' h. » , LOST—Black zipper Blllflold, last week. Finder may keep money if One Cent a Werd Eaek laeerttoe ' he or she will return papers and cards contained therein. Mrs. Jack Ne Adv. leas than M eaata Dolan. H« WATER WELL Drilling — Fred C. Lee, 507 Clark St., Nbrth Bend, FOR RENT — 3-room Furnished Apartment, bath and garage, at Oregon. Phone Mil. Chaney Apartments on North good SERVICE makes Good In­ Twelfth. See W. H. Eveland at surance. I give service. F. R. 833 North Elliott. _______________ U Bull. a e ___ DOST — Sunday in Coquille, Gold MAIL CARRIER WANTED—Call at Locket and Chain, fine link. A Coquille Poet Office. Ask for Mr. keepsake. Finder please leave at " Hawkins or Mr. Grimes. Sentinel office or at 437 N. Hall GLASSI RED | “AGE JONI — Coquille Woman's Club Enjoys "A Day With The Red Cross" St. James Episcopal Church meeting of the Cascade district held in Roseburg Tuesday this week. This was in connection with the new movement soon to be inaugurated in the Methodist Churches throughout th« world. ’ Matters of interest in regard to Summer Institutes were taken up at this time. Lay repre­ sentatives were present, including young people from the Youth Fel­ lowship work. Rev. Silas E. Fair­ ham and Bishop Bruce Baxter, to­ gether witb several lay speakers, were present to speak and direct the meeting. Methodist Church Ceraer E. 3rd * Elliott Sta. The Rev. Robert L Greene, Vicar Sunday: X 8:00 a. m. Holy Communion (2nd, 4th and Sth Sundays). 9:45 a. m. Church School. 11:00 a. m. Nursery and Kindergar­ ten. 11:00 Morning Prayer with Sermon. (1st and 3rd Sundays—Holy Com­ munion) _ 5:00 p. m. High School Young Peo­ ple. • ' Rev. Chas. Goodwin Brown, Pastor 9:45—Sunday School. A grand place In which to study God’s Word. 11:00—Sunday morning warship, serrpon subject: “The Commission.” 6:30—Youth Fellowship Groups. Intermediate and Senior. 7:30—Sunday evening worship, closing the day with the presence of God. 7:30—Wednesday evening Choir rehearsal. r 7:30—Thursday mid-week services. 6:30—FridUr evening social hour; 8:00 p. m. Altar Guild (2nd Tues- potluck dinner, program. For ALL ay). the church and church friendsi 8:00 p. m. Shortened Evening The church welcqpies all but if Prayer with Instruction for Adults. you would obtain the best you must (4th Tuesday.) make the church more than a mere resting place. We must be willing to 10:00 a. m. Holy Communion. give our service. 2:30 p. m. St James' Guild. • —....... . ' 8:00 p. m. Evening Guild fist and The Assembly of Ged 3rd Wednesdays). Thursday L. C. Persing, Pastor 8:00 p. m. Bishop's Committee (3rd Thursday). 9:45 a. m. Sunday School —— for every age. Bertha Byrd, super­ Emmanuel Baptist Church intendent. Rev. Menno D. Rempel, Pastor 1 1N00 a. m. Morning Worship. Mrs. 10:00 Sunday School. There to no C. O. Wood will be speaking. other organisation that does as much 6:30 p. m. Christ Ambassadors’ for our boys and girls in influencing Youth meeting. Mary Lou Nevhon, them for good, as the Sunday School. president. ■; 11:00 Morning Service. Sermon 7:30 p. m. Evangelist C, O. Wood topic, “The Heroism of True Re­ will be speaking. Special music pentance.” conducted by'Mrs. Wood and the 7:00 Three Young People’s meet­ children: ings. The Boys and Girls, tod' by Special revival meetings qpw in Mrs. Russell. The Young People, sponsored by Cleo Capps. The Adult progress will continue* nightly ex­ cept Monday and Saturday. * Fellowship, LeRoy Hassler, president. (Continued from Psge One) est in number of hours, wore their attractive white'uniforms and made an inspiring picture. They were Mesdames L. Greenough, _____ F. _ __________ Otto Zentnef and Geo. Howe. • Mrs. Ai- born introduced Mesdames' Hall, Homenyk and Candlin as outstanding in their contributions of knitting St., Coquille, and receive reward, FOR RENT—Xroom Apt, new paint; and assistance in her work. Mrs. it* water furnished. 3-room Apt., Homenyk has knitted two hundred new paint and paper; hot water sweaters, besides other articles. Mrs. ' HOMES FOR SALE and bath. Quiet. No pets. In­ 200 N, Henry ......................... >4750 Pete Norton to another with a knit­ quire 351 So. Henry St. Flora E. 308 E. 11th .......... ........... 3500 ting record. Mrs. C. L Tuttle, in • •« " Dunne. charge oi of the work table, introduced 3700 charie 640 E. 11th ...___ Oct. 5—Everett A. Hansen and feome of ‘ ‘ her " helpers at work on the 3150 " ' 100 ... N. Beach ...... ARE YOUR HENS LAYING?—If not Isobel S. Thomson, both of Marsh- 1500 plal .... ZZL.ZZ . 350 and work done. I Oct. 6—Edward A. Gross and Polly A display of the types of work ELWOOD. ■ _____________ s jack Dean, Mfld. Highway, in C. Randleman, both of Coquille. from tlrese departments was on ex ­ Burns Add........... ............... 2500 Oct. 6—Everett Springer and Doris TOOLS—New items coming in most hibition and after viewing it one Marxine Schulze, both of Marshfield. every day and ovy stock to nearly 449 N. Elliott ............r..... ....... 2500 could only marvel at the fine work 1 Oct*7—Antone John Canriveau, of complete. J. 4- ' LAMB COM­ 911 N. Heath St............... ............ 1250 8:00 Evening Service. .Sermon, 1000 Church of Christ PANY - ’ s Gould Addition . .................. "The Power of the Blood.” 2600 #record being made In the quantity. Marshfield East 4th & Coulter — — .... —..... —.... ,r 658 3. Heath St................ ............ They were married at Tuesday, Men ’ s Cl)orus and RÆra Trim /*l«a»Ae« he« «maeri* U mALeS»*«»* Mrs. Ida Owen has made 14 afghans. k i DELAVAL SEP ABATORS and Milk­ 650 B. 11th .................. .., Listen Parrish, Pastor his honfe by Rev. G. H. Newland last Church Choir. Misses Inez and. Leah Rover played en. Parts and Dairy Supplies. Get 125 B. 3rd ............ ......... Thur., 7:30 Bible Study and Payer 5300 Saturday. _ Thursday, Prayer Meeting, Junior a medley of World War I songs, them at Pacific Feed & Seed So. tts Meeting. • GBMGB B. OKBDING Oct. 9—Hubert Erwin Eggleston Choir and Young People’s Choir. ■ which brought to mind the Red bross Sat., 7:00 p. m. Young People’s so­ and Marjorie Fraleigh, both of North NEW ROOFING and Waterproofing AUTO PAINTING and Body lArk- Work at that time. Mrs. G, W. Tyr- , Bend. They were married Monday Pint Church of Christ, Scientist cial hour. of older roofs, all types and kinds, . reU sang two beautiful numbers Bible School, 9:45. Martha Mul­ by Rev. Ivan A. Correll at the Chris ­ doné' by th« Standard Roofing Co., Ceqaiite, Oregea Bring your car in------ we can start reminiscent of the World War I, “The key, Supt. tian church there. 893 North First street, Marshfield. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. work at once. Southwestern Motor Rose of No Man’s Land” and “My Morning Worship 11 o'clock. Lord’s Oct. 9 — S. Ray Kirkendall, of Co ­ Phone 859. Glen Wm. Curtis, Sunday Service at 11 a. m. Co. ‘ a Hero." Supper and special music. Message, quille, and Emma Jane Patee, of Mgr. s In closing Mrs. Lawrence made Subjev» tor next Sunday, “Doctrine “The Church’s Responsibility to the North Bend. y CEDAR SHINGLES—We have No. these announcements: The work Atonement.” Ministry.’’ GOLD FISH —New ahipment on Oct. 10 — Earl Eugene Bennett, of l’s on hand. FARR & ELWOOD, t i room at the Guild Hall to open Fri­ Wednesday evening meeting at 8:00 Intermediate. and Young People's hand. FARR B ELWOOD. a San Francisco, and Betty Juanita day afternoons from 1:30 to 4:00. o’clock. C. E. at 6:30’j>: m. Miller, of Marshfield. PAPERHANGING, Kstoomining, In­ Fall and winter work will consist of Free public Reading Room at 239 Evening Service 7:30. We Invite PURKEY has a used 8-pc. Dining Oct. 11—Harold Roy Olsen and terior and Exterior Painting. The hospital services, mainly gowns, bed W. Second, Roxy Bldg., open every you to attend a friendly hour of fel­ Set In good condition. Frances Winona Cook, both Qf Em ­ latest in Pittsburg, Imperial, Birge jackets, bathrobes, pajamas, scuff day except Sunday and holidays from lowship. Wall Paper. Herbert E. Wood, 275 slippers, and wash cloths. The knit­ pire. FOR ¡¿ALE or Will Trade for Dairy 1:30 to 5:00 p. m. No. Henry, Coquille, phone 286. ting will continue. Army and Navy Stock—One 4-year old Ayrshire Church Of The Naxarene 8tfs We carry a complete line or V- Bull. Paul Prince, 209 North Tay­ sweaters, beanies and gloves, regular The Holy Name Catholic Church Ninth and Heath Relte for all make« of Refrigerators, lor St., Coquille. Phone 174M. lt*s FOR PLUMBING repairs anti Ser­ sox and variqps types of stump and Maes at 9:30 a. tn. eveiy Sunday Rev. V. W. Anglin, Pastor Washing Machines and other equip 9:45 a. m. Sunday Bible School. vice-call XL. J. A. LAMB COM­ toe socks are needed., More afghans ment. Washer Service Co. MS W. ELECTRIC Wire and Wiring Sup- and scraps of wool for the squares to .11:00 a. m. Morning Worship, Pas­ PANY. s plies. We have a complete stock 5 — —■ em ----------------- » ■»■■■■ ---------------- ------------------ — make them are needed; 4x4 to 8x8 Front, Coquill«. Phon« 17. tor preaching on “Faith, Tested and of wire. J. A. LAMB COM­ ahd larger are wanted. Red Cross Oct. 6—Ina Beryl Marcy vs. Lyle Proven, By Jeremaith.' _ - - For Refrigeration Service phone NOTICE TO CREDITORS PANY. 7:30 p. m. Evening service. Pastor write Box 307. Co- Invites you to join In some part of NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that E. Marcy. Suit for divorce, s . th« undersigned has-been duly ap­ Oct. 5—Ena Dulaney vs. Oscar W preaching. Available, we’U get this necesasry work. SOMETHING NSW — National and international recog­ pointed administrator of the estate Dulaney. Suit for divorce. Garnier's Refrigeration Machines, Vacuum of MABLE KATHERINE HUM­ Oct 6—Mary J. Pdtter vs. Roy E. r ;e. 27tfs nition of B. P. W. Week was stressed PHREY. deceased, and that all per- Hand and all-electric ------_ . . ---------------- . in a talk by Mrs. James Richmond. Potter. Sult for divorce. sons having claims against tors, will soon be in stock. NO SHORTAGE OF FEED at FARR I duly ___ same, This year’s consideration for* its tate, should present the as Oct. 7—Agnetta Yost vc. August Eaton’s Feed Store, Coquille, s a ELWOOD’S. S members, she said, to, "Are We verfied, and with proper vouchers Yost. Sult for divorce. therefore, to the undersigned at the Coqutllt Representative WE BUY DEER HIDES—Farr A El­ The local law office of HARRY A. SLACK, Oct 7—State of Oregon vs. Jess« Coal Part-time Citizens?” wood. • J. A. club’s hobby to its scholarship loan First National Bank Bldg., Coquille, F. Stevens. within six months from the Oct. 10*—Everett L. Clark vs. Kath­ a fund, which in bonds and cash to Oregon, ¿LECTRIC ffcNCE Un»ta814.75 and date of this notkte. 53,000 or more. erine J. Clark. Suit for divorce. up. Will work on 110-volt line, Dated: September 15, 1944. WATER SYSTEMS—We stock both Mrs. JBoober Introduced a plan to WILLIAM K. KENDALL, _ Oct 10—Henry Winters vs. L. E. or hot shot battery, or automobile Deep and Shallow-Well, Automatic promote informality and friendliness )5t5 Administrator. Harter, State Highway Commission, battery. Also Hot-Shot Batteries Water Systems; also Rotary and by setting aside a given time for an et al. for sale. Geo. F. Burr Motor. 16tfe NOTICE TO CRBHTOB8 Sitrifugal Pumps. J. A. LAMB exchange of ideas along subjects of Oct. 10—Nelli« F. Mullen vs. Coos NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN, that MPANY. • 8 particular interest to individuals to the undersigned has been duly ap­ County et al. OUR SCRATCH HAS CORN IN IT —Farr & Elwood. • WAITED TO BUY Old worses, cows be presented by volunteer discussion. pointed administrator of the estate CHARI.ES ALFORD HUM­ tried out Tuesday and prom­ of Electric Fence Units, 314.78 and and calves for Mink feed. B. T. It was PHREY, deceased, and that aU per­ PURKEY has Smoking Stands for ise interesting and enlighten- sons having claims against said es­ up; Will work on 110-volt line, or Heplqr. • BaBards route. Phone »2.95. tate, should present the same, duly hot shot battery, or automobile bat­ 9R5, Coquille. st Jan. 11. 45 was served with Mrs. R. E. verified, and with proper vouchers tery. Also Hot-Shot Bateries for FOR SALE—20-acre Ranch, House, therefor, to the undersigned at the '.8tfs water to house and bam; 3 Vi acres HEADQUARTERS for Crown Dairy Milne, hostess chairman, and th« fol­ law office of HARRY A. SLACK, sale. Geo. F. Burr Motor. and Poultry Feeds at Pacific Feed lowing on her committee: Mesdames First National Bank Bldg., Coquille, bottom, rest in pasture, on Glen to Seed Co. tfs L W. Oddy, Bert Folsom, Phil Al- Oregon, within six months from the Aiken creek. Write Frank Herker, date of this notice. Box 233, CequUle. lt*s FOR RENT—Furnished Cottages with born, Geo. Burr, J. A. Moore, P. W. Dated: September 15, 1944. Culver, A. C. Smith and Geo. B. WILLIAM K. KENDALL, shower baths and wash room. SLEEPING BAGS—All, wool, wa­ Howe. It5 Administrator. Lights and water paid Reasonable terproof bags, two models. FARR NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT rent. 945% North Coulter St tts A ELWOOD. • NOTICE is hereby given that the . ... ’ -' undersigned has filed his Final Ac­ FARM MACHINERY has been re­ ATTENTION HUNTERS — For ex- NOTHING OVKRLOOKEI» count In the matter of the Estate of pert Taxidermy Work and Buck­ leased for sale without certificates. D. C. Krantz, deceased, and that the skin Tanning—Ship to Herman County Court of the State of Oregon, However, new farm machines will no matter how large and elaborate Weibel, Oswego, Oregon. 15 years for Coos County, has set October still be manufactured in limited the scale upon which the funeral 10th, 1944, at the hour of 10 o’clock in same location. 35t6s quantities; therefore all those who A. M. as the time and the County arrangements are to be made. That want new machines next year WHEELBARROWS—Both steel and Court Boorn . in the County Court is our policy—that is our proud House at, Coquille, Oregon, as the should place orders now for Mc­ wood trays. J. A. LAMB COM­ place for hearing objections to said claim after many years of experi­ Cormick Deering farm machines. Final __ __1 Account and the settlement of PANY. • —J. K. LAMB COMPANY. • ence A conference with us wHl said estate. Dr. De La Rhuo AIR-COOLED ENGINES—2H hp. Walter A. Krantz, be to your advantage. WANTED—To rent 6-room House in Executor of said Estate. Eyesight and 4 hp. engines on hand. FARR 1 or near Coquille, or acreage with « RLWOOD. NOTICE TO CREDITORS House on it. Contact D. P. Fress- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Eyes FREE nall at CoquiHf Hotel Coffee Shop the undersigned has been duly ap­ pointed Administrator of the eState NOTICE TO FARMERS or phone 103M. * Reception room jointly with Of GERTRUDE M. FRASER, De­ Plenty of old tires for Brush Burn­ Dr. J. R. Bunch ceased, and that all persons having WASHING MACHINE REPAIR—We ing. Take a load home —O. K. Rub­ Handon Coquille claims against ssid estate, should Lair« service all makes of washers ber Welders Tire Shop, 231 So. Tay­ present the same, duly verified and 1083 IONI 3Ö5 West lor, across from telephone office. Its Washer Service Co. with proper vouchers therefor, to tie the undersigned at the law office Front St. Phone 17. of HARRY A. SLACK, First Nat’l. FARM MACHINERY Repairs — We ARC o/ ACETYLENt Welding, any Bank Bldg., Coquille, Oregon, within carry genuine McCormick Deering six months from the date of this lime, anywhere, day or night. repairs. J. A. LAMB COMPANY, s notice. Prince Auto Electric, 290 North Dated, and first published. Octo­ FOR MONUMENTS Taylor, CoqulUc, Phone 174M. ,tfs ber 7, 1944. Cement Grave Cover or' Border. HILLIS K. PERKINS, 1. SAME HIGH QUALITY LIGHT FIXTURES —Just received Also Cement Building Blocks. Phone 38t5 Administrator of said estate. S. J-YR. SERVICE OUARAN- new stock of many attractive I mt . John 8. Sanders, 541 West 6 th, NOTICE TO CREDITORS . TER styles for every room. FARR & Coquille, Oregon. ’__ • NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That 8. BATTERY MISER hoards the undersigned has been duly ap­ ELWOOD. • cense* pointed by the County Court of WE SPECIALIZE an permanent re­ Coos County, Oregon, as Executor of pairs foe cut or broken casings and d. FLUX DIVERTER aaearso the Estate of William Thomas Brady, tubes, any size or type. All work i Deceased, and has duly qualified as fully guaranteed. Thornton Tire i such. S. DRY WEATHER INTENSI­ NOW THEREFORE, all persons FIER Service. having claims against sfiid Estate are I g. NEON FENCE TEETER hereby notified and required to pre­ SERVICE ROOFING— sent the same, together with proper f. 8TORMFROOF SEALED 35 lb. with tar & nails —........ >113 ; vouchers therefor, to the under­ Phone 83 CASE 46 lb. with tar 8c nails —........ 1 signed at the office of J. Arthur Berg Night Phone 1MB s. PROVEN ON ZSO.OOO FARMS I at Coquille, Oregon, within six 65 lb. with tar A nails 2.39 months from the date hereof. M lb. with tar A nails -------- 2.85 For Immediate DeUwry S m Dated this 28th day of September, Agents for Oregen-Nevada-CaMfornia Fast Freight Cedar shingles. Valley tia, Sbeath- 1944. ing. Felt, Roof Coatings. FARR 1 J. H. McCloskey, Office Phone 5 275 S. Hall |37t5 Executor of said Estate. A ELWOOD. * ............ ................................... Marriage Licenses Circuit Court Coses Oregon Journal Attention to Details SÇHROEDER RROS. MORTUARIES, la«. All Found Only in n .^hKEigp till Electric Fencer Benham’s Transfer WRECKER Southwestern Motors Storage SAND AND GRAVEL COAL — FUEL OIL — STORAGE Farr & Elwood f