Sebator Wm. E. Walah y I Talked Thursday Ta Mons /ir»^*** «91 South Tartar Phone 155 Across Street from Telephone Office ’ 1 ’A Kwi /JrA ** W/ A ft » The promotion of Richard B. Avery, 22, of Coquille, from the grade of private first class to that of technician fifth grade has been announced by the headquarters of the Ninth Air Force unit to which he is currently assigned, somewhere » Cpl. Thos. J. Newton Now At in the European Theatre of Opera­ Avon Park A.A.F. In Florida tions. Word has been received that Cpl. Technician Fifth (J&de Avery, a welder in a medium maintenance , Thomas J. Newton has been trans­ company, is the son of Mrs. Leia M. ferred from Tampa, Florida, to Avon Florida, Avery, of Coquille. His wife, Mrs. Park. Army Air Field, Rosalie F. Avery, lives at 303 East where he has been assigned to a 3rd St.^Tucsou, Arte.' Prior to en­ crew of a B-17 Flying Fortress as tering the armed forces at Fort flight engineer. There he will have Lewis, Wish., Jan. 27, 1942, he was ten weeks of ground school on a employed as a linotype operator by variety of subjects, as well as 180 Don S. Avery, Etna, Calif. In 1940 hours of flying. Then he will be he was graduated from Coquille ready for overseas duty. Since leaving Coquillq in June, high school where he was a reporter 1943, he has been in twenty-four on the school paper. After preliminary training Cpl. states but Oregon has them all beat Avery was transferred to an east by far in grandeur, climate and peo­ His address is: coast port from where he left for ple, Tommy says. AfS.N. overseas in the summer of 1943. The Cpl. Thomas J. Newton, unit to which he is now assigned is 39334121 Sqd. 5 Jay Prov. Gp. Crew part Of the Ninth Air Force Service 19, A.P.C.C.TS., A.P. A.A.F., Avon team of mechanics, ordnance men j i Park, Florida. "i and machinists who have been as- | sembled to keep the aerial invasion , Everett Willard la In of the German occupied territoritles The South Pacific by the Ninth Air Force ih the skies. Everett Willard, son of Mr. and Dick, he was called in the Sentinel : Mrs. Ernest Willard of the McKinley i of*ce when he was our “printer’s route, who enlisted In the Merchant, devil.” Marine in July, received his ad­ vanced training at th? Santa Catalina base in southern California. He is now second steward on a vessel in the South Pacific and expects ad­ vancement soon to the rank of first steward. i«* 1 t£Ck^®| Mrs. Janie Hervey Enlists In The Woman's Army Corps Tires worn to the fabric will never be strong, safo recaps. Tires worn smooth,. . . then recapped with famous Goodyear Exfra-Mlleage method of recapping . will give you thousands of safe miles at war-tima speeds. It’s the sure and economical way of keeping your car rolling on clean, good looking tires. Bring us your snjooth tire carcasses today . . . we’ll give you Goodyear Extra-Mileage Recapping for a Jot of tomor­ rows to come. Southwestern Motors Goodyear Store 352 So. Hall Phona IM. Mrs. Janie E. Hervey, daughter of W. J. Ferbrache, of Coquille, recent­ ly enlisted in the Women’s Army Corps and will leave shortly for basic training in Fort Des Moines, Iowa. She is a graduate of Coquille High School and a former Ashland Nor­ mal student. , Taking advantage of the oppor­ tunity now offered by the WAC, Mrs. Hervey requested work in the motor pool at the Pacific Overseas i Air Service CopJnand located in Oakland, Califorfija. The opportun- ity of choice of work and station will , be available to enlistees in the WAC up to and including October 31. Fur­ ther information may be obtained at the WAC Recruiting Station located' in 425 Hall Building, Marshfield.: Oregon. The telephone number there is 866. Coquille Studio Is the time to have that Christmas Portrait made lew Arrivals at Purkey’s LIBRARY DINETTE TABLES A small table which extends to dining room table size $24.50 °"<< $34.50 OLYMPIA RANGES Pre-war construction with the mirror like top $84.50 Three Davenport and Chair Suites and Two Daveno Groups Full spring construction $169.50 * $199.50 Two New Groups of Pictures fir Mirrors Wide range of prices SMALL SUIT CASES ’ Suitable for children $2.95 Purkey Furniture When T«s Think of FuraMnre Think ef Turkey) DiHardMarket Specials That, Fri., Sat Fresh Frails and Vegetables FRESH CIDER It's really good PRUNES Italians HONEY Floradale - - - gal. 8^ BISQUICK RAISINS Ney Crop Seedless CHEESE Cheddar - Nippy 4 lb. pkg. 49c - - - - - lb. 39c Ralston's Cereal, quick cooking & 1 pkg. Ralston's both 25c MILK LARD Borden's Swift's Silverleaf CRACKERS EGGS - - - - - case $4.39 4 Ih nkn 7Or Krispies or.Snowflake Guaranteed Fresh' BABY FOOD - large cans Heinz MOTHER S COCOA Mediums compete assortment 3 cans Delicious All Purpose 1 lb. pkg. 12c COFFEE Emmrich's Silex Grind S&W Drip or Reg. !b. 29c POTATOES Klamath Netted Gems No. 2's 50 lb. bag $1 29 APPLES Fancy Delicious Best for Eating - 3 lbs 29c FRESH DATES healthful and delicious - - Ih 50e MELONS " ' from - - Dillard Caiabas ONIONS Mild Sweet Spanish PEANUTS Fresh Roasted Virginia Jumbo SWEET POTATOES Fancy Med. size - ..liiiniiiiniiiiiiniiiifiii/iHiifiiiiniiiifftiiiiuiniiiiiiiiiini Mold expected to arrive soon. e1 State Senator Wm. E Walah was ;. over here from Marshfield last - Thursday and attended the noon ses- I sion of the Lions- club, giving that II body a report on his work back- in ■ I Washington, D. C., where he spent s several weeks in the effort to have - work at the now discarded chrome ,, plant three or four miles out from ’, here on the Marshfield highway, re- - sumed and continued. The senator paid his respects to ! our bureaucratic form of govern- iment, developed so largely the past 12 years, and said that while bureaus Vern Oderkirk Was Not | are necessary in our form of govern- Seriously Injured In France Phillip Stem The Groom At Iment, that care should be taken by The Sentinel was misinformed 1st WAC Wedding At Dow, Field 'congress to so limit their powers lust week about Vesn Oderkirk'» in­ Dignified simplicity characterized jury. It happened in France, noti, that (hey cannot expand their func­ the wedding of Pvt. Ernestine G. England, and the latest Word from tions at the desire of the bureaucrats Gibson and S/Sgt. Phillip J. Stem, him is that he was not seriously to include hundreds of activities not granted by the congressional en­ September 30 at a double ring-Cere­ wounded. abling act. mony at the Dow Field Chapel, Ban­ , The senator's opinion of bureau- gor, Maine, with the Rev. John N. Lieut.-Com. G ray don Crews of the Fleaster of the Hammond Street Navy, who is stationed in Seattle, i critic Washington could not be Congregational Church officiating. came down on one of the transport classed of one of approval. The bride' wore her winter uniform planes to the North Bend base last of olive drab and carried American Saturday and was able to spend a Coos County Ministerial Beauty roses. Pvt. Helen Splann couple or more days with Mrs. Crews Association Met Here Monday was maid of honor and T/ here, leaving to return to his head' The Coos County Ministerial As­ lando E. Nardone was best man. quarters on Tuesday. sociation met on Monday for the A reception for eJose friends of the Pioneer Methodist ChUrch, with Rev. ccgiple was held following the cere­ Burton Johnson Graduates From .Charles Brown and Mrs. Brown as mony at the W.A.C. Day Room on the AA.F. School In Florida | host an As an aerial gunner he will join of the Bandon Presbyterian Church, for the past three mouths, was able thousands of his “teammates of the will give the book review on “Wor­ to stop off from last Saturday until sky,” carrying the attack to the ene­ ship." Tuesday evening to visit Mrs» Bur­ my in all parts of the world as guard­ rell and their two children who still ians of America’s heavy and medium Three From J. P. Courts reside here. For six years Walter bombers. At Bay Now In Jail Here was employed by the Coquille Laun­ Burton is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Two mien were brought over to the dry and has been in the Navy for R. C. Johnson of this, city. county jail on Sunday from Justice six months. At Seattle he will at­ Allan A. Hail’s court in Marshfield. tend.,the Precommissioning School. Elmer Dalos Robinette had been bound over on a forgery charge, and Thurston Edward Crumley for