Personal Mention reatment, She accom-I _ , daughter Mrs. L. D. * Enli»tment in United States Wenatchee, who had . Cowt Guard Re^ve will be opened her parents here. I0**** 1 u “» ««venteen-year-old men, after having beCh closed since •s. W. Edgar Brown, of rebru"y’ “TK Mur’ .rt spending the week ray’ N* ?^ic‘ Pa­ wn’s parents, Rev. and •onnel ^urement Officer, an- jounces. Recruits will receive their basic training at Alameda, Calif., and then be sent either to an advanced train­ ing school, where they will receive training which will fit them for ad­ vancement in civilian life or be as­ signed to* duty afloat. The enlistment quota fur this dis­ trict, which includes Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana and Wyom­ Big Dance next week—Sat., Oct. ing« is 70 men. Oregon men may 21, at Coquille Community Building. apply for enlistment at 806 S. W. Good Music! Sponsored by Junior Morrison Street, Portland. Lieuten- Woman's Club. • ant Murra/ said. Only men actually 17 years of age, who are physically and otherwise qualified, will be accepted. Those who have reached their eighteenth birthday must enter military service through Selective Service. Little Respect Shown For The 35-Mile An Hour Rate See “Spike” Leslie tor the oest in Eighty-five per cent of the drivers liability, or other Insurance. Office, using the Pacific highway during the 275 So. Hall, in former hospital bldg , inonth of August travi ¡ed at speeds phone 5; residence phone 95L. * up to 48 miles an hour, according to Secretary of State Bob Farrell. Speed checks maintained by the traffic engineering division of the state highway department showed that the speed of the majority of drivers was slightly under the rate set for July. Only 15 per cent of tire drivers held their speeds under 35 miles an Miss Jeanette Stone, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Al Stone of the John- kon mill district, came in last Friday from Eugene, where she is attending the Cadet Nurse School, and re­ turned out there on Sunday. Mrs. Grace Hughes, of Yelm, Wpsrt- tntgon, who hase been visltifig h|r Big Dance next week—Sat., Oct. cqpain, Mrs. Flora E. Dunne, left last Thursday to visit her daughter, Mrs 21, at Coquille Community Building. Good Music! ‘ Sponsored by Junior Raymond Oehlerich, and family at Woman’s Club. « Gilehrist, Ore. . 111 ITA Outstanding Figure Skater of the World THE STAR OF ICE -CAPADES — THE TRAVELING SKATING CARNIVAL — THE HIT OF SAN FRANCISCO DURING THE WORLD’S FAIR. —--- , ENJOY THIS YOU'LL SHOW •** c,*±X**-r2Ä* __•• . . ir,-1 i—i »rrj*____ is the only word tot thè hlonde dai lio?, ut the ice woihl ui the thnll hit that h.r, evfi ythmy.1 GRAY CREAM BEUTA DOROTHY GRA SALON CREAM DOROTHY GRAY DRY SKIN LOTION REVLON $1.00 & 60c LATEST NEWS EVENTS MATINEE SAT. [ THUR. FRI. SAI r 1 • ' ■ U SHRIEK...WITH LAUGHTER! 7^ oct . 1 12-13-14 j PAY-OFF IN THE PACIFIC I WHAT A SHOW! A Tooth THAT'S WHY THEY REALLY HIT THEIR TARGET FOR TONIGHT! WILLIAM n «G,NAA«.aN0 < •RAGS' RAGLANP j UNA O'CONNOR I Starring DONLEVY Wolter LATEST NEWS Sports Review EVENTS "DOG SENSE BRENNAN — Also— BUGS BUNNY “BUCKAROO BUGS” LATEST NEWS Matinee Sunday — 1:45 / NEWS COMEDY Adults 40c