THE SAME CAPABLE DIRECTION, COURTEOUS SU­ PERVISION AND SYMPATHETIC UNDERSTANDING PREVAILS IN EVERY GANO SERVICE TELtPHOne 100 JNSULANCf S€W!C€ • COQUI LL< 4 Divorces Granted Church Of The Neurone Judge King on motion day Tues­ day granted four divorces, to the plaintiffs, in the following cases: Gertrude Harrison vs. Willard E. Harrison. Catherine Douglas vs. Clyde L. Douglas. Harry H. ’ Lucas vs. Myrtle Lucas. Loren H. Guerin vs. Emma Guerin. Ninth and Heath Rev. V. W. Anglin, Pastor Thursday night, Oct. 5, Rev. E. E. Martin, district superintendent of the North Pacific, is to be with the local church and speak. 9:45 a. m. Sunday Bible Schpol. 11:00 a. m. Morning Worship. Pas- tar preaching on “The Word of the Lord.” , 7:30 p. m. Evening Service With pastor preaching on “The Coming of the Lord and Some Signs of His Coming and What Does the Future Hold.” 7:30 p. m. Wednesday, Mid-week prayer meeting. In Justice Bull’s Court The Past Week Insurance Real Estate List Your Property with me and I’ll Work to Sell liter - Henry Albert Parry paid a $5 fine and *4 costs in Justice Fred Bull’s court here last Saturday, he having been summoned by the state police for having an overload truck. On complaint of LeRoy Rice, of the ' Coquille Auto Park, a waramt was ’ issued for the arrest of H. D. Drake, ' last Friday, on a petty larceny! FOR HARlffsp < phowt Sinnes I I L siouh - ’ Oregon Journal L3ISTMWÎI®* Lucii CMwt I I 1 • CALL US UfHEN Ï9U HEED AHF OF THESE wr/cn Oregonian Enough West Coast Wood to Rebuild Every Home In America! Today in the Douglas Fir region there stands 490 billion feet of saw timber —ready Used for many years of Peace, and we are growing more trees all the time. for harvest . . . enough to build 37,000,000 The combined efforts of the government and homes ... to literally replace every home private forest owners will make the West Coast in America. Beside this mature stand, there America’s permanent timber supply. Over two are 8,000,000 acres of junior “forests, which million acres of West Coast forests are now in are growing three billion feet more every year. well managed tree farms. Seed trees are left in The war has made huge demands upon our most of today’s logging. The industry’s forest forests — lumber is desperately needed by our nursery is growing five million seedlings a yqar fighting men ’round the world. But we still for planting burnt spots. The gap between have enough timber in the Pacific Northwest final drain and regrowth is gradually closing. There will always be Wert Coart lumber for building homer I Smith Wood-Products CINCE FINLEY or LOU BRALY Coquille