The Sentinel THE PAPER THAT’S LIKE A LETTER FROM HOME VOL. XL COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1944. NO. M. ' ■*» «B9 Sen. Guy Cordon Addressed Dinner Meeting Tuesday Coos Registration Less Than It Was Four Years Ago Vern Oderkirk Injured In Europe Coquille Woman's { Coquille Learning Club Enjoys "A Day More About A With The Red Cross" Coos County Y Unit Mrs. Vern Oderkirk received a wire last Saturday, from Canadian Army headquarters in Ottawa, that her husband had been injured in the European theatre, with the added statement “extent of injuries un­ known." He is supposed to be in a hospital in England. Vern, who is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Vern Oderkirk, Sr., of Coquille, enlisted in the Canadian Army in July, 1940, five months before the United States entered the war and has been over­ seas for some time.. His wife and parents are anxious­ ly awaiting more news as to his con- di tian. Council Again Turns Down Card Room License. ■ A fair-sized attendance greeted the Mrs. R. E. Booher, new presi­ Although Coos county registration A special meeting of the Coquille for the Nov. 7 election Is 3,600 larger dent of the Coquille Woman's Club, speaker« at the meeting called by the city council was held Monday eve­ than it was for the primary in May, took the chair to conduct her first Inter-Club Committee of Coquille to ning, in accord with Mayor Wood's the figures as just tabulated by the regular meeting Tuesday afternoon, consider this city’s participation in previous promise that the council county clerk’s office shows this Oct. 10, at the Guild Hall before an a Cooe county Y.M.C.A., with North would act on the application of C. A. fall’s registration to be less than it audience of around sixty or more Bend and Marshfield. Gage for a card room license in B. L. The meeting was called by the was for the general election in 1938 representative Coquille women. The Tracy's building, formerly the W, O. and 1940. club has the largest membership in Inter-Club president, Larry Lund­ W. building, as soon as all six coun­ The total at the close oFthe regis­ its history this year, 215 paid mem­ quist, after the Cooe Bay meeting at cilmen were' able to be present. which County Superintendent Mul­ tration period last Saturday was bers. Since the filing of Mr. Gage’s Twenty-five dolalrs was voted to key and Probation Officer J. H. 14,580. Of this number, 7,832 are petition, which had been signed by Leonard had been present and the listed as democrats, 8,335 as republi­ the War Chest. . 124, was done last week, another pe­ A rummage sale to start Nov. 1 In matter was first brought up to en­ cans, 165 as Independents and 448 tition had been circulated and it was expressed no political party predi­ the rdftm next to the Safeway store large the proposed Cooe Bay Y to on file Monday. It contained the include Coquille, and Myrtle Point lection. was announced. , names of 252 Coquille citizens, more A call for cranberry pickers was and Bandon if those communities In the 448 are included the con­ than double the names of those on the other petition. ; Stauff, County Judge L. D, Fetoheim, siderable number of service men voiced, anybody and everybody who carted to participate. C. C. Farr, of Marshfield, and Rob-1 registrations who gave no political will help save the Coos county crop. The result was the same as it was A letter was received this wgek a few months ago when Lee Os­ | Any time or number of days given ert P. Conklin, of North Bend, were affiliation. Last April's total was 10,983, di- ! will relieve aq acute situation, Mrs. here Tuesday evening and the latter from Capt. Jess Barton, somewhere borne's petition for a license caused vided 5,608 Democrats, 5,225 Repub- | O. C. Sanford announced. Gas will said the move over there wai still in Europe, which he wrote in the a 50-50 division of the council; Gray, licans, 113 Independents, and 32 . be available and the need for pickers in the “groping” stage, to try and i hospital where he had been taken Pettit and Stark voting tor granting others. . . 'will continue another month. Con- ascertain if a Y could be organized after being hit in the head by shrap­ the petition, and Purkey, Taylor and nel on Sept. 18. Hto father, J. S. Burr opposing. * • In 1940 the fall registration to-' tact Evjn Albom for further in­ in Cooe county. tailed 16,867 and in 1938 was' formation, she said. Everett W. Hardin«. Y.M.C.A. as­ Barton, received a wire from the As he did previously Mayor Wood, 15.986 The work of the Red Cross afford­ sociate executive secretary from War Department last week telling heeding the much larger inquest, cast .That there ar* not fewer people in ed the theme for the program of. Portland, representing the three that Jess had been “slightly in­ I the deciding vote against granting Coos county this year thaq there which Mrs. Kennett Lawreqc* was in north w^t «tates, and who has been jured,” and the fact that Jess was | the license. were four and six years ago is cer­ charge. Number one place over the In frequent conference with the Coos able to write indicates that hto in­ As he had the week previously, tain, but hundreds or thousands of seven other Cooe county Units has Hay representatives who are work- jury was not serious. i Attorney J. W. Mclnturff of Marsh- .them have not had their names en­ been attained her* during th* last tog on the Y-project, was also here. I field spoke at some length in favor I He gave aqpnsiderable talk on the tered on the registration lists. year. 7' of his client, Mr. Tracy, and the lat­ Three Woman’s Club members Y.M.C.A. and the Y W.C.A., which ter also urged the council to act fa- have headed the Red Cross depart­ are linked together in executive man­ ments: Mrs. D. B. Kesner as produc­ agement, and told of the Peninsula Y Liston Parrish and others present tion chief, Mrs. J. R. Bunch, surgi­ area, south of San Francisco, where The Coquille Red Devils will re­ spoke in opposition and, aL the con­ cal dressings, and Mrs. Phil Alborn several years ago an area which in­ ceive their most strenuous test of the clusion of the talks, Councilman cluded four good-sized towns and The combined Coqnty War Chest in charge of knitting. Mrs. J. A. year this coming Saturday, Oct 14, Stark said if a well-signed petition cities in one Y, and with only one and National War Fund Drive will Berg is city chairman. when they meet the North Bend was brought in asking that all card paid secretary, had been of so much “ A Day with the Red Cross ” was begin Friday morning, with a crew Bulldogs on the latter’s home field, rooms be eliminated in Coquille, as benefit to the communities and had of volunteer workers soliciting both cleverly carried out. Seated on the and no one knows it any better than well as some questionable resorts grown to sy^h proportions that now he mentioned, he would vote in fa­ the business and residential districts platform were’groups at work. Mrs. Coach Leslie and his squad. Bunch and her three workers, hifch- the area had four paid secretaries of Coquille and vinclty. Each per­ The members of the team, all 26 vor pf such action. while still maintaining but one Y No other business came before the (Continued on cage nine) son who is working is asked to con­ of them, who have had enlightening organization. I meeting. tribute half a day’s wage.. The experience in two games already this Mr. Harding explained that the quote for Coquille to $4800. Co-oper­ fall, have been practicing steadily Y supervisory council for the area ation of ail'wage earners and busi­ and earnestly this week, on new *"which he to one of the secretaries, ness men will find that quota plays and improvement of older ones, 1 not be concerned to how many reeSheri. CostorflMittona to the com­ < 11—> tn i mg i . recreatioh centers there were in of themelsves at North Bend and bined fund will make each giver a Clarence Coe, of Marshfield, Coos velopment future of Coos county.and partner to one of the most worthy county war finance committee chair - Coot county, ft the program goes here’s hoping they can maintain western Oregon lies in a practicable causes. Coquille, Coos County, the ‘ man. received notification last weèk through, that local affairs would be their championship climb, although administration of the O. A C. lands, State, the Nation and the World will : of a state conference October 18 and entirely to the hands of the Y board, no one expects it to be another Wl-0 • so that the Umber on those lends beneflt. (Continued on page eight) score. Chairman of the National Clti- 19 in Portland to plan Oregon’s part will be a continuing asset for gener­ George Changy, local drive chair­ in the Sth war loan. The drive is | son’s P. A. C. in Oregon for some ations. man, has stressed the fact that this scheduled for November 20 through time, presumably by appointment of He said the U. 8. government can­ drive serves to eliminate duplication December 16. — Hillman, has been Sheldon Sackett, not be run lor the people unless it to of effort, reduce expenses and con­ Over-all goal was announced as publisher of the Cooe Bay Times. run by those people, and that our serve manpower. Many agencies $14,000,000,000. Five billion dollars Portland P. A. C. and C. I. O. mem­ government will be just as good as whose sole labor is for the good of ^Honoring Mrs. Ella Robinson on is Set as the goal for Individuals, of The grand jury which met on bers said they have not had con­ the people insist it shall be. “We humanity will be aided through this which $2,500,000,000 must be raised her 98th birthday, Oct. 9, a group of Tuesday this week, preceding the tacts with him and haven’t fny idea have had too much government in fund. Pamphlets naming and ex­ in E bonds. Marketable issues will relatives and friends gave a party opening of the October term of Cir­ what he to doing for the cause. business and social life because of the plaining these agencies have been be on sale from December 1 to De­ for her Monday afternoon at the cuit court, had but one case brought war," the Senator declared, “and left at each door by Boy Scout volun­ Timmons Rest Home, which the aged cember 16. Dr. J. B. Mattnews, research di­ before it and an indictment was re­ that, if continued, leads to dictator­ teers. Mr. Chaney asks that “We Oregon’s quota has not yet been Fishtrap pioneer and all-her friends turned rector of the house committee inves­ against Thomas Carlyle ship, a condition of government we read them—and give generously!” thoroughly enjoyed. set. un-American activities. White, the charge being “driving an tigating are now approaching." Coquille and her citizens will wish A splendid lunch, topped off with charged Thursday that 119 members automobile while under the influence He does not like any part of the to do their part Everyone shoulcfbe Committee Named To a large white birthday cake, helped of the C. I. O. national citizens po­ of intoxicating liquor.” New Dea! which, by multiplying and ready to receive the solicitor at his make the occasion still more enjoy­ Seek Craaberry Pickers After they had considered and re­ litical action committee have had ad- increasing bureaus, attempts to run door and to make his contribution. able and Mrs. Robinson was the re­ ported on this case Judge King ex­ filiations with 245 “communist or A Citizens' Committee met at the cipient of many lovely gifts. all sections of the country by re­ cused 'them subject to call, but communist-controlled organizations ’’ County Agent ’ s office in Coquille mote control when those in the bu­ Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Chaney Those present for the'affahr were Matthews submitted to the com­ with the prospect that their grand Monday evening for the purpose of Cleta Holland, Thelma Cribble, Lu- reaus know nothing of local prob­ mittee a chart which he said showed Sell Their Apartment House jury duty was over for this year. mapping a plan of action to help lems. cina Bell, Burnis Gulsteln, Eva that 26 members of the national Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Geo. H. Chaney, relieve the cranberry labor shortage Hickam, Ida May Steward, Amela He said that Labor now has 12 committee headed by Sidney Hill­ through the J. S. Barton agency, Jast in the Bandon area. Evan Albom Three Fire Calls The Past Miller, Frances Holmstrom, Juanita different governmental agencies deal­ man have been affiliated with ten ing with its problems, that neither week sold their 11-unit apartments, was made chairman of the following Gartin, Irma Halter, the hostess, Ora Week—No Damage Done or more communist front organiza­ committee: Oryin Gant, Ernest Timmons, and two children, Ralph northeast of the high school and employer nor employee can operate Three fire alarms the past week tions. He testified that the affilia­ James, Mrs. Bard Kesner, Mrs. O. C. Holland and Shirley Steward. without the other, and that one Is I adjoining their 'home, to W. H. called the department out on Fri­ tions by all national citizens political just as important, for government Eveland, who has taken possession Sanford, Mrs. Jas. Richmond and day, Saturday and Tuesday evenings, action committee members named Fred Bull. Geo. H. Jenkins, Rus ­ and to now operating it. consideration, as the other. Tax Payments For 1944-45 but there was no damage at any of totaled 942. sell Adams and S. K. Seeber were Sen. Cordon said that there is a job ------- them. Can Be Made Next Monday "I think it to fair to characterize Baby ------------------------------------------ Boy Born To The J also in attendance. ' to be done in Washington, D. C., and Last Friday evening some one saw the national citizens political action __________________ w— Yesterday ________ , , There is a critical „„„ Assessor Charles Forrest turned Harrison Greenoughs need for cran- that he will represent all of Oregon, committee as a communist-front Word was received last evening berry pickers . in the Bandon are. over to A. O. Walker to the Tax u was receivtKi last evening ■*< . .. «r Viiin«** every section, if the voters so decide. and ____ Mrs. _. F. L. Greenough *nd, if sufficient help “ X Organization having as its object- ____. r JBM to not made Department last week the 1944-45 He declared there should not be an by Mr. ____ ___ j ,________ _________ I aonii.Kia *es on rront street, but the tive working the way of communists that a son l - had been "bom that day, * available immediately, th* the ernwen growers tax tax rolls, rolls, and and the the latter latter stated stated ves- yes- la — overwhelming majority of either a_ into the democratic party,” the di­ __ ___ * i was reported in such Oct. 11, to Mr. and Mrs. Harrison ,<:*nd loae P“rt of • war «» ~ senli*1 terday that _____________ the tax office ________ would be party in Congress, that if he were a The above committee will ready to begin receiving payment on way that P“rt the ^ire crew went rector told the committee. New Dealer, which he most em­ Greenough at Seattle, Wash. The;cr°P- Matthews listed the 245 “front” ry 'effort 'effort lo lo assist assist in in recruit- recruit- ( ' the current taxes next Monday, Oc- .out to l^e Coquille Auto Park and make every ------------- phatically to not, that he would wish boy has been named William Tailant the rest to the Front street cabins groups to if categories, such as ing pickers in the Coquille area. . tober 16. for a sufficient number of Republi­ and to their first child. where a bucket of water was all that “fronts dealing with racial, refugee cans in Senate and House to main­ was necessary to extinguish the and alien questions,” and “fronts After an abeence of 17 years, Mrs. tain a balance, it would mean bet­ Ray Smith, daughter ’ Hazel of Mrs. blaze. No one could report how it for defense, support, or honoring of ter consideration of legislation. He Jennie Price, came in Sunday from started. avowed communists.” referred to Oregon as a balance her home in Seattle to Visit her * Oh Saturday evening the call was wheel, a state normally Republican mother; her sister, Mr«. H. S. Nor­ to the Mattoon home on Spurgeon Interesting Services at Assembly but which occasionally has gone ton, and other relatives and friends Hill, where a flue was burning out, Of God Church 'Will Continue Demdcratic. I and it was the same kind of a fire X ■» . here. Her three children are all The opening services at the As­ Tuesday evening, about 7:45, the The senator said he had been in grown and she is a grandmother of house being at the end of Schroeder sembly of God Church with the Congress for seven months, but that two, one of the youngest-looking Wood Evangelistic Party were well street, below the county bam.. he to not a statesman; that he has a grandmothers we have seen around attended Sunday in both the mom- general understanding of the prob­ here for some time. tog and evening meetings. Those lems of government and believes J. E. Axtell Left On to attendance felt the enthusiasm of permit smaller vessels, of 25-foot that at the end of the war the Allies Monday For Chicago the revival and the pastor believes must formulate and adopt plans draft say, to enter -and leave, bear­ Jos. E. Axtell, who is president of these services will be of lasting ben­ which will preclude the possibility of ing freight, supplies, equipment and the Oregon Titlemen's Association, efit to the church ,and conununity. another World War. Also that the lumber products. left by train from Marshfield Monday Mr. and Mrs. Wood both sing and His concluding remark was that United States must have such an ideal nigbt for Chicago, where he will be preach a Bible- message that brings system of government that the other he wishes to be of service to all of the Oregon representative of the inspiration and joy. Their two chil­ Oregon. nations can look to it for guidance. state title association at the annual dren will also be singing throughout Before sitting down the ¿enator Referring again to Cooe county convention of the American Title As­ the special meetings. Prayer will be matters, the senator said the devel­ said he wished to recommend to the sociation which opens its sessions on offered for the sick and Mr. Wood opment of southwestern Oregon is voters of Oregon the selection of Friday this week. He expected to will be relating some definite cases tied up with the development of Wayne Mosse as senator and added of divine healing. be back in Coquille on the 20th. that Harris Ellsworth, present con ­ greater shipping in and out of Coos Courtesy C oon Ray Harbor The services will continue nightly Bay, and he wants to help, as senator, gressman from this, district and a ! Sen. Guy Cordon, facing the camera and talking to ’ f. O. Toon, presi- except on Monday and Saturday. Big Dance next week — Sat., Oct. republican candidate for re-election, I the settting up of a coastwise devel­ opment of bays and river harbors, to one of the five outstanding mem- | dent of the Coast Fuel Corporation, Monday when the latter officially 21, at Coquille Community Building, The public to invited to attend. Sponsored by Junior such as at Bandon, Port Orford, ben of the House of Representatives opened the company's new mine five miles south of Marshfield, where the Good Music! 1 first machine-mined coal in Coos county to-to be produced. Woman’s Club. Gold Beach and to the north as will I Washington, D. C. Senator Guy Cordon was the guest of honor at a dinner meeting in the Coquille Hotel Coffee Shop Monday noon which taxed the capacity of the dining room, every seat being taken by ladies and men from all over the county who wished to hear Oregon's junior senator, who to a candidate for election next month. • R. A, Jeub was toastmaster for the occasion and before the dinner intro­ duced Wm. E. Watoh, republican candidate Nr as state senator from r; Fred C. True, republican ^andMate for coun- Copt. Jess Barton Hit By Shrapnel Red Devils At North Bend Saturday vor^& War Chest Drive To Begin Friday » F4 Billion The 6th War Loan Ann <. Party For Elderly Lady, 98th Birthday Sen. Cordon At Coast Fuel Mine Opening Grand Jury Found One True Bill •