CLASSIFIED Founders Of U. S Saw The Trend (Continued from Page One) which are perpetually dividing the nation, distracting it* council*, hur­ rying it sometimes into fruitless and mischievous wars, and often com­ pelling a submission to dishonorable terms of peace. And of what kind are the men that will stfive for this profitable pre-eminenoe, through all 21—Althea Faulkner v*. Hess the bustle.and cabal, tike heat of con­ r. Suit for divorce. tention, the infinite, mutual abuse of 21—Ruth Pettit vs. Bluford parties, tearing to pieces the best Suit for divorce. of characters? It will ikot be the 21—Charles L. Baker vs. wise and moderate, the lover* of Baker. Suit for divorce. peace and good order, the men fit­ 22 — Doris L. Haynes vs. test for the trust. It will be the bold i. Haynes. Suit for divorce. and violent, the men of strong pas­ sion and indefatigable activity in | their selfish pursuits. These will 'thrust themselves into your govern­ ment and be your rulers. And these, too, will be mistaken in their ex­ pected happiness of their situation, for their vanquished competitors, of MAIL CARRIER WANTED—Call at ¡the same spirit and from the same Coquille Post Office. Ask for Mr. motive, will perpetually be endeav- Hawkins or Mr. Grimes. d>* oring to distress their administration, I CORN For Canning Ready Now— vurce. 'thwart their measures, and render Phone 280J. JoAnn Mintonye. it, Sept. 28- Mabel L Barnett v*.1 them odious to the people. Besides O. Barnett. Suit for di- these evils, sir, though we may set FOR SALE—Western Stock Saddle, out in the beginning with moderate 287 W. IJront St., Manager’s apart­ salaries, we shall fnid that such will ment up stairs. It* Cranberry Pickers Wanted not be of long continuance. Reason* CRANBERRY Pickers Wanted—Oct. At Kranberry Acres Oct. 2 will never be wanting for proposed 2, 1844, at Fish Cranberry bog. It L. M. Kranick at Kranberry Acres augmentation* and there will always -be a party for giving more to the NAVAJO RUGS—Not saddle blank six miles south ’ of Bandon will rulers, that the ruler* may be able, commence picking cranberries, Mon ­ et* but real Navajo ruga, hand woven from home-spun wool.'day, October 2. Mr. Kranick has In return, to give more to them. FARR & ELWOOD. I arranged for cabin accomodation* at Hence, a* all history informs us. the Smith auto camp where there are electric lights, running water, fuel and garage. Pickers will be ex­ pected to bring bedding and cook­ . ..— .................. .................. ...... . SECRETARY Wanted for employ­ ing utensils. Groups of two to four ment in Coo* County Health Dept, will find these cabin* very comfor­ office. Inquire at Court House. It.1 table. Make reservations immediate­ ly. A charge of >1.00 per week BINDER TWIN^C—For corn bind will be made for the cabina. Write ____ to L. M. Kranick, Bandon, Oregon. P*°Ple ing. FARR & ELWOOD. ------------- ------- | ■ "Generally, indeed, the ruling FOR SA l £— An upright Piano in FOR RENT—Two Small Apartment* power carries its point and we see good condition; price reasonable. at 125 South Heath. Inquire----- at the revenues of prince* continually Phone 15J or 129J or call at 359 that address. it‘Oct. 5s Increasing and we see that they are So. Collier St., Ralph Cochran. It never satisfied but always in Want AIR TIGHT Heaters—We have of moire. The more the people are FENCING—We have a good stock limited stock on" band. J. t discontented with the oppression of of STOCK FENCING and also LAMB COMPANY. taxes, the greater the prince’s need POULTRY NETTING. Farr & WE Cannot get DRAIN TILE but for money to distribute among his Elwood. we have fibre DRAIN PIPE for Partisans and pay the troop* that are the same purpose. FARR & EL­ to suppress all resistance and to WOOD.- ‘ ' plunder at pleasure. - , sequent mischiefs of proposing then what I apprehend.- And, there iore- it i* that I move the amend - ment. If it be not seconded or ac cepted, I must be contented with th< satisfaction of having delivered mj opinion frankly and of having don- duty.” 11 *• Qtiite evident that Franklii was speaking from experience, as h< had noted the privation«, suffering "There i* scarce a king in a hun­ WALLBOARD —4x8 sheets primed dred who would not, if 'he could, one side. FARR & ELWOOD i follow the example of Pharaoh—get I FOR SALE—Lumber— first all the people’s money, then all Insurance specialist, v. It. BuU. 30 pcs. 3x8x10 and 12. i their land, and then take them and ' 2 pcs. 8x8, equal* 30 ft. their children as servant* forever, i NOTICE TO CREDITORS 1 pc. 6x8, equals 36 ft NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that It will be said that we do propose to' I pc. 8x10, equal* 24 ft. the undersigned ha* been duly ap­ W. M. Briner, 482 N. Coulter St., pointed administrator of the estate establish kings. I knew it. But MABLE KATHERINE HUM­ there as a natural inclination in man­ Coquille. It* of PHREY, deceased, and that all per­ kind to kingly government. It some- sona having claims against said es­ ■ times relieves them from aristocratic tate, should present the same, duly verfied, and with proper voucher* domination; They would rather have It - therefore, to the undersigned at the one tyrant than five hundred. lkw office of HARRY A. SLACK, gives more to the appearance of | First National Bank Bldg., Coquille, equality among citizens, and that' Knives, Pack Sacks, Auto Supply, CoquUel Oregon, within six months from the they like. I am apprehensive, there- I date of this notice. FOR SALE—303 Savage Rifle in fore, perhaps too much so, that the ! Dated: September 15, 1944. • WILLIAM K. KENDALL,1 government of th* States may, in excellent condition. 50 rounds of Administrator. ammunition. W. W, Brown, 240 35t5 future times, end in a monarchy. W. 2nd Street. . .. It* NOTICE TO CREDITORS - But this catastrophe, I think, may be ,lun« deU^ « ln propo-d *y- Will and Testament of Ethel Hart­ man, deceased, was admitted to pro­ ; tern we do not sow the seeds of con- bate and of record in the County l tention, faction, and tumult, by mak­ Court for Coos County, Oregon, on ing our posts of honor places of Sept. 11, 1844, and'that the under­ profit. If we do, I fear that, though signed was appointed by said Court as Executor thereof. Therefore, all we employ at first a number and persons having claims against said not a single person, the number will, Estate are hereby required to pre­ jin time, be set aside; it will only ' JUST ARRIVED — New Shipment sent them to me, with proper vouch­ nourish the fetus of a king (as the j Ironing Boards and Clothes Drying ers attached and duly verified, at honorable'gentleman from Virginia ' Racks J. A. LAMB’ COMPANY. the office of 07 C. Sanford, Attorney, in Coquille, Oregon, within six very aptly expresesd it), and a king I ] month* from the date hereof. will sooner be set over us. It may Dated and published first time be imagined by some that this la j { Sept. 14, 1944. 35t5 ’. M. C. Hartman, Execute*. an Utopian idea and we can never , find men to serve us in the execu­ NOTICE TO CREDITORS tive department . without paying j NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the undersigned has been duly ap-1 them well for their services. I con- ( pointed administrator of the estate ceive this to be a mistake. Some of CHARLES ALFORD HUM­ existing facts present themselves to PHREY, deceased, and that all per­ me which incline me to sons having claims against said es­ / z tate. should present the same, duly opinion. verified, and with proper voucher* “The high sheriff of a county in therefor, to the undersigned at the law office of HARRY A. SLACK, England is an honorable office, but First National Bank Bldg., Coquille, it is not a profitable one. It is rath- BLOW TORCHES — Several size Oregon, within six months from the er expensive and, therefore, not to choose from. FARR & EL date of this notice. sought. But yet it i* executed, and Dated: September 15, 1944. WOOD. * WILLIAM K. KENDALL, well, and usually by some one of the 3515 Administrator. principal gentlemen of the county. In-France the office of councilor, or member of their judiciary—parlia­ ment—1s more honorable. It is FLOOR SANDER FOR RENT—Use ftherefore purchased at a high price; it yourself, e'fcsy, economical. FARR there are, indeed, fees on the law & ELWOOD. proceedings, which are divided BRING Your Tire Trouble* to Thorn- 1____________________________ ton's, the most completely equipped WANTED TO BUY—Old horses, cows shop in Southern Oregon. Only ex­ and calve* for Mink feed. B. T. perienced workmen. Best quality Hepler, nullards route. Phone r materials and equipment used. All 9R5, Coquille. st Jan. 11, 45 r work fully guaranteed. Thornton Tire Service tf PAPERHANGING, Kalsomining, In terior and Exterior Painting. The latest in Pittsburg, Imperial, Birge Wall Paper. Herbert E. Wood, 275 No. Henry, Coquille, phone 28« 8tf* Attention to Details Coquille I OMR Benham’s Transfer Storage Night ISC* Southwestern Motors SAND AND GRAVEL COAL ~ FUEL OIL — STORAGE Agente for Oregon-Nevada-California Fast Freight Office Phone 5 „5 s HaJ1