The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, October 05, 1944, Page 5, Image 5

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Myrtle Poirot, visited relatives in
Arago last Saturday evening.
Mrs Ward Evans, Pamela and
Maureen attended the Royal Neigh­
bors lodge in Myrtle Point Monday,
np there we Arago News i fems
0SCM. ciott
Norway News Items
>f cigarettes,
set and not
Orville Bailey came in from Camp
Perhaps ev- Roberts, Calif., last Friday evening
for a short visit with his mother,
Mrs. Alura Bailey, and his brother,
Wylie Embree, before going on to
Portland Saturday to visit his wife
and other relatiaves there. He is be­
ing transferred to Maryland for fur-
Lenls Kirk, on the Dal King ranch ther training in the infantry.
at Norway (formerly owned by Mrs.! Mr. and Mrs. Frank Herker, Lena.
Amelia Nelson), had the misfortune and Richard, visited at the home of
to stab himself in the thigh Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs, Nile Miller Wednesday
jevenlng of last. week, cutting an 1 evening.
artery. A near neighbor, Raymond j Mr. and Mrs. Nile Miller spent Fri-
Thompson, came to his rescue and day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Or-
hurried him to the Mast Hospital, * vus Miller and family in Myrtle
where several stitches had to be Point.
taken to close the wound.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fish were
Royer and son are looking after his Sunday dinner guests at the home of
dairy work morning and evening Mrs. Laura Edmunds in Coquille.
till Lenis can get about better.
I- Mr. and Mrs. Nile Miller received
Mr. and Mrs. Z. C. Strang Were'word from their son, Wallace, that
week-end guests at the home of Mr. he and his family would be home on
and Mrs. J. H. McCloskey.
J a few days’ furlough about Thursday
Last Friday, Mrs. V. R. Garoutte of this week. He had been stationed
came up from Bandon, bringing her ' at Casper, Wyoming.
mother, Mrs. Emily Burgess, for a | Rev. and Mrs. Liston Parrish and
Mold ready about
Oct. 15
D oans P ills
’ visit with her sister, Mrs. J. F. son, David; Mrs. A. F. Willson, Mrs.
Schroeder, for a week.
I Al Erickson and gpn, Thomas, all of
Mrs. R. W. Haughton spent the day ' Coquille, were Sunday guests at the
, Monday visiting with Mrs. J. F. home of Mr. and Mrs. John Widmark.
I Schroeder, while her husband was
Mr. and Mrs. A. Bender, of Myrtle
. cutting up Some wood logs for Mr. Point, were Wednesday evening din-
; Schroeder with his drag saw. «Mr. nor guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. D.
i Haughton is kept very busy with Carl and. Herbert.
i his saw.
Choir practice was held Friday
Sunday dinner guests at the home evening at the home of Mrs. O. H.
of Mrs. Emma Hermann, of Broad- ’ Aasen with the following attending:
, bent, were Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Me- Mesdames Werner Plaep, Albert
I Closkey, Mrs. Elizabeth Lett and Mr. Lillie, Albert Oulstrom and Stanley
and Mr«. Z. C. Strang.
Halter. Mrs. Aasen was the pianist.
There were fourteen members, ln- They will meet again this Friday at
t eluding the hostess, ot the Pleasant the Aasen home at 8 p. m.
, Point Needle Club who met Sept. 27
Ladies Aid met Wednesday after­
, at the home of Mrs. Fred Yarbrough, noon at the chifrch with the follow­
, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Finley ing attendance: Mesdames Albert
Schroeder. A delicious buffet-lunch­ Lillie, Albert Gulstrom, O. H. Aasen,
eon was served to the following: Ward Evans, Stanley Halter, Werner
Mesdames Frank Southmayd, Belle Plaep. They will meet again next
Lewellen, Julia Leep, Finley 8chroe- Wednesday, Oct. 11, at the church.
der, R. W. Haughton, R. R. Rackleff,1 Mrs. Ward Evans, Pamela and
Mr. J. Daniels, Bert Claver, Ellis'Maureen, went to Myrtle Point on
¡Southmayd, Ella Bryant, Geo. Hoff- business last Saturday. Whll
'man, and A. R. Bennett
After a they visited at the home of
short business meeting most of the Mrs. Chester Willson and Mi
ladies got busy on the afghans they son and Chloe came home wl
are making' for the soldiers. These and spent the night. On Sunci
afghans are being made from woolen Evans took her slater and^d
garments that are good only to be home and they all visited
cut into blocks, which are crocheted home of Mr. and Mrs. John
around a time or two with pretty in Myrtle Point,
colored yards, which givea them a | Mr. and Mrs Roy Mast, of Al-
! very attractive appearance.
The legany, were also Sunday dinner
, next meeting of the Pleasant Point guests at the Ward Evans hofne.
i Needle Club will be at the home of
Mrs. Ward Evans and Pamela and
Mrs. M. J. Daniels.
Mrs. Chester Willson and Chloe vis-
Mr. and Mrs. X H. Criteter, ef ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Portland, and Mrs. Kathryn A. Pe- Arnie Willson in Coquille last Sat­
trequin and Mrs. Earl Seeley, of urday. .
Melrose, a suburb of Portland, were
Mr. and Mrs Lee Kellison and
guests weeks before last of Mrs. Bobby came In from Sixes and spent
Mike Daniels. MYs Petrequin was a couple of days at their home in
a schoolmate of Mrs. Daniels, whom Arago aa Mr. Kellison was unable
she had not seen for thirty years. to work on account of the heavy
The party, was on its way for 'a rain down there last week.
week’s outing at Bandon.
Mrs. Stanley Halter and Mrs. Ida
hoping the weather was on its good Myers visited Mrs. Frank Lane at
¡the Mercy Hospital in North Bend
-A birthday party was held last i last Thursday.
Saturday night at the home of Don
Mrs. Ward Evans and Mrs. Ches­
Schmidt for Bill Smith, who has been ter Willson attended the Townsend
home on furlough but was leaving program held at Myrtle Point last
Sunday for San Francisco. Those Saturday evening. Mrs. Evans was
present were Mr. and Mrs. Martin I on the program.
Schmidt, Mrs. Charles Smith and
Mrs. Melden Carl and Miss Ethel
daughter, Joy; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fish met at the home of Mrs. Ward
Schmidt an0 family, Ed Detlefsen, Evans last Tuesday evening to help
Ray and Howard Detlefsen and their make plans for a Sunday school party
wives, all from Coquille; Mr. and to be given the latter part of this
> Mrs. Tom Detlefsen, of Norway, and month by the adult class.
I Mr. and Mrs. Herman Detlefsen, of
Miss Evelyn Herber was a Monday
¡Myrtle Point, and Herman Tedsen.
overnight guest at the Leonard Sell
| Frank Southmayd and son, Ellis, 1 home.
j filled silo this week with a crew of
The young folks choir met at the
sixteen men.
Several farmers in home of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Moomaw
After a
j the Norway community are busy last Wednesday evening.
I filling silos this week while the short practice they were served re­
| good weather Continues.
freshments of cookies, sandwiches
I J. *F. Schroeder and his brother, and pop by Miss Glenda Lillie, who
' Frank, are doing spme repair work was hostess for the evening. Those
on the foundation of the Norway attending were: Misses Pamela and
Maureen Evans, Thelma and Nola
store, replacing with concrete.
Last week-end guests of Mr. and Crawford, Glenda Lillie, Doan M qo -
, Mrs. Howard Ledtherman were Mr. maw and Messrs. LeRoy and Glendon
land Mrs. Frank Larson and family, Zeller, Junior and Darwin Gulstronf.
Linda Lou, Larry and Gary, from Mrs. Moomaw was in charge of the
¡Coos River.
Saturday dinner guests of Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. LawrenCe Barldow,
and Mrs. A. R. Bennett were Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Woodward came
Mrs. H. M. Bright and daughters, in from Port Orford and spent the
; Marilyn and Elizabeth, Mrs. Eva week-end at their homes in Arago,
Bunch, Mr. and Mrs. John Casper returning to Port Orford Sunday
and family, Kenneth, Glen and Patty. evening.
I Mr. and Mrs. Sivert Iverson and i Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Halter, Mr.
Dollar You Ever Gave
War Prisoners Aid, Aid to Service­
men's Families, U S 0 and many other
worthy Organizations will be in posi-
Mountain States Power Co.
’A Self-Supporting, Tax-Paying, Private Intarprlea'