T T s 5.1 ft t <1 nini New Mgr. Cranberry Republican Women's Coquilje Unit Canners On Job Meeting Interesting Red Cross Notes 1 B.P.W. Rummage eaM ,nd they w,n Sale Now In Progress rrz —77. • Circuit Court Cases I 11 ,■■ ■ ■ Oct. 4—Ina Beryl Marcy vs. Lyle E. Marcy. All seven of these cases filed th* past week were suits for divorce. (Continued from Page O m ) (Continued from Page One) Coquille Red Cross will meet on In the absence of it* president last Uncle Sam. These berries ar* being “No, Inspect to remain at home ex­ Friday, Oct. fl, from 1:30 to 4:20 p. m. Monday night, the Business and Pro­ An examiner of applicants, for Sept. 29 — C. D. McAllister v*. deliver«! to the cannery at Coquille cept to accompany my husband on in Guild Hall to sew, knit, crochet fessional Women's Club was preaided Thelma McAllister. driver*’ license* will be at the Co­ now. his official trips.’ Mr*. Gerlinger and cut. Until material* are re­ over by Florence Barton vice presi - I Oct. 2—Margaret Kincaid vs. Wal- quille city hall again next Tuesday, The WPA ia setting a price cell­ qrged the group to assist in an effort ceived on Oct. 10, from 9:00 a. m until 4:00 p. th* Fall ________ _ and , Winter _____ quota, . dent of the club. The chair called |tar L. Kincaid. ing on ' both processed and fresh ber- to have every one reglAer before the ladies will continue to make I for various committee report*. Prep- . * ’ Oct. 2—Gordon R. Waldron VS. «n. - ries. ' The price ceiling for fresh next Saturday. x baby caps, pieced outing flannel ' station of waste paper and tin for Verolene Bright Waldron. berries is slightly higher than the Mr*. John Y. Richardson spoke at blankets, a few bedside, bags and disposal at the station was demon- | Oct. 3—Robert Bruce McGee VS. Archie Elmer Martin paid $15 fine price ceiling for canned berries. With considerable length. She said her odd, miscellaneous items, and will •trated by Leia Elrod. War Activities ' Patricia McGee. and $4 cost* in Justice Bull’s court the extra cost of boxes, sorting «nd position a* Vice Chairman of the also continue to make afghan* lap­ head. The key for the station is Oct. 3—Margherita G. Rieman VS. last Thursday when he pleaded guilty grading, shrinkage, time spent ------------------- pre­ -------------- c-oUal committee places her robe* and crocheted wash cloths as kept at Eaton’s Feed store she said., Norman Rieman. to the charge filed against him by paring the berries for the fresh mar­ as head of the Wbmen’s Division, these are still badly needed articles. Getting theae thing* tied, up and ‘ Oct. 3—Martha A. Stalker vs. John the state police, that of Ming “drunk ket, it is doUbtful if the cranberries with appointment a* such by Neil Yarn for distribution consists of down town is a real test of patriotism,1 P. Stalker. on a public highway. sold on the fresh market will net Allen, state chairman. She expressed that for v-neck army sweaters and to quote Mr*. Elrod. •w «T the grower as much, as*the berries a distaste for the name of vic* chair­ bedsox. The rummage sale, which starts' X T that are canned. The cannery fur­ man bQth in the state and oounty The Unit can use light colored and this week, Oct. fl, will be held in the nishes the boxes for cannery berries, and stated she wa* going to the leg­ figured pieces of outing flannel, store room next to the Safeway picks up the grower's crop at his islature and endeavor to have it white sewing thread, Nos. 36 and 40, with a cooked food sale on Saturday. ! bog, tori* and grades the berries, changed to co-chairman. She said wool material, yarn, wash cloths and THE SAME CAPABLE DIRECTION, COURTEOUS SU­ B. P. W. is not a member of th* | thus saving the grower much valu­ wongen are accomplishing much in mercerized cotton thread. Inter-Club organization but a re­ PERVISION AND SYMPATHETIC UNDERSTANDING able time. Thia is a valuable ser­ i party work and are there to stay. Scout Cub* are requesting that port of th* meeting held to discus* vice, especially now when labor is They «re needed especially tfl take empty spools be saved for then. the Y. M. C. A. possibility here wa* PREVAILS IN EVERY GANG SERVICE so scarce. Mrs. Hilda Brown and Mr*. J. P. given by Georgia Richmond, repre­ I hold of the loose-knit, poor organi­ Some grower* sign over all their sation of the oounty and precinct Howard, of McKinley route, brought senting another group. ‘ crop to Cranberry Canners. The work and to raise money. The men in a fine lot of completed sewing and A formal dinner at the Coffee Shop grower then notifies the cannery have failed in both instance* and took oat new supplies Mr*; BrdWn banquet room will beheld Monday. what percentage he want* canned i women have proved their ability at is in charge of Red Cross work in her October 16, in observance of the i » and what percentage he want* sold 1 both in their clubs arid church work. locality and is doing a very nice job. 25th anniversary of the national on the fresh market. AH th* fresh I Th* speaker regretted the defeat Thanks are extended to the fol­ club. berrie* are marketed through the' of Stella Cutlip and stated - she had lowing for donations of yarn, wool New year books, just off the press, ahbulmcc coquilœ American Cranberry Exchange, one «retched her in the legislature and material and relief clothing: ‘ Mes­ were distributed by Viola NVwton, of the largest and oldest cranberry she was doing well in office. She dame* M. F. Sherrard, J. R. Bunch, program chairman. marketing agencies in the nation. urged that Coo* county, women con­ Wm. Mineau and J. D. Rankin. Mr*. Following the business meeting, Some grower* sign up only a part centrate on one good women, elect Earl Noaler 1* also thanked for the two splendid discussions were given * ■MM Hl of their crop, and then are at liberty her and keep her in office. ittractive afghan laprobe turned In. by Idyle Godard and Alice Lafferty. ■wnwsBsmw . to market their choice, fresh berries John Gordon Lawrence, son of Mr. Mrs.. Godard, teacher of Business Mrs. Richardaon spoke of the sci­ in any way or through any agency ence of government, often of various and Mr*. K. P. Lawrence, is now at subjects in the high school, discours­ they wish. trends a* th* pendulum swing* back Fort Lewis and Wally Moore, son of ed on theory and practice in connec­ > Mr. Lillegaard calls attention again to Republicanism and of woman'*' Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Moore, has re- tion with her work. Mr*. Lafferty’* to the fact that the growers ar* ur- part to make th* world a better place lurned to his station at U. S. Naval subject wa* method in presenting gently in need of harvesting help, or in which to live. She paid tribute Hospital, Long Beach, CaUf., reports music to junior high pupil*. pickers, and urges that anyone who to Irene Gerlinger and, with aU due Mrs. D. B. Keener. National observance of Business Are You Adequately Insured? can help, contact either Cranberry respect to Ralph Cake, whom she ad­ Visitors included Mesdame* W. P. and Professional Women’* Week Canners or County Agent Geo. H, mire*. for his abiUty, she added that Law*. Fred Houston, O. C. Sanford starts Sunday, Oct. 8, and continue* My Office Can Serve You. Jenkins at once, or Art Randall at when there were things to be done, and Mrs. Slocum. Mrs. Geo. Griggs, throughout the week, ending Oct. 14. * Bandon. : it was Mr*. Gerlinger who accom­ who has been ill for some time at plished them, though often Mr. Cake Tacoma, Wash., is expected home received the credit. She added there this week. Methodist Senior Youth “Your help is needed and your at­ waa no money in the office and she Fellowship Visit Th* Beach tendance is greatly appreciated," had to pay her own expenses. List Your Property with me and I’ll Work to Sell it for you Sunday afternoon about thirty of The speaker* said she knew of no say* the production chairman. The War Production Board tells us Also the Senior Group of the Methodist two-year congressman who had gone that those household words: __ , “Save Youth Fellowship went-to th* Ban­ as far a* Harris Ellsworth, that we SERVICE ON BIKTH CEBTIFICATES Delightful Stork Shower For tin, save'paper, and save used house­ don beach for the afternoon and should be proud of him and work AND PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Mr*. Ben Payne Thursday hold fats ” are just as Important now, early evening. Dr. and Mr*. Jas. to keep him in office. Mrs. Ben Payne was guest of honor if not more so, than they were a year Richmond had kindly donated the Mrs. Leslie Pierce is organizing ago. use of their cottag* and this was young Republicans and Junior* of at a very lovely stork shower given We know that we can substitute used a* headquarters. After the af­ high school age. She went back to at the home of her aunt, Mr*. W. E. ternoon frolic on the beach and, Chicago at the time of the Conven­ Buell, last Thursday. The rooms machines for lives and that, if w* with low tide* many interesting tion to confer with other Young Re­ were pretty with vases of autumn can smother the enegpy with un­ bearable weight of machinery in flower*. spots not always accessible were vis­ publican leader*. these next few'months, thousands of After the many beautiful and use ­ ited; the young peopl* then returned Mr*. Gerlinger and Mr*. Richard­ to the cottige where a period of aon are both precinct committee ful gifts were opened and admired, our young men, fighting out there, group singing was enjoyed, followed women. Their trip around the state the hostess, assisted by Mr*. Mike will again walk through their own by devotions about the fireplace, I* in the interest of precinct and Broad and Mr*. Clarence McNair, front door*. Our collection of critically needed led by their pastor. The Intermadl- county organization. They expected served delicious refreshments of cake items of salvage can be converted ate Group will take a similar trip to return to Portland Wednesday, and coffee to the following ladles: into these Instruments of war. And Mesdame* Orice Johannson, Noel at some later date. where they would stay long enough any person who, in the home, the 111*........ .to accompany Governor and Mr*. Benham, Ray Mullen, Guy Mullen, factory, or on th* farm, contributes George Neal, Lois Sexton, Anion Bricker back to Eugene. From there waste material, needed by Uncle they were going over the mountains Schroeder, Woodrow Robison, Ivan Sam, is doing his or her part to Robison, John McNair, Clarence Mc ­ Martin Randleman, at th* North I to eastern Oregon. During the next Nair, Mike Broad, Bill BueU, Willard help shorten the conflict. Bank road, and Mrs. Beulah Me- I thirty days, they will make «many About 90 per. cent of our former Burrell, BiH Owens, Helen Howe, Cauley, of Eugene, both underwent < tripe to nearby counties. source of supply of tin, is still in the Amos Payne, C. Davis, BiU Collins, Two Junior Republicans attended ‘ major operations last Thursday. hand* of the Japanese. So the tin They were S*Hy Jim Kapple and Sandra, Misses June cgn has gon* to war, and we must On Monday Mrs. Oliver Wdhkly, 1 the meeting. Collins and Diana Buell and the " ? > w*»° of Myrtle Point, submitted to a ma- »Bonney and Anne Harbison, salvage every single one of them. with Mr*. Pierce. guest of honor, Mr*. Ben Payne. jor operation, aa ala* did Mr*. Ralph were in ‘ conference “ *‘u “ Th'e way to start your tin cans to Tbo*« attending the meeting ware Brown, of Coquille, this morning. war is to fins* them carefully, open Dismissals th* pbst weqg were the following: Mesdame* Mary Ran­ W. S. C. 8. Met Last Thursday both end*, remove the labels and Mr*. R. £. Hamilton last Wednesday; dleman, Virginia Lamb, Bertha E. At Richmond Host* step on the cans firmly. These cans Louis Hu At on Saturday; Mrs. Link, Larson, Ethel Shaw, J. E. Norton, The Woman'* Society of Christian are shipped to detinning plants. of Powers, who had been there for Georgia G. Richmond, R. A. Wernich, Service held -its executive meeting Where ten thousand tons of them go two months, on Saturday; Alien Geo. T. Gerlinger, Minnie King, on Thursday afternoon, Sept. 28, at Into the detinning solution at one r Dungey on Sunday, and Frank Vlgu*. John Y. Richardaon, Leslie Pierce, the home of Mr*. James Richmond time, Every ton of tin cans yields D. B. Kesner, F. Rover, Lafe Comp­ of Power*. *n Wednesday. The quarterly report* were made out about twenty pounds of pure tin. ton, Martha Mulkey, Inez Chase, There is no substitute for tin. by the different chairmen. Geo. Maynard, H. R. Turkel, George The Society ha* sent to the United , Tin is used in the production of Oerding, J. H Noden*, Alma Halter, Nations ReUef Administration 200 airplane motor»,- guns, hand gren­ J. Arthur Berg, E. T. Stell*. From torp$<&es, warship*. Sub­ pounds of used clothing. 687 gar­ ades, Myrti* Point were Mesdame* Verne ments, three new wool quilts, 126 marines; tin ingot* go to companies L. Lundy, Waldemar Gurney. Mabel worth of nevj baby clothes, $21.50 producing can* and containers; still Barklow; from Bandon, Mesdame* for hospital work in the United other ingot* go to producing sup­ Ellsworth F. Lucaa, Claire Tread- States and $61.37 for foreign work. plies for the medical corp* and for gold, Jessie W. Stryker; from Gar­ Thia waa sent in during the first emergency* supplies for wounded diner, Mr*. J. L. Brockman; from soldier* in the field, awaiting as­ quarter ending September 30. ■ and »* Coquille. Ml “Inasmuch as ye have done it sists nee. Ann* Harbison. Ope interesting gadget is the “syr­ unto one of the least of these ye ette,'“ a lhtle individual morphine hy­ have done ft unto me.” *----------------------- podermic syringe, carried by every ——,—---------- army and navy nurse, doctor, medi­ Farewell Party For cal parachutist, flight surgeon, etc. Mrs. Ziegler It is a tiny thing, resembling a - Mrs. J. H. Ziegler was the honor small tooth paste tube, with a guest last Wednes- sum at a ■ party pa»»/ given *>vvn nw* ncuim- needle and head encased in trans­ Reports coming into the office of day evening by Mr*. Don McCune parent plastic. It* pouch must be county school superintendent «how at her home. Mrs. Ziegler and her ' made of tin, 100 per cent pure. These that the schools are "beginning the husband have moved to Portland, little “angels of mercy” are helping year with a high buying rat*. Coos much to the regret of their friends, save thousand* of lives of our fight- River School, with an enrollment of A gift which was a farewell ex- ing men. ' 1S2, realized in payroll savings, preasion of the friend* attending the , Tin safeguards the precious blood stamp*, etc. $346.10 during ‘fifteenth day in which school was affair was presented to Mr*. Ziegler, i plasma, which saCe* countless lives. At bridge Mrs. Alice Robb was high ' right at the front by prompt treat- held in September. and Mrs. U. E. McClary, second high. ment. Tin encases the sulfa oint- School Administrator* Ta Meet Attending were Mesdame* R. E. ment* which protect our boys from Several school administrator* from Efoober, Jas. Brady, Ed McKeown, deadly infections in the jungle. Coo* win probably be attending the U. E. McClary, Frank Thrift, H. S. j Each field emergency “K" ration Annual Administrators meeting in I Norton, Saton Savage, Alice Robb, unit contains a tin can filled with After all, It just comes down to Ed Hodge* and the doctor were Salem. This meeting is called for' P. W. Culver, E. E. Leslie. H. W.; meat. Do you know that an emer­ having respect for other folks' | holding forth about how words October 9, 10 and 11. Pierce, Fred McNelly and Ralph Tay­ gency “10 to 1” ration will feed rights. I don’t mean just in the only mean something when you Separate section* will be held for lor. ' ten men for one day? It consists of big things like maybe what po­ think about them; and that a lot city superintendents, and for each I ,------------------------------ five different menu* and contains litical party a fellow belongs to. " of words seem to lose their Junior High and Elementary , Prin- riuniuri efr— The ine piace But in the little things, too, Ilk* NORTON'S place io to ouy buy your your. seven tin cans. /i meaning just because they ’ re cipai*. with a general administra- Chrilt^ cardg for tbat boy or gj,) I There are tin-packed food* for having a glass of beer occa­ used too glibly. meeting fliau.>uws«>a including the «bove tf, I I .tor'* Wl a IBMTClUflB « : L sionally. shipwreck survivors, on liferaft* at ‘mentioned, ai well as county school J 7’ _____________ __ sea. A square tin can is filled with As the doctor pet it, “They Seems to ate If every time we Superintendents. | of information and must not be roll off yoar tongue without go­ hard candy, gum and vitamin pill*. spoke abo*t tolerant* we ing through your mind. Take Ceea-Carry Martes copied from some book. All of which provide nourishment thought about what it means— loirniDCB ior msianvci * • bqme "High school student* and. eight, This project is being presented by i for five or six men for one day or maybe then we’d all of us start of the people who use it most graders may compete for the $25.00 the Daughters of the American Revo- one man for five or six day*. living It and not just talking understand it least” war bond being offered by Mr*. Al- lution. It i* a very worthy and in- | The list is long but the point is bert Powers, Marshfield. | teresting undertaking, and should BIWaj From where I sit, It looks like always the same. Save tin to aave the doctor is right But tolerance | The award will be made for the (bring to attention some valuable in- llver is mighty easy to understand. best presentation of historical f«;te formation. | when you have . ot flattened retattoe to Coo. and Curry counties. .The date, murt run between 1852 tln can,_ tekc them to the Salvage 2 Fid A ft rooming No. 97 fa Soriot The ar c es mus gve tie source land 1900. ¡department. If you can not deliver 1 'Juneral scmce ‘JHorne • tozo TtitPHone loo y » J Insurance Need Still Urgent For Tin, Paper, Fats » Real Estate GEO. E. OERDING Belle Knife Hospital ; Load your gun with Lead Standard Fly Spray A. C. Schultz “Roar With Gilmore” Gilmore Service Station School Items By Co. Superintendent ^Your IocrI representative for WAN DARD OF CAL! FORM! A Rom where I sit... ¿y Joe Marsh Words That Roll Off Your Tongue swvc 1