arrival ui an infant daughter, Han­ nah Margaret, fl pounds, 14 ounces, born to Mr. and Mrs. O. William Booth in Portland, Sept. 28. Mr. Booth was with Smith Wood-Prod­ ucts while here. He is now in the service, at present in a sanatorium in New Mexico, but in improved health and expected home soon. Personal Mention Mesdames Jas. Richmond. Birdie Skeeis, L. P. Fugelson, Leland Peter­ son and F. F. Schram left Tuesday evening for Salem to attend the an­ nual conference of the state Women’s Society for Christian Service. Mrs. F- L. G reenough left Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Peart, former residents here who had been living evening for a severs) weeks’ visit in the Eugene district for several with her son. Harrison, and family years, have returned to Coquille to in Seattle. again make their home here. He has been so afflicted with rheuma­ tism and arthritis the past year that he has been unable to work and his doct ot told him it would be some time yet before he could accept em­ ployment. , Mrs. Alice M. Klenz returned Fri­ day from Seattle, where she spent her week’s vacation from her duties as bookkeeper at the Geo. E. Oerd- ¿.OST—Past Noble Grands Rebekah ing ins. agency. Mrs. Klenz was the Pin, yellow gold, has letters P and guest at the tlome of Ensign (J. G.) S G, and three links. Lost on Sec­ und Mrs.* Richard K. Smiethe, while ond street Wednesday evening. Re­ visiting her husband, William E. ward for return to Mrs. Ruth Klenz, JJ.S.C.G., stationed at Ken­ Beyers. • ' - It more, Washington. Insurance Speciali»! F. R. Bull. SPECIAL KLEENEX H. E. Huddle, formerly of Coquille, but now living in Albany, writing to renew his subscription, says that they like it out there very much; that there is lots of work and he keeps very busy. Perfect Double Bill With Thrilb! Chills Invisible Man's Revenge "Pardon My Rhythm” ¡Friday, Saturday, Sundi I'd gtìsniì*» * While they last—One to a customer Sale starts at 10 A. M. Sa tu rday Morning The ladies of the Holy Name Al­ tar Society will hold a meeting at the rectory on Thursday evening, October 19, at 8:00 p. m. All mem­ bers are urgently requested to at­ tend this meeting. REVLON All Shades of Lipstick "”**’ All Shades of Face Powder All Shades of Nail Polish Just received shipment of Box Candy Liberty Friends here week received announcen^ent cards telling of the | THUR. FRl. SAT SING, DANCE ROMANCE! A six-star, song, laugh and glamour adventure amid the merry mad- R neis of a Broadway Hbk musical in the mol 'ng1 I • JEFFREYS HAINES KV « . of ha.woxyt ^GARDEN Cartoon — “LITTLE LULU” “Unusual Occupation1 —News ) ★ * I MATINEE SUNDAY 1:45 NEWS - CABTOON NEWS . COMEDY Admission - ADULTS 40c *