02 Cl OO Kitchen Craft, 50 lb. sk. SUGAR 5» lb. du ¿O Beet, use stamp 30, 31, 32, 33, 40 -------- RICE 3 lb. pkg. Blue Rose Choice TOMATOJCE.-- “^19c Mayor Wood and Councilman Burr both being out of town Monday eve­ ning. and there being nothing of im­ portance on the docket anyway, tbei city council di* not meet for its regular session Monday evening. Unlesa a special meeting is called in the meantime, the next one will be the regular session on Nov. 6. the the ave before election. ........... 43c GRPFRUITJCE.-X-J3c V-8 Vege. Cocktail (10 pts.) 18 os. 14c Prune Juice, Sunsweet, quart 25c Safeway Meats » String Beans, Lorraine No. 2 can Sliced Beets, Blue Tag No. 303 .. MORE Nô Council Session Was Held Thia Week ' - for Millions Van Camp Tenderoni 2 6-ox pkgs. 15c Tomato Sauce, li 19 years ago Safeway opened its first stat* at American Falta. Idaho. Soon the new storekeepiaq methods which eat food costs so effectively spread Safeway’s popularity MEAT Price Points PORK SAUSAGE, country style lb.............. ,........ 32c 0 0 SHORT RIBS, A A B Grades lb.............................. 19c 0 GROUND BEEF, lb................ -............. 29c 0 PORK LIVER, lb. ............ -........ 24c . 5 BEEF ROAST, lb............................................i .1. ............ 27c 13 SIRLOIN STEAK A Grade lb................................... 40c • VEAL LEG or RUMP ROAST A Grade............... 33c 0 VEAL SHOULDER ROAST A Grade .?......... 28c 0 VEAL SHOULDER STEAK A Grade lb.............. 28c 4 SHOULDER LAMB ROAST A A B Grade lb.... 34c 7 RIB LAMB CHOPS A Grade lb .......... 43c 7 B Grade lb........... ....... 39c FISH Fresh Oysters, medium sixe pint ........... . Fresh Columbia River Sliced Salmon lb. 05c 40c 59c Corn, Butter Kernel whole, No. 2... 14c Std. Toma ir es, Gardenside . (30 pts.) -..............._.... Evap. Com, Copes, 5ft ex. pkg. Pea Soup, DennlsditTs, 15 ox. can... Campbell Tomato Soup, 3 cans ... Cudahy’s Deviled Ham, 3 ox. can Tredt, Tang or Prem, IS ox. can Prince Leo ¿Salmon, No. 1 tall.... Sliced Peaches Hiwy (80 pts) No 2ft 21c Apricots Valley Gold (60 pts) No 2ft 21c 1c SALE! Edwards One reg. Pk«. Shredded Ralston for lc with the pur abase of one pkg. 1 RALSTON whole wheat cereal at rag. price 26c Quality Blend COFFEE Lb. Jar HMM « 28c FANCY PF AÇSUGAK c#. ■ I T LAj sweet and BELLE tender No can 21 I3C RFAKJÇ ,d®h® R*ds «d Great DtAVPID Northern Large Whites 5 1b. bag 4wC SALAD DRESSG ÄS 35c CRACKERS Soda Crackers 2 cT 28c SEEDSLESS RAISINS, Thompson DRIED PRUNES, Clara Vai NABISCO SHREDDED WHEAT TOBACCO, Edgeworth Lb. 98c < 4 lb. pkg. 2 lb. pkg. 11 os. pkg. Model Lb. i 25c 28c 1 lc 67c Guaranteed Produce Apples, Jonathans or Delicious, Ex. Fey & Fey., lb. Wrapped and Packed, Box . ................ .. ORANGES, Sunkist, Sweet and Juicy, lb LEMONS, Sunkist, full of juice, lb. BROCCOLI, Garden Fresh, lb.... ...... CAULIFLOWER, Snow White, lk lb. .. - ---------- CELERY, Green, Utah Type, ONIONS, Yellow, POTATOES, Klamath or Medium sixe, 3 lbs........... 9c Deschutes, 5 lbs...... 10 lb. sk. .................. 33c No. 1 Netted Gems, 50 lb. sk.................... 21.09 15 lb. sk. Boilers, 10 lb. x I l .. ............ 29c IM lb. sk. 'SQUASH. Hubbard or Marblehead, Mb. Whole or by the piece r "______ HUNDREDS OF BIRTHDAY VALUES-/ V om SAFEWAY!