COOUlLLt VALLA WANTED—Steady employment or Church of Christ Episcopal Church , | , work by the hour. -Mrs. Susie East 4th A Coulter Center E^Srd A Elliott Sts. Emick, first door -north of Benham Liston Parrish. Pastor Mr. and Mrs. Don Noah and The Rev. Robert L. Greene, Vicar One Cent a Weed Each Inaertioe Thur., 7:30 Bible Study and Payer Transfer office on Hall street. It* daughter, of Bangor, visited at the Sunday: < No 4dv. less than 85 eenta 8:00 a. m. Holy Communion (2nd, meeting. The pastor will lead a dis­ FOR SALE—Bicycle, in good condi­ Wm. Noah home Sunday. Mrs. Noah To the Citizens of Coquille: cussion on modern trends in Stew­ WATER WELL Drilling — Fred C ! tion. Inquire at Bowling Alley in 1 and daughter returned to their home ' By virtue of my office, I hereby 4th and 5th Sundays). proclaim, the week of October 8 to ardship. Lee, 507 Clark St., North Bend, 8:45 a. m. Church School. the evening. It* Monday morning. ' Sat., 7:30 - 10:00 Young People's Oregon. Phoi\e 5411. 11:00 a. m. Nursery and Kindergar­ Mrs. Anna Penn, mother of Mrs. 14, 1844, National Business Women's FOR SALE—Good FemiljTCow; also Social Hour in social room. The Week. 1 urge the citizens of our ten. * N. W. Boles, was taken to Mast Hos ­ ELECTRIC FENCE Units, »14.75 and some Young Pullets; pair Rabbits; young people are having a Pie Social. town to co-operate with the Busi ­ 11:00 Morning Prayer with Sermon. pital in Myrtle Point last week. Lat­ up. Will work on 110-volt line, quart Fruit Jars, and pair of Chaps. Bible School 8:45. Martha Mul­ est reporta are that she is much im­ ness and Professional Women's Club (1st and 3rd Sundays—Holy Com­ or hot shot battery, or automobile A. G. CaU 222L after 6 p. m. of Coquille in observing this Week. munion ) , key, Supt. proved. battery. Also Hot-Shot Batteries It* Werth, Fairview route. Morning Worship 11 o'clock. Lord’s “Are We Part-Time Citizens?" is 5:00 p. m. High School Young Peo­ Mrs. Walter Shutt submitted to a for sale. Geo. F. Burr Motor. 16 tfs Supper. Special Music. Message by FOR SALE—Family Cow, Jersey. major operation last week at Mast the challenging theme of the Week. ple the Pastor, “The Call of the Min­ See A. L. Hooton or phone 222R. Hospital in Myrtle Point. She ta im­ It is a question that every citizen For Refrigeration Service phone should ask himself. Dynamic citi- 1 8:00 p. m. Altar Guild (2nd Tuee- istry.” It* shop, 1MJ; write Box 307, Co­ proving satisfactorily. Two C. E. Societies meet at 6:30. quille. “If Available, welt get FOR SALE—“Farmers' Bargains“— Raymond Norris, of the* Navy, left zenahlp requires work every work- By). E$hn|ng Service 7:30. We invite ing day of the year. A once-4n-four- 8:00 Shortened Evening iL” Garnier’s Refrigeration p. m. to return to his base last Friday Leghorn Hens — Family Cow — years-citizen is not much good to you to an informal evangelistic ser- Prayer with Instruction for Adults. Service. • 27 tfs Bulls — Shetland Pony — Buggy morning, after spending a two-week himself or anyone else, for he has (4th Tuesday,) vice­ leave at the home of his mother and — Ice Chest — Hampshire Pullets. FOR MONUMENTS failed to observe that cardinal prin­ Wednesday Wednesday 7:30 Choir practice. See FARR & ELWOOD’S “Swap family, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Benham. Cement Grave Cover or Border. ciple of citizenship, “Be ye alert in Don Farr, director. 10:00 a. m. Holy Gommunion. Mrs. N. W. Boles is able to be up Board." . s Also Cement Building Blocks. Phone •* '▼ 2:30 p. m. SL James* Guild. _____________ I__________________ , I and around after several weeks ill exercising your civic duty every day 123L. John S. Sanders, 541 West 6th, in the year.** ATTENTION HUNTERS — For ex­ in bed with heart trouble. 8:00 p. m. Evening Guild (1st and Coquille, Oregon. S How can a citizen be alert? The 3rd Wednesdays). pert Taxidermy Work and Buck­ Kenna Hughes and three sons, of L. C. Persing, Pastor skin Tanning—Ship to Herman Roseburg, came into the valley Sat­ answer injplain, by knowing the men CHICKEN NETTING & STOCK and women nominated for office, .. by Weibel, Oswego, Oregon. 15 years urday to hunt. FENCINO-^We have several sizes 8:00 p. m. Bishop's Committee (3rd ' A selected teacher and a Raymond Norris and Pat Boles watching the government charged Thursday). in same location.____________ 35t6s and kinds of fencing materials on graded class for every age. Mothers ; were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Weldon with loca1’ •tate and feder,‘ admJn- hand. Steel fence poets, too. FOR RENT—2-room Apt., new paint; Kline Wednesday evening of last ‘'‘ration, by reading reports, attend­ and fathers, bring your children. Pioneer Methodist Church' FARR A ELWOOD. 8 water furnished. 3-room Apt., Bertha Byrd, superintendent. ing public hearings of the board of week. ' Rev. Chas. Goodwin Brown, Pastor new paint and paper; hot water GOLD FISH—New shipment just ar­ 11:00 Morning worship; Evangelist «... ...... ™, a . education, finance committee, health I Mr. and Mrs. Arthur FUnn, of 8:45—Sunday School hour. Pro­ C. O. Wood will bring the message. and bath. Quiet. No pets. In­ Portland, and Mrs. Nora Neeley, of board> ete And by regi»tering and rived—all-sizes. FARR A- EL­ motion Sunday is past and dales ’ ^rv,„ „ ine u. „ quire 351 So. Henry St. Flora E. Coquille, were guests last week-end vob,nf!' °£ c“ru**- WOOD. s This service is the beginning of a f are now prepared to enter a year's Mrieg of brlng men to Dunne. • The Business Professional a UTO ’PAINTING and Body Work. at the Ralph Boone home. ------- - and —------------- — . work with adequate class rooms and Christ. Mf. and Mrs. Billy Griggs, of! WonMn'* Clubs have undertaken the Briny your ear in------ we can, atari MOTOR OIL in 5-gallon cani. Be- 'capable teachers. ' . T 6:45 The Christ Ambassadors, 1 11:00 Sunday morning worship ttove it or not. we have lt. J. A. Sweet Home, were callers in the j J“* £ .work at once. Southwestern Motor Young People meet. Mary Lou New- valley last week. Among their stop- * u “ ' May P ubHc intere ’ t be the youniD!ten!: . p- . hour. For the youngsters: “The Per­ Co. g lping places was Park’s Grocery store.1«**•«>- z fect w Sunday morning ser- tonn is president. 7:45 Evening evangelistic service. MAIL CARRIER WANTED — Call at SOMETHING NEW — Milking Mr. and Mrs. Harold Neal, of the, ,mon stlbject; -The voice of God is The Wood evangelistic party will be Coquille Poet Office. Ask for Mr. Bay, were visiting in the valley last | Mayor City of Coquille CalUn< » Machines, Vacuum Pumps, ( i in charge. Do not fail to hear these Hawkins or Mr. Grimes. Hand and all-electric Separa­ ^in thZ’cli Gu^d”*1 Bt Thank Offering Boxes To Be i 6:30-You th Fellowship Groups, people while here. tors, will soon be in stock. WATER SYSTEMS—We stock both pire in the Coast Guard. | intermediate »and Senior. Every Night, except Monday and Eaton’s Feed Store, Coquille, s Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Zenor and Collected Sunday, Oct 8 I 7:3q_Sund,y evening worship Deep and Shallow Well, Automatic Saturday, these special meetings will Water Systems; also Rotary and dau«hter' ot Eu*ene’ are viaiting at. The United Thank Offering boxes hour. “Great Bible Charicters.” DE LAVAL SEPARATORS and Milk­ be conducted. Each service begin­ . - ■ — — — ._ — Fkiai Danknm hnma tubila ■> * Centrifugal Pumps. J. A. LAMB the Benham home while Mr. Zenor , of the women of the St. James Parish I 7:30— Wednesday evening Chdir ers. Parts and Dairy Supplies. Get ning at 7:45. hunts. They are former residents of ¡will be collected this Sunday, Oc^>- rehearsal hour. COMPANY. s them at Pacific Feed & Seed So. tfs “Seek ye first the Kingdom of the valley and Mrs. Zenor was pastor ber 8, at the 11 o’clock service. It I 7:30—Thursday evening mid-week God," said Jesus. WASHING MACHINE REPAIR—We FOR RENT—Furnished Cottages with at the church for over a year. ‘ is suggested that the money be put' services. T Shower baths and wash room. service all makes of washers. Cpl. and Mrs. Ben Holverstott left , into envelopes with giver’s name or 1 6:30—Friday, October 13th. Plans _ Church of 0od Lights and water paid Reasonable Wednesday of last week for Pratt, contribution number, saving the box ' are under way for a* church supper, Washer Service Co. 365 West Corner of Henry A Seventh Sts. rent. 84514 North Coulter St. tfs Kansas, where Cpl. Holverstott is for future use. There will be an' potluck, and program, under the aus­ Front St Phone 17. tfr Walter Lee 'Greer. Pastor stationed in the Air Corps. innovation in the service this time pices of the Young Adult group. FARM MACHINERY Repairs — We FORSALE Setotey, OeL 8 as the thank offering will be col­ Why not find a church home and Mrs. Pott’s 'Sad Irons; 3.... ...$ .75 carry genuine McCormick Deering 10:00 a. m. Sunday school. - lected by two women members of worship there? Your own life will repairs. J. A. LAMB COMPANY, s .Outside Door, 8-6 x 3-6......... 4.75 m. Worship: sermon, 11:00 the church, instead of being put in receive an uplift and the church you Radio (Philco) ..?........... 45.00 “Belief on Christ.” GOOD SERVICE makes Good In­ A petition for letters of adminis­ the general collection as heretofore. choose will be helped, as well as the Kitchenette Table ............ «... 3.00 7:30 P- m., Evangelistic service: surance I give service. F. R. Heater, Stove A Pipe ........... 15.00 tration of the »3650 estate left by These boxes are given out to the community of which you are a part. sermon by Rev. H. B. Wilson. Bulli s Airtight Heater & Pipe ......... 5.00 Andrew D. Pierson, who died Aug. women of the parish and when some­ Every Evening Church Of The Nazarene, Maul, with rings ............ 3.00 10, 1044, at Myrtle Point, was filed thing happens for which they are 7:30 p. m„ Evangelistic messages WANTED—To rent 'for a couple of Flora E. Dunne, 351 South Henry la in the county clerk's office last week. thankful a coin is dropped into the Ninth and Heath weeks a Portable Radio, for boy by. Rev. H. B. Wilson. These ser­ Oct. 2—E. H. Strain, of Bandon, box. These are collected twice a Rev. V. W. Anglin, Pastor in the hospital. Mrs. Ned Kay, FOR SALE—One 6-months old Pe­ vices began Oct 1, and will continue was on Monday appointed guardian year, in May and October. > 8:45 a. m. Sunday Bible School. two weeks or more. All are invited 341 South Heath, phone SIR. lt*s kinese, $10. CaU 108M. Mrs. for Jesse Vernon Laub, whose es­ At the Triennial meeting of the 11:00 a. m. Morning Worship. The regardless of faith or affiliation. Robt. Baker, 648 East Tenth, Co­ tate is estimated worth $2500. Episcopal Church funds thus col­ STOLEN—Fishing tackle box con- Pastor will speak on the subject of “Our fathers have sinned, and are quille. • It‘a Chas. Barrows, John Holman and lected from all over the United tainmg valuable valuabli equipment. $5 “Qualification* of toe Child of God not; and we have borne their iniqui­ reward for information leading to pRASS SEEDS —We have a large Carl Hbasig will appraise the estate. States are presented in an impres­ to Speak with his Heavenly Father.” ties." Lam. 5:7. ¿V its recovery. 8. K. Seeber, Chaney The same appraisers will appraise sive service. In 1843 at the Cleve­ 7:30 p. m. Evening service. Pastor “And with many other words did stock of GRASS SEEDS and grains Apts., City. 1 lt*s for seeding your BURN — PAS­ the $2500 estate left by Lila Laub, land Triennial meeting »1,118,878.81 speaking. he testify and exhort, saying, Save 7:30 p. m. Wednesday night, mid­ yourselves from this untoward gen­ TURE — or hay crop. FARR & and Mr. Strain was also appointed was presented. This is a surprising EDGER FOR RENT—Small sanding amount to be collected from small week prayer meeting. ELWOOD. a administrator of her estate. eration.” Acts 2:40. machine for sanding edges of floor; On Tuesday Hillis R. Perkins was sums. The money is used for the also ideal far refinishing tabletops, TREE PRUNERS with 22-inch han­ erection of, new mission buildings, appointed administrator of the First Church of Christ, Scientist drain boards, etc. FARR & EL­ dle, now in stock. J. A. LAMB $30,000 estate left by Gertrude M. war prisoner aid, help for China, Coquille, Oregon WOOD. COMPANY. f Fraser. The appraisers named were and in mission work throughout the 'Sunday School at 8:30 a. m. ROOFING— Walter Strain, H. H. Hansen and W. United States. LOST—Harvel Wrist Watch, Sept. Sunday Service at 11 a. m. Coquille Representative 35 lb. J. Sweet. « »1.1» 28, in Coquille. Finder please re­ Subject tor next Sunday, “Are 45 lb. Brewer Bills was appointed ad­ Three Had Not Received turn to Bud Hlckam and receive Sin, Disease, and Death Raul? MBS. L. E. HAMLIN 55 lb. ministrator, oh Oct. 3, of the $1080 25-Year B.NJL Pins reward, 524 North Heath. lt*s Wednesday evening meeting at 8:00 65 lb. estate left by Harold Michael Daven­ 325 East Tenth St. Mrs. M. D. Sherrard calls the Sen­ o'clock. \ I 80 lb. MODERN Furnished House, 4 rooms port, who died Sept. 22. Fred Her­ tinel's attention to an error in last Free public Reading Room at 238 Cedar shingles—asphalt sheathing and breakfast nook, for rent. No man, J. H. Mills and O. B. Hendrick­ week's report of the Royal Neighbors W. Second, Roxy Bldg., open every Deadening felt — roof coatings children. Reference. Call Mrs. son will appraise the estate. .. party on Sept. 20. The name of day except Sunday and holidays from FARR A'ELWOOD CO. Geo. Maag, phone 7R31^ s Mrs. Zizzie Erickson should have 1:80 to 5:00 p. m. NOTICE TO CREDITORS been included in the list of those ARC or ACETYLENE Welding, any CLEARANCE PRICE IN SPRINGS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that time, anywhere, day or night. AND MATTRESSES- 72-Coil Box the undersigned has been duly ap­ who were presented corsages and it pointed administrator of the estate was erroneously stated that Mrs. Prince Auto Electric, 280 North Spring, now »20.85, reg. »28.85. of MABLE KATHERINE HUM­ Taylor, Coquille, Phone 174M. tfs GM2496. Mattress 4' 6* regular PHREY, deceased, and that all per­ Luiu True, Mabel Ice and Ethel (18.85 now »14.85. Others as low sons having claims against said es­ Oakes had already received their CEDAR SHINGLES—We have No. ARE YOUR HENS LAYING? IF l’s and 2’s on hand. FARR A EL­ as »5.00. Harry M. Johnson, tate, should present the same, duly 35-year pins. They were due for verfied, and with proper vouchers this honor at the anniversary party NOT—Ask. us about our money- WOOD. Western Auto Supply, Taylor St., therefore, to the undersigned at the back guarantee to make them lay. Coquille. Its law office of HARRY A. SLACK, but were unable to be present on FARR A ELWOOD. s First National Bank Bldg., -Coquille, that occasion. ....... - _______ " . . ..................- L CARD TABLES—We have a limited Oregon, within six months from the FARM MACHINERY has been re­ stock on hand. J. A. LAMB COM­ date of this notice. Two Plead Guilty Before leased for sale without certificates. Dated: September 15, 1844. PANY. s WILLIAM ILLIAM K. KENDALL, Judge King On Wednesday However, new farm machines will Administrator. still be manufactured in limited WANTED TO BUY—Old horses, cows MU Anton Lewis Schueesler, arrested quantities; therefore all those who and'calves tar Mink feed. B. T. NOTICE TO CREDITORS last Saturday on a non-support Notice is hereby given that the last charge, pleaded guilty before Judge want new machines next year Hepler, Bullards route. Phone NOTHING OVERLOOKED should place orders now for Mc­ 8R5, Coquille. st Jan. 11, 45 Will and Testament of Ethel Hart­ Dal King in Circuit court on Tues­ man, deceased, was admitted to pro­ Cormick Deering farm machines. bate and ..of record in the County day. The judge postponed pronounc­ no matter bow large and elaborate —J. A. LAMB COMPANY. s STOVES—Both Wood and Coal Court for Coos County, Oregon, on ing sentence until Nov. 13. Ranges and Circulators. J. A. Sept. 11, 1844, and that the under­ the rcale upon which the funeral Cecil W. Smith, arrested- last week EXPERT Hosiery Repair—All work LAMB COMPANY. s signed was appointed by said Court arrangements' are to be made. That guaranteed. Located at Amy’s i------------------------------------------------------- as Executor thereof. Therefore, all on the charge of forgery by endorse­ is our policy—that is our proud ment pleaded guilty on Tuesday ahd Blanket Shop In Dr a ne Bldg. Spe­ OUR SCRATCH HAS CORN IN IT— persons having claims against said Estate are hereby required to pre­ was sentenced to five years th the Farr A Elwood. s claim after many yedn of experi­ cial attention give mail orders. l*s sent them to me, with proper vouch­ pen. Sheriff Howell took him out ence A conference with us will Dr. De La Rhue ers attached and duly verified, at AUTOMATIC FARM WATER SYS­ DRIVE IN and let’us inspect your the office of O. C. Sanford, Attorney, to Salem yesterday. be to your advantage Eyesight tires for hidden defects before you in Coquille, Oregon, within ithin __ sir TEMS available now WITHOUT NOTICE TO CREDITORS take that trip. This service is free months from the date hereof. RATION CERTIFICATES. Farr NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Dated and published first time and may save you trouble and ex­ A Elwood. s the undersigned has been duly ap­ Eyes pense away from home. Thornton Sept. 14, 1844. 35t5 M. C. Hartman, Executor. pointed Administrator of the estate DOES YOUR DOG SCRATCH? — Tire Service. tfs of GERTRUDE M. FRASER, De­ Reception room jointly with 'Don't blame fleas, mange, or diet ceased, and that all persona having NOTICE TO CREDITORS Dr. J. R. Bunch NO SHORTAGE OF FEED at Farr NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that claims against said estate, should I —2 to 1 it’s “Fungitch”—use 8UL- Bandon Coquille Laird & Elwood's., s the undersigned has been duly ap­ present the same, duly verified and «2-J FADENE. Farr A Elwood. » I OUR 108.1 with proper vouchers therefor, to pointed administrator of the estate Ser- ­ of CHARLES ALFORD HUM­ the undersigned at the law office FOR SALE—-3-year old grade Jersey FOR PLUMBING repairs and Ser vice-call COM­ PHREY, deceased, and that all per­ of HARRY A. SLACK, First Nat l. vice —call 2-L. J. A. LAMB COM- Mrs. Cow; will freshen in April. ----- sons I having — *- - said es- Bank Bldg., Coquille, Oregon, within claims — against PANY PANY. 8 s late, shou O. A. Mattoon, 854 Midway street ____ the same, duly six months from the date of this should present ‘i proper vouchers notice. lt*s HEADQUARTERS for Crown Dairy verified, and with on Spurgeon Hill. Dated, and first published: Octo­ therefor, to the ui indersigned ____ __ at the _ and Poultry Feeds at Pacific Feed law office of HARRY A. SLACK, ber 7, 1844. FOR SALE—Team of Horses, and High School HILLIS K. PERKINS, tfs First National Bank Bldg., Coquille, A Seed Co. some horse-drawn Farm Imple- Credits Administrator of said estate. Oregon, within six months from the 38t5 menta. Dan Fish, 4R4, Coquille, FOR RENT -Two Small Apartments date of this notice. Given NOTICE TO CREDITORS Dated: September 15, 1844. or see him on Levi Bunch place on at 125 South Heath. Inquire at NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That WILLIAM K. KENDALL, 37 t2s Rink Creek. lt*Oct 5s 35t5__________ that address. ' - Administrator. the undersigned has been duly ap- ___ pointed by the County Court of NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT ¡Coos County, Oregon, as Executor of NEW ROOFING and Waterproofing NOTICE is hereby given that the I the Estate of William Thomas Brady, of older roofs, all types and kinds, undersigned has filed his Final Ac- j Deceased, and has duly qualified as done by the Standard Roofing Co. count in the matter of the Estate of such. ___ 883 North First street, Marshfield. D. C. Krantz, Kr»niz, deceased, and that the . NOW THEREFORE, all persons Glen Wm. Curtis, County Court of the State of Oregon. . having claims against said Estate are Phone 858 for Coos County, has set October' hereby notified and required to pre- Mgr "the same, together with proper 10th, ______ 1844, ______ at the ___________________sent hour of 10 o’clock 1 PAPERHANGING, Kalsomining, In­ A. M as the time and the County i vouchers therefor, to the under­ PAPERHANOING, Court Room in the County Court ' signed at the office of J. Arthur Berg terior and Exterior Palntirtg. The House at Coquille, Oregon, as the at Coquille, Oregon, within six latest in Pittsburg, Imperial, Imperiai, Birge place for hearing objections to said months from the date hereof. Dated * this u‘- 28th day of September, Wall Paper. Herbert £ Wood, 275 Final Account and the settlement of_________ 1844. Agents for Oregon-Nevada-California Fast Freight No. Henry, Coquillb, phone 288 said estate. J. H. McCloskey, Walter A. Krantz, 8tfs Office Phone 5 275 g h M) Executor of said Estate. I ’4t5 Executor of said Estate. 3715 CLASSIFIED Fairview News National B. P. W Week Declared Probate Court Items Oregon Journal to Details SCHROEDER RROS MORTUARIES, lae MISJ INEZ ROVER Instructor of Piano Benham’s Transfer Storage SAND AND GRAVEL COAL — FUEL OIL — STORAGE