The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, September 28, 1944, Page 2, Image 2

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Coquille Unit
Red Cross ■ Notes
Junior Women's Club Holds
Reception Monday Evening
One Twin Footed
His Brother's Wife
Many Attend Royal
Neighbors Party ', '
The Junior Women’s Club held a
MT apd Mrs. Marvin Flood left i The Royal Neighbors met Wednes-
reception Monday evening from eight Sunday to return to the Naval Air day evening, Sept. 20, with the larg-
Mrs. D. B. Kesner has just been o’clock to ten, honoring young women Base at Alamada, Calif., where he is est ^umber present in yean. The
informed by the Coos county chair­ who are interested in becoming stationed and she is employed. She, meeting was In the form of a special
man of production that “We are just member« of the club. About fifty is the former Beth Hooton and they party held to honor those who have
about to launch our new fall and members and guests were present visited the A. L, Hooton family apdt been members for twenty-five years.
wmter quota of Red Cross sewing and a very pleasant evening was en­ Marvin’s parents at Myrtle Point for For the period of the war no service
and knitting—that it will be heavy— joyed.
pins are being awarded but corsages
, a week.*,-
so arrange to interest more work­
The hall was handsomely decor­
Marvin’s twin brother, Melvin, were prese^jed instead to the fol­
ers as soon as possible.”
ated with maple and bouquets of fall who recently received his medical lowing: MeadMag*.' Lenora Neely,
• Mrs. Kesner also states that the flowers.
were the club's discharge from the service and Mar- Myrtle Kelley, Laura Brandon and
following excerpts from a letter re­ president, Lucille
Walker, and vise-\in. . look so identically Mike that Kalle peart One lady present, who
cently received from Area Officer president, Ruth Creager.
even Beth was tooled irl%ne encoun­ had belonged to Roypl Neighbors for
ia San Francisco should adequately_____
_ the
___ _ _____
guests were ter during their . vbdt home and almost forty years joined-years ago
answer those persons Who have in-J entertainment by ’a mLskal program. thought-it was tier husband she was in Minnesota.
Lulu True, Mabel*
quired as to the necessity for much Jeanne Griggs sang a number in talking to when in reality it was Ice, of Bandon; Ethel Oaljes, of Port
Red Cross work now that thé war Spanish, “Jurami," by Marie Grevor, Melvin.
Orford, and others have had the
is so nearly over in Europe: “There and “Time on My Hands,” by Vin- |
twenty-five year pin.
are more calls for hospital comfort cent Youmans, accompanied by Mm. Lieut. Jas. W. Robinson At
Anne Montgomery, of Marshfield,
items than 'ever before, ■ both for the M. O. Hawkins.
Anny Air Base In Kansas
i Was present and-was presented with
military hospitals and the hospital contributed two violin selectior"
a corsage.
in a recent letter the Sentinel edi­
ships as there are approximately “Gypsy Airs,” by Sarasate, and . “Thl
Announcement was made that the
50,000 casualties a month coming Bee,” by Schubert, also accompanied tor wrote to Lieut'. Jas. W. Robinson, fiftieth
former Coquille boy who has been
back home for treatment. So what by Mrs. Hawkins.
campaign was just being entered into.
can we do but work harder than
Birthdays of members
The lace-covered table was at­
ever?” The items referred to in­ tractively arranged with a bouquet time, the writer wished the lieuten- August and September were cele­
clude bathrobes, bed jackets, bed of sweet peas and clarkia, lighted ant good luck, His reply received brated with a birthday cake. Fall
shirts, bedside bags, kit bags, pa- candles and a beautiful silver tea this week said, "Thanks for your flowers were used with which to
jamas, scuff slippers and wash cloths. and coffee service. Pouring from good wishes, in way of which you decorate and on the refreshment
“Our knitting quota has not yet eight to nine were Dorothy Harris, may be interested to know that I table was a lovely low bowl of purple
been given but,* no doubt, will be
past presidenteand Jean Bryan; from have had that good luck. .The B-29 dahlias. Myrtle Jones and Ida Sher­
received very soon,” »ays Mrs. Kee­ nine to ten were Gyrtrude Swinney is a wonderful airplane, my crew is rard were husteses.
one of the best in the outfit and the , ,
____ __________
ner, production chairman.
and Faye Waggoner. Jessie Sher­ outfit is a good one. If you remem- /
’ .
Coquille Red Crocs will meet as wood and' Virginia. Lindsay, attrac­ her* it was the 19th Group which S‘4>ro*>t,nU8t Uub
usaul on Friday. Sept. 29, from 1:30 tive in evening dresses, served the
won such fame during the first of j The regular meeting of the Sorop-
to 4:30 p. m. In Guild Hall to sew, guests, assisted by Helen Sinko and
the war and flew such planes as the timist club was held Tuesday at the
knit, crochet, cut squares, etc. Yarn Ardis Sherwood.
Coffee Shop for luncheon. A special
in ‘Suzy Q* and 'Mary Ann’.”
for distribution consists of O. D.
The executive committee was
, His address
now _____________
is: Lieut. Jas. ____
W. welcome was given new members,
tor V-neck Army sweaters and white charge of arrangements.
Robinion, 19th Bomb. Gp., 28th Sq., who were Mabel Yarbrough, Patsey
wool for various types of stump sox.
. Barkwell and Mrs. Stem. Marion
Great Bend, Kans.
Until the new materials are received, Notea Of The Coquille
Wood gave a report on the potluck
the ladies will continue to make baby
F. O. E. Ladies Auxiliary
dinner held a week ago Tuesday at
Thos. T. Robinson Injured In
. nighties, cape and pieced outing flan­
the Guild Hall. Husbands or friends
The Ladies Auxiliary F. O. ». E. held
nel baby blankets from left-over
European War Theatre
' were guests, with cards afterwards.
scraps^, io addition to the afghan lap- their regular meeting last Friday,
Mrs. E. W. Buckner received word
Wm. H. F. _
Ziedrich showed beau-
woh ctothB- Sept.“ 22. There was a good atten­ Monday from both the war depart-
travel pictures in color,
dance and plans were discassecj for .
4, Tbg, fpllbwing are thanked for
the Hallowe’en party to be held on ment and son, Thomas Theodore Gueits were Nora Rosa, Ruth Ax-
yarn, wool material, wash cloths,
j^rs pjmer Benham And Marie
October 26.
Details will be an-1 Robinson, that he had been injured
ijnusllo and relief clothing: Mes­
nouncCd at a later date. After the!
dames, Qeo. Sherwood, Mary Hatch­
meeting homemade- pie and coffee j hospital in England. The messages
er, Edna Rakestraw, F. Hymenyk and
did not say where his injury was B p W. Rummage Sale
in.- Tha
p. Itenkin.
The Uoit
Unit thanks Mrs.
Mrs were .served in the banquet hall.
received but as he has been In com­
innegar tor the unusually
Mfi; W, Winnegar
bat duty it is probable that it was in Will Start October 5
levaly afghan torned in. Mrs. E. D. night and also the birthday party
Mrs. St -vens, president, announces
for all the members celebrating their
McCune assisted in cutting.
another interesting feature at the
birthdays during the month of Sep- I
regular meeting of thp Business and
: ;■ Visitors included Leonard Hom- tember.
Ford Liday Completes Naval
Professional Women’s Club next
eoyk, seaman 2-c, seventeen year old
On October 6 there will be a pot- 1 Course At Norman, Okla,
Monday evening. Also on Oct. 5
son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Homenyk, luck supper served in the hall
*' ! Following her husband’s gradua- I their rummage sale starts and ends
wbo was home on a brief furlough;
6:30 p. m. Members are asked W i tion on Sept 16 from the ordnance
with a cooked food sale Saturday,
also Mrs. Hattie Shelley, who called come and bring their families.
land gunnery school at the Naval Oct. 7.
»for material and remained to sew.
v ; training station at Norman, Okla., j
The Unit regrets to hear of the 111-
We carry a complete line ut
■■ness of one of its most dependable Belts for all makes of Refrigerators, ' I Mrs. Ford Liday returned to Coquille | Coquille Cafe, on West Front St.
workers, Mrs. A. M. Mclntee; also Washing Machines and other equip­ last Friday and will again make her opens at six o’clock each evening and
Uiai of Mrs. W, E. Boeaerman and ment. Washer Service Co. 355 W home here. She had not yet been ' runs until two in the morning. Spe-
informed where Ford was being sent cialize in Steaks and on Saturday
<>f Illness in the families of Mrs. Front, Coquille. Phone 17.
but it was to another training school. nigllt Chicken Suppers. Tha public
F. C, True and Wm. Mineau and
---------------------------- -- ------------ *
as invited to come in. ,
expresses sympathy to Mrs. Vir­
Electric Fence Unite, 314.79 and
ginia Moss, daughter of Mr. and up. Will work on 110-volt line, or Gordon Lawrence Leaves For
Mrs. Sam Harmon, who received hot shot battery, or automobile bat­ Induction At Camp Lewis
word of the loas of her husband who tery.
Also Hot-Shot Bateries for ! ''Gordon Lawrence, son of Mr. and
died in action.
sale. Geo. F. Buri*Motor.
8tfs Mrs. K^ P. Lawrence, left here Tues­
day evening for" Camp'Lewis, where
■f Kemember — Norton's tor office he will be inducted into ’the armed I
school and home suoplies.
3*»f« forces..
His brother, Kennett, will gradu- |
.. a. -i
f . *
. ate this week at the Boca Raton
Army Air field and expects to be
home soon on his ■ first" furlough
since entering the services early in
He has completed a five
months course in Radar.
Raton is the only Army Air Radar
school in the U. S. and to date, has I
graduated 520 men, who wiH fly the
new Black Widow, a night fighter. I
r k ?
Sept. 24,
Nerman .Christensen. &f~
Bandon, on the 25th; Clarissa Beyers,
of Riverton, and Geo. Peffers, of
Mrs. W. A Shutt, of the Fairview Powers, on the 27th.
route, underwent a major operation
on Mbnday this week. She is mak­
ing* good recovery progress.
Margaret Leith, Coquille, under­
went a* major operation on Tuesday
this week and the same day Frank
Vlgue, of Powers, underwent a
On Wednesday. Mrs., Anna Mc­
Donald, of Bullards Feriy, submitted
to a major operation; Chas. Gill, of
McKinley route, entered for treat­
ment of a hand injured in à logging
camp, and Martin Randleman, of
the North Bank road,, entered for
Mrs. H. A. Young, who underwent
a major operation on Sept. 4, 13 im­
proving steadily but has not yet
recovered sufficient strength that
she can leave the hospital.
Dismissals the past week were Mrs.
Standard af CaMomia
Herman Sumerlln, of Arago, and
Mrs. Perna Brault, of Coquille, on
Belle Knife Hospital
7:15 P.M.
Specials At Purkey's
40 lb. Mattress - - - -
Twin or full size
Swing Chairs $21-50 to $54.50
Full Spring Constructed Daveno
Beautiful Heavy Wine Velour
Drop Side Crib and Mattress $19.95
Pre-war Type Baby Buggy $24.50
Bath Room Hampers $5.50, $6.95,7.95
Selection of Occasional Chairs $13:95
Odd Dining Chairs - $5.50 and $5.95
Purkey Furniture
(Whan Yan Think •< FarnKnrs Think at Parkeyi
Sweaters • Skirts • Wash Dresses
Jackets • Slack Suits • Slips and
.Narrow Wale Cord Two-Piece Suits
Not Many of Some Items. Some Are Soiled from Display.
Buy them, beginning Thursday, September 28th at
l/2 Marked Price!
All Sales Final
• '
, ■
' -
. if . ■ -
Specials Thurs., Fri., Sat
Hallock’s Month End
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Marine Private Ronald S. Hol­
brook, 22, son of Mr. .and Mrs. W|l-
Ham E. Holbrook, Riverton, has com- ■
pleted his training at the Infantry j
School at Camp Pendleton, Ocean- |
side, near San Diego, Calif. He now
awaits assignment to a Marine com­
bat unit.
private Holbrook attended River­
ton High School, where he lettered .
in basketball. His wife, Mary, and
yon are now living in Myrtle Point.’
■ Tu»
MILK Alpine or Spec. Morning
Case $4.49
RAISINS Sunmaid Puffed Seeded
pkg. 16c
CfiM. C ook N ow To See
Action In The Pacific
Kenneth Hooton Is'not following
in his father^ footsteps. Arthur was
in the Army in World War 1 but I
Kenneth is goirig a gob, having
been at the Navaf training station at |1
Farragut for the' past three weeks. I
-----.— ---------------
Word has been received from Corp. (
Thos. J. Newton that he has com- '
pleted his tourse of training at the N
school near La.4 Vegas, Nev., and is 1
now stationed at Tampa 8, Florida ||
—A.S.N. 39334121, 3d AFRD, 4th'
Det., Plant Park.
POTATOES Klam. Gems U.S. No. I'slOlbs. 39c
GRAPE»Tokays fancy for eating
2 lbs. 35 c
Quality J - lb.4c
_______ Dillard
DANISH SQUASH right size for baking ea. lOc
Riverton Boy To Join
Marine Combat Unit Soon
Charles C. Cook, AMM 3rd data,
known to his friends as Charles C.
Johnson, has been home on leave
from Trinidad. He saw action in
Europe and brought several souven-
irs home from overseas.
He left
Sunday, after being home for 28
days, for some Pacific destination.
■ —
- ■' «—'—•*
Private first class Ezra S. Smith,
asks the Sentinel to tell his friends
here that his APO numl>er has been
<Jianged, his present address being
39310812, Post Utilities Det, , A.P.O.
986, care of Postmaster, Seattle.
4__________ ________________ • ,
Diced Candied Fruits
Lb. Cello
WALNUT MEATS whole white halves 80 oz. 4 9c
BISQUICK makes the finest biscuits lge.pkg. 34c
MAYONNAISE Durkee's- pini jare ea. 33c
6-box carton
ea. 22c
WASH-POWDER Super Sudi lge.pkg.22c
COFFEE Wadham Reg, or Drip glass Jars lb. 29c
Fruit lars gg'sSsÿ^g! doz. 89c