4 Mr«. Howard Moy Guest | Boots, Gene ■.Nosier, Mr«. Knupp, iIone Willeta O'Dell, Hazel I a —i —n k * 81r0fnon, Don Farr, Liston Parrish, A miscellaneous showw wu glv« KendeMon H Jack MtaMe Clinton T Bejotrkstrandi qubert n?n k h k .°" I? uy J*cob*in' Mi“ Janice P«^rhout and . k J «uest honor, Mrs James Mc- The hltU^^lre 21^' P°U' ThOSe 9*nd‘ni gliU “nd un‘ Fugelson 'M D Sherrard Jas Bunfh “ble l° attend Were M” Steven’* Of Honor At Shower were were presented and Vera Stevens, Mrs. Harold McCue, T? Mrs Mu,k^* Allce ^ayKMrs Faye refreshments osterhout and Mrx G J. w. H1LDENBRAND wall Paper Remnants Stork Shower In Honor Of Mrs. James McPoii Mrs. James McPoii was the guest of honor at a “stork*' shower, given by Mrs. Arthur Hooton Tuesday eve­ ning last week. Only one decora­ tion was used, the proverbial bird holding his * bundle of charm in a flower setting. After the many beautiful and use­ ful gifts were opened and admired, dainty refreshments. of ice cream, REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE ’ :A. ■ * FOR GREGG HARDWARE COUNTY COMMISSIONER ® Probate Court Items /e e e kNotionally Advertised Brandst 1 psj C-/ x Week And Safeway is featuring all the brands you know and like. The brands you repd about in the Nation's leading maga- lines, listen to over the air and see in your local newspaper. Stock up today on the many good "buys" listed below . . . y Most important put your lavings in War Bonds and Stamps. *CAMPBELLS SOUP 3 *VAN CAMPS 3”~ —29c — 25c ‘BUTTER KERNEL CORN FT. WE HAVE AU THE ANSWERS TO YOU« QUESTIONS ABOUT TIRES J -- - - - - - - - - - i - _ PREM MEAT l'“ '“ 31c 14c Check These Values! Cricco Shortening Lb. jar 24c 3 lb. 68c WHEATIES Rippled Wheat cereal 9 ox. pkgs. 9c Nabisco Bran 16 ox. pkg............ _............ .17c Grape Nuts 12 ox. pkg. ......... i.ISc Quaker Oats • 20 ox. pkg.......... ......... 13c M. J. B., Hjlls Coffee Lb. jar .......... 33c Airway Coffee lb. bag...... ............ 26c Sanka Coffee 1 lb. jar .................. 36c Instant Postum 4 ox. pkg. ........ 24c Hershey Cocoa ft lb. pkg. ................. 116c Canterbuery Tea, black Vs lb. ......... 22c Bisquick Flour 40 ox. pkg............... 31c Calumet Baking Powder 25 ox. can 25c Morton Salt, pl. or iodiz. 26 ox. 2 for 15c Knox Gelatine, sparkling 1 ox.............. 18c Kingsford Corn Starch, Lb. pkg. ___ ; 9c Jell-Well, asst, desserts pkg....... ,......... Sc Raisins, Sun-Maid Nectars 2 lbs. __ 25c EDWARDS“ jBr28c Í SArewAy mcats B.EGoodrich BEEF ROAST lb. 5 pts. “A” grade 27c SIRLOIN STEAK lb. 13 pts. “A” grade 40c ROUND STEAK lb. 15 pts. “A” grade 38c RfAlty fRÍSH PRODUCI 1 APPLES Jonathans or Delicious 43-Ib bx $3.89 Lb. 9tyc ORANGES, Sunkist Lb/ ................ —................... X............. 10c LEMONS, Sunkist Lb. ............... [..........¿J . ....... 12c BROCCOLI, fresh Lb. .... ............ .......'..... 17e CAULIFLOWER, Snow white Lb. ............... 10c CELERY, green, crunchy Lb. .................................... 7c BELL PEPPERS Lb. . .... . ....... ..i...-............ 10c BOILER ONIONS 10 lb. sack * TUNE IN! Safewar breado