■J-U,----------- ---------------- - ----------- Dr. and Mrs- Ralph Bosworth, the 'latter the former Mrs. Ray Thomas ■ when she lived in Coquille, surprised her many friends here by dropping in on them unexpectedly last Thurs­ day afternoon. They went fishing over on Coos river for baas Friday An Institute of International Un­ morning but without much luck. derstanding will be held in Coquille They toft Friday evening for their from October 31 to December 9, ! cottage north of Waldport where this year, under the sponsorship of , they expected to spend the next the Rotary Club of Coquille. Con­ month before returning to their home sisting of a series of four weekly ¡in Corvallis. meetings, the Institute will present I ( _____ ; i outstanding authorities on various i A baby boy, who weighed eight phases of International affairs. Fol­ ' pounds, 10 ounces, and has been lowing the' forma) addresses, there j named Edwin Valdmar, was born last will be forum periods in which i Saturday to Mr. and Mrs. O. E. members of the audience may ask I Carlson. The mother is the former questions of the speakers. Elois Wilson, daughter of Mr. and According to President J. S. Bar­ Mrs. E. Wilson of this city. This ton, the program is being developed youngster is Mr. and Mrs. Carlson’s second child and his father is Jn the U. S. Navy. Rotary To Present Four Speakers On Global Affairs XM. C. (Jack) Tozier left last Sat­ urday to spend the winter at Etna, Calif., where his brother, Harry B. Tozier, lives. [ , by the Rotary Club to give the peo­ ple of the community an. opportunity to learn from informed speakers about the background of the pres­ ent global war and the problems which must be met in planning for a durable peace after victory has been won. The Institute will also be a study course in world affairs for the young people of the community for, in addition to the public forums in the evening, the speakers will ad­ dress the students of the Coquille schools during the day. Taking part In the Institute pro­ gram will be: • Don Bolt, traveler, journalist and commentator, who has devoted special atention to the Latin American countries, making three I visits to Mexico within the past ditorium, or the Washington School auditorium (the place to be an­ nounced later) ron Tuesday. October 31, speaking on “The Role of the North American Continent.” The other three programs are scheduled for November 7, November 2g and December 9. Friday FIRST SMASHING DRAMA OF IUVENILE DELINQUENCY TO REACH THE SCREEN! A SPECIAL DRY-SKIN LOTION Mr«. L.' H. Hazard returned this morning from a tan days* visit with her two daughters in Portland. Children lie Adults Me Fuhrman's Pharmacy Open 8:M A. M. mill <:M P. M. [THUR WED ilorring RED DISNEY CARTOON LATEST NEWS J EVENTS SPECIAL ATTRAC TlON LIBERATION OF ROME" Showing the Fall of Rome and the Entire Italian Campaign