COQUILLE VAIXkY SENTINEL. COQUILLE, ôttÔON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER S. 19H- able to go aboard ship. .There is a here. Part of Ms letter follows: Elaine Gray Commissioned Marshfield. bare possibility that he may be al-f “I have not heard from you foi In Navy Nurse Corps lowed to return to his old home in ; three or four days now, Mother. Sept. 28—Francis M. Keith and Kathleen Brady Graduated As Elaine Gray, daughter of Mr. and Riverton for a short time while con- guess it is because I am in a differ' Hazel Magqjre. both of Reedsport. An Ensign At Smith College Mrs. Claire Gray, received her en ­ rent place. I am now somev Miles M. Hartwell, petty officer in valeecing. They were married by Justice Bull sign commission last Monday in the Kathleen Brady, daugther of Mr. the Office of Transportation in the _' u • r in Burma. I traveled over the Navy Nurse Corps. She expects her here last Thursday. and Mrs. Jas. Brady, graduated as Eli Brault, brother of Jane Martin road, and let me tell you I U. 3. Naval Air Base at Klamath Sept. 28—Roberts Watts and Vic-, ensign at Smith College on Sept. 38. orders in about two weeks. Falla, spent last Saturday with his who is nurse at the Smith Wood some of the most beautiful sc« toria Leone Wallace,-both of Marsh- She is temporarily stationed at the Elaine graduated from Coquille mother, Mrs. C. M. Hartwell at Riv­ plant, and husband of Mrs. Perna I have ever seen in my life, as « High in 1938. She took one year at field. Naval base at Newport, R. I. In erton, and with his sister, Miss Brault of Riverton, is a petty officer as some of the worst. The road is Sept. 2«—Chas. O. Headd, of St. December she will go to Cambridge Albany State College, oap year at like the one over to the Rogue Cherie Mae Hartwell, instructor in in the Sth Construction Battalion of Louis, Mo., and Vivian Eldean Saw­ for advanced study. She is In the in Oregon, only the hills here the University at Eugene and had the Marshfield Schools. Also he re­ the SeaBees. He has been on an as­ three yean at Good Samaritan Hos­ yer, of North Bend. They were mar­ Supply Corps.. Ensign Brady left signment in far northern waters this i are a lot steeper and higher. In ­ newed acquaintances and met old pital in Portland. She has been lo­ ried by Rev. G. A. Gray at his home here three months ago for North friends in Riverton, Coquille and summer and just recently returned stead of looking down for about a cated as a nurse at Keizer Hospital here last Thursday. Hampton and was there to experi­ to the U. S. Naval Hospital in Seattle mile as one does down to the Rogue Marshfield. Miles, who has been in Oct. 2—George Wesley Leaser, of ence the recent atorm which devas­ in North Bend for the past month the service for two years and-who in charge of some injured and sick there, I could see straight down and will continue there while await­ Alameda, Calif., and Marilene Beale, tated or extremely damaged many has a host of friends throughout the men sent there from his battalion for for about two miles over here. of Marshfield. sections of the east coast. As “That is just about all I can tell ing her orders. county, looked well and gave every hospitalization and treatment. Oct. 4—Chas. J. Schaeffers, Jr., of ' ■■ evidence of having been receiving soon as he could he located Grant you about the trip over here. I am Eugene, and Margaret G. Hansen, of Insurance Speculisi. F. R. Bull, s good food and oare at the great air­ Hartwell there in the same hospital well and having a wonderful time. and the two “buddies" from Riverton One reason why I have such a good base at the “Falls." r— Strangely enough, Miles reported, are' finding much to talk over while time is because there is a river about he was to have the pleasant and un­ they have so much time on their a hundred, yards from here, where I usual opportunity to enjoy a deer hands. Grant writes, “Eli is the best go swimming almost every day. “The reason I haven’t written be­ hunt in the Klamath Falls country ‘tonic* I've ever had. My doctor just i upon returning there test Sunday— couldn’t have prescribed a better fore is that I have been on detail i(work) and didn't get a chance. I the opening date of the deer hiihting medicine for me.”- I Officer Brault was granted an hope you are moved by now, and season—with two hunters who had Lethimglveyou accompanied Ms father, the late emergency leave of a few days just that you like R. Write soon again, the full details Love, Charles M. Hartwell, on his last hunt after he got his men safely to the Note the new address. Seattle hospital last week, and he ‘ Mickey ’. ” in that section in 1937. We hope on the 4-Way . . Miles' excursion into the woods there spent them with his wife who had I complete pro­ last Sunday was as productive of undergone a major operation here Holbrook Marine, y tection of the successful results, as on that former . at the Belle Knife Hospital in Co­ Awaits Overseas Assignment at the occasion when his father was last qullle. T- Marine Private Ronald S. Hol- there with those same hunting part­ Hao. Word has been received from Mrs.; brook, 22, whose wife, Mrs. Mary V. ners. • Neil C. Goodwin, who is »-telephone Holbrook, resides in Myrtle Point, Miles expects to return again soon ' . ,----- - ------ - ----------------- ------------------ -- to Coos county. He is to be sent operator in Portland, that her son.. has been graduated from the infan- over in charge of a large Xruek and William, or “Bill” as he is known try school at Camp Pendleton, several boys, to get an airplane to his host of friends in Coos coun- Oceanside, Calif., and is awaiting as- IN6VRANC8 COMPANY which is slightly damaged on the ty, was reported missing in action on slgnment to a Marine combat unit. Bay and which is to be returned to Aug. 16 by U. S. Army headquarters.! private Holbrook was employed at GEO. P. LAIRD BUI was a tail-gunner in the 13th Smith-Woods Products, Inc., before the “Falls” base for repair. Phone 600R, Coquille Begins Nightly Except Array Air Force and his last trip was enlisting on May 18, 1944. C. Grant Hartwell, S. 2/c in the ______________ Navy, has been very ill with pneu­ over Germany, where his plane was Oct. 8th Mon. & Sat. MUTUAL UFI Key. made tor alt iocks. Stavefis monia in the U. S. Naval Hospital brought down. The circumstance. INIU1ANCI COMPANY Hardware. CoquiUe. Ore. in Seattle for nearly two weeks. He surrounding the crash of his plane is improving at this writing, but still do not allow for much hope for his _ is in an exceedingly weakened con­ escape from it, his mother reports. | ~ The Goodwins came to Coquille I dition. He was sent to the Seattle Naval Hospital from Huaneme, Calif., from Chehalis, Wash., in 1939, where He has been assigned to the ship they lived until the summer of 1941 UB.S. Rockbridge, and his duty will when they moved to one of the be the operation of a motor derrick Hartwell homes in Riverton. Bill for the loading and unloading of and his father, Neil, worked at the cargo for overseas men. when he is Smith Wood plywood plant from the time of their arrival in *39 until they both entered the armed forces in 1943. • Neil C. Goodwin, the father, is home on furlough with his wife in Portland now and both are planning a trip to Coquille and Riverton soon. Another son, Arthur, is an M. P. and stationed in the British Isles at this a. time. . ; I The many friends of “Bill” Good­ Time to stock up on flour, shortening win and his parents are hoping still re MAXI this evening's dinner appe- and other baking supplies! tizingly different, why not bake news I to receive more encouraging enc some drop biscuits? Very little thne Check your larder now! . from the European 1 eastern front is required! that the news of his disappearance is Swansdown 2 Vi lb. pkg. O O OSOF SHCUIT» Cake Flear not as serious as at first suspected. GoM Medal HARVEST CROWN or Notes About Riverton Hartwell Boys Marriage Licenses Wood’s Revival Campaign ¡ Assembly of God OREGON JIUTIIAL LIFE Bake these easily, for October delight Mrs. A. C. Kight, of Riverton, has just received a letter from her son, Pvt. Cortland M. Smith, affection­ ately known as “Mickey” by his many friends, diat he has been moved from the India theatre of war and now is in Burma. His new ad­ dress is Pvt. Cortland M. Smith, A.S.N. 39335288, 274 M.P. Co., APO 889, care Postmaster, New York, N. Y. His letter was sent by air-mail and it took 18 days for the trip over Follow your regular 2-cup recipe for baking-powder biscuits, but use enough milk (about a cup) so mix­ ture will drop from teaspoon on an ungreaaed baking tin. Bake in a bot oven (460° F.) for 12 to 15 minutga. Makes about 16 biscuits. Ivea mere eppettetag drop biscuits re­ sult if you add (depending on per­ sonal tastes) H cup of raisins or chopped nutmeata or diced cheese to the mixture before kneading it. Or, a use tomato juice instead of milk fqg the moistener! ” Heme Baking Haye Are Here Again SPERRY Enriched Flour 52c 25 lb. xk 81.18 50 lb. lik 82.3> Using a standard pastry recipe, roll the pastry M-inch thick and cut into 6-inch squares. Wash and peel 6 whole medium-sized cooking apples; remove cores and place one apple in the center of each square. Fill eace core-hole w brown sugar, and a dash of ion and nutmeg, and H tb«6. butter or margarine. Dampen edge* of pastry, and draw up ground apples, pressing securely together. With sharp tined fork, 'prick dough well all over. Place in well-greased drip pan. Bake in hot oven (450* F.) 15 minutes. Reduce heat to moderate oven (350* F.) and bake 45 minutes or until done, bast­ ing every 15 minutes with syrup made by boiling 1 cup granulated „ sugar, H cup water, and 2 tbeps. butter or margarine. When baked, frost tope immediately with medium­ thick powdered sugar butter icing. Safeway Hometnakert’ Bureau JULIA LEE WRIGHT, Piracux SKM f S herwin W illiams P aints i 83.46 50 lb. HOC sack Krusteaz 17 oz. Pkg For He Crosta 24' Duffs Mixes 14 oz. Muffin, Ginger A Waffle Suzanna 314 lb. sack 19' .i. q.58 Vanilla, Lemon Extract Schillings 1 oz. 19c K. C. Baking Powder, 25 oz. jar ----- 22c LARD—4 lb. carton Karo Syrup, blue label 1*4 lb. jar Sliverleaf MARGARINE 2 lb. etn. 1C W*J Snowflakes 2 lb. etn. OO Banny Beak—« pta. Veal Leg or Rump Roast, A Grade. Veal Shoulder Roast (Sq. cut) A. Grade 28c Veal Sirolin Steak, A Grade...................... 36c Veal Shoulder Steak, A Grade ..........-........ 28c Veal Breast, A Grade .......................... Beef Sirloin Steak, A Grade, 13 pts. Round Steak, A Grade, 15, pts.......... T-*Bone Steak, A Grade, 14 pts. ....... Beef Pot Roast, A Grade, 5 pts........ Short Ribs, A & B Grade. .r...... Fresh Oysters, med. size, pint 2V 75' SIRUP—16 oz. bot. Sleepy Hollow Calumet Baking Powder, 25 oz. can EDWARDS COFFEE drip or regu. lb jar 28c Nob Hill Coffee, whl, roast, 2 lb. bag .... 45c Cherub Milk (1 point) 3 tall cans______ ... 25c Blended Juice, Adams, 46 oz. can................ 39c Nu Made Mayonnaise, qt. jar ......................47c Duchess Salad Dressing, qt. jar *.............. 35c Honey, Beeville, Farmer’s Gold, 2 lb. jar 45c 121 w ‘F ronf 8 t M, one M ■■■ 54c 81.21 IT. 25 lb. sk 50 lb. sk Biskit Mix 2*4 lb. pkg. Fisher's Vanilla, Lemon Flavor, Westag 4 oz. 10c Miscellaneous Gregg Hardware h FLOUR Aad for dessert, how about KID APPU MIMPLINOS I. I /¿5 l \ 25 lb. sack 95c 5 lb sa«* 23c 10 lb sack 39c s, 41c 25 lb. sk. 87c 50 l> sk fl.87 Enriched ?.nr,ched ------------ Flnnr ». —nome-type Kitrhon i BLOSSOM FLOUR > Soda Crackers r ROYAL SATIN, 3 lb. ''•W CQ Guaranteed Shortening Cristo shortening, 3 lb...... 68c Vinegar, Old Mill, gal ... 52c Post Toasties, 18 oz. pkg.....lie APPLES, Jonathans, Ex. Fancy and Fancy, lb. 9*4c, Box GRAPES, Tokays, fine flavored, lb. LEMONS, Sunkist, full of juice, lb.................... ORANGES, Thin skinned and juice fruit, lb CAULIFLOWER, Local, lb.......................... CABBAGE, Solid, Crisp and Tender, lb. PEARS, Bartlett, Fancy, lb........ CELERY, Utah Type, lb.......... EGG PIxANT, Garden Fresh, lb. DRY ONIONS, Yellow, medium size, 3 lbs. GREEN PEPPERS, Nice size for stuffing, lb. 83.89 He U%c .. 10c .. 19c 4%c . 12c 7c £ 10c