THB CO4UILLK VALLEY 8ENTINKL, COQUHXJL OREGON. THURSDAY. Personal Mention ; Mrs. Minnie D. Tibbett and W. H.. DonnkliMn Tlbbet, of Eureka, California, have'^O^SC, KepUDIICan been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Ar- nold Gayer, and family th Coquille the past two weeks. They will re­ turn home this week. ““ * Spokesman (Oregon Voter! As far back as 1934 Wayne Morse helped prepare a declaration of re­ publican party policy in behalf of honest private enterprise and against the New Deal's attempts to crush the kind of private enterprise that | Fred Hudson and Guy Mauney had made America great. Morse had left Wednesday afternoon for a few been a republican from boyhood, days fishing at Rogue river and ex­ pect to do a little deer hunting in the Sixes river district when the season opens on .Sunday, ----- ' A 1 , 26, ISM. and he was consistent with his re­ publicanism in his voting against Rposevelt in 1932, in 1936 and in 1940. , As a republican party speak­ er in the 1936 and 1940 campaigns he expressed the constructive poli­ cies for which his party stood and voiced scathing indictments of the New Deal: "We must have a sound domestic program which Congress can support. Hence, it is vital lliat we change presidential horses in the middle of the stream so that we can get the governmental cargo across to the shores of national safety." “As- a public member pf the War Labor Board, I participated for two years in the so-called ‘battle of Washington;' and as my record shows, I fought Jhe New Deal when­ ever it attempted to substitute po­ litical expediency and government by men for Judicial processes and government by law." r < “As a Republican Party we must see to it that the American public is relieved from the sovietizing dictates of the regulation-writers back in Washington.” S “The spendthrift palace guard seem determined to lead us into a system of complete federalization of our economy.” We have Silver Identification Bracelets for Men, a good variety. W« also repair Alarm Clocks. Schroeder Jewelry. / -— tfs [Friday, Saturday, Sunday Mrs. LaVlna Finley returned last from a month’s trip to Burns, Oregon, to be with her daugh­ ter, Mrs. John Norton, the former i Geneva Agostino. Mrs. Norton's new son, John Thomae F. Norton, 'jr, was born Sept. 5. The Burns Chamber of Commerce presented the baby with a 325.00 war bond because he was the first one born in Septem- | ber in Harney county. Mr. Norton is ¡with the Mariries in the South Pa- I cific and Mrs. Norton is on leave from fiscal accounting" work' with the government in Burns. Mrs. Fin­ ley expects her daughter, Geneva, to arrive here the last of November to spend the winter. Also a letter from Jimmy Agostino, recently re­ ceived, states he expects to be home on leave soon. Jimmy is a Seabee. ( Saturday One Barrel Loaded with COMEDY — MUSIC — MYSTERY Coquille Cafe, on West Front St, opens at six o’clock each evening and runs until two in the morning. Spe­ cialize in* Steaks and on Saturday night Chicken Suppers. The public is invited to come in. 34t4*s NEWS — COMEDY Matinee Sat. 1:44 THURJFRI. SAI r SEPT. 28- 29 - 30 1 (WED., 1 T ____ J Love was her crime ove was her punishment DURBIN One. kiss taught net fo kill taught liuti to love1 . passionately creating her greatest role ... as Abigail . . . who became “Jackie” ... to live in the shadow of a merciless love! — Deanna in W. Somerset Maugham.’s Christmas Holiday Miss Elynor K. Oerding and Mrs. Alice M. Klenz returned Monday from a week-end trip to Portland. Wnri. E. Klenz, U. S. Coast Guard, stationed at Kenmore, Wn., met Mrs. Klenz in Portland, returning to his base station Sunday. with RICHARD WHORF • DEAN HARENS GLADYS GEORGE • DAVID BRUCE GALE SONDERGAARD Donald Duck CARTOON DISNEY CARTOON “Springtime For Pluto” Popular Science — News “COMMANDO DUCK D ays of G lory latest News Matinee Sun. 1:45 Mat. 18c - 40c Eves. 16c • 55c LATEST NEWS