u. •- i t PAGI EIGHT Norwoy News Items” CLASSIFIED i Bring to 554 North Heath. It* One Cent a Weed Rash I mst U m - I ■ --------- ■■■ ■ ■■ .......... .... . i ! - ■ ■ IF YOU are interested in a truly Na Mr. less than 86 eeato • comfort a be! bed, ask to see the . FOR RENT—Furnished 3-room Apt. I “Serla »-A and 7-A” M Purkey’s., , with bath. Use of Electric WaMwr.' __________________________ _ Adults only. No animal pots. In- | ATTENTION HUNTERS — For ex- quire 351 So. Henry St. Flora E. I pe«.n learning ... in the School. ... In -------- —-------------------------------- 1 1 ■ good condition; price - r- reasonable. | - ---------------- —---------------------- . www.. ...» Bible wwvh Thur, 7:30 Bible Study and Payer atiafgar Mrs Plow Vnrhv . FOR SALE—Green Lantern Cottages • “ or call at 359 Phone 15J or 129L Yerby, of San doing this, she • will calf » each class meeting. Block 40, lots 10 A II, full ocean were from Friday till to come to the platform. The classes Sat., 7:30 - 10:00 Young People’s So. Coulter St. Ralph Cochran. lt*s t Francisco, view, 2 modern cottages furnish-I Tuesday guests at the home of Mr. will respond as follows: Social Hour in the social rooms of ed, one 12x18 cabin furnished, 2 SPECIAL—baskets $2.85 each, at the and Mrs. J. H. McCloskey. ,the church. _ Any young person is Beginners—A Song with Flags. garages 10x18, 3 ladders, 71 ft.' Goodyear Store. s Last Friday Mrs. Frank South­ Primary—Dramatization of a Bible j invited to attend this informal gath- hose, garden tools, blankets, sheets, ——• ’ ~ mayd, Mrs. Amy Davenport and Mrs. Story. ' ering. » ( pillows, 2 electric plates, etc., 4-,™^ Dewey Miller attended^ meeting-at Bible School 9:45. Martha Mul- Junior Boys—Memory Work. hardwood barrels — Un The Assembly of God cer, Mrs. Martin Schmidt , . tubes, any size or type. All work | ers. Parts .nd Dairy «unites. Got! ’ Ninth and Heath by the young people. Mary Lou i them at Pactfie Feed ft *68d to tfsL.** "fOOO«© GOUtt I teiPS , fully guaranteed. Thornton Tire Rev. V. W. Anglin, Pastor Newton, president 1 ' - i * ” “ * ~ *~ ' 1 ” 7 ; die and Jimmie, left Saturday x _____ — Idle last Service. ' tfs 9:45 a. m. Sunday Bible School. Blanche Albertina Felsher was 7:45 Evangelistic sqrvice with a 1 SURGE PARTS—See our NEW LOW i morning by bus for Burna, Dre., to . 11:00 a. m. Morning Worship,. Pas­ helpful and stirring message by the Infin tfrxrta nnH Tnhn Vnelnat STOCKMEN—“Tarx” solidified dis­ PRICES am on inflations and rttklAP other >ri h aiMu> j Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schroeder, worth 8800 _ when you have done your part in o’clock. Front St Phone 17. i Free public Reading Room at 239 spent Sunday at the home of their On Montlay Fannie W. Ames was wtnnjng men to Christ, and done it Um., anywhere, day or «ght. !>~«P»nt Sunday at the home of their V" —---i administratrix of the „ weU that God wln nnlgh the job? W. Second, Roxy Bldg., open every Prince Auto Electric. 290 North ukeT wrlta Box 307 Co- d3U«hter a’ld ^mlly, Mr. and Mr«. a»£° day except Sunday and holidays from $1600 estate left by J. W. Wiseman, why nut hear thjg germon? who died at Marshfield, Sept. 8. Ap- , 6:30 p m junjor Society meeting. 1:30 to 5:00 p. m. _ . a ... I... f ---- - -------- - .. ft." Garnier’s Refrigeration wwe Monday lunoheon and praUer, of the eriate appointed were NEW ROOFING and Waterproofing 7:30 p. m. Evangelistic Service: Service. of older roofs, all types and kinds, . afternoon of Mrs. Emily Walter E. Butler, Geo. C. Huggins sermon* “Distinction Between Living The Holy Name Catholic Church done by the Standard Roofing Co, lly Fish at Myrtle and Irene Q«1’*- Maas at 9:30 a. m. every Sunday. Churches and Dead Churches.” Can SCALES—Suitable, for many kinds kinds Miller and 893 North First street, Marshfield. ___ j Point. I A petition for administration of the you tell a dead church by its out- of weighing around home and term” 2W capaclt^^FAfS’ ft EL- i Paul Bunch and his mother, Mrs. *900 eataU ,e,t by Ernest Hurl- ward appearance or not? Hear what Phone 859. Glen Wm. Curtis, NORTON'S—The place to buy your 1 w S5 d ___________ -™ . Eva Bunch, came in from eastern buri was filed by Bennett Swanton the Bible says about it Mgr. 8 Christmas cards for that boy or girl ------- ----- ------------------------------------------ -¡Oregon last Friday. Paul spent two.on Tuesday. in the service. Thursday, Sept. 21 OUR SCRATCH HAS CORN IN IT LADDERS-16 ft., 18 ft., 20 ft, also days at the home of his wife’s par- ’ Another petition filed Wednesday i 7:30 m. , Prayer meeting. ____. p. ._ „ ,,nr. —Farr ft Elwood. . » step ladders. J. A. LAMB QOM- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schroeder, *«• by J. B. Bedingfield asking for i “Order my steps in thy t word: PANY. . s returning home Tuesday this week, appointment of a guardian for Pa- : and nnrt let not any anv tniauitv iniquity have domin­ :--------------- — Mrs. Bunch wUl remain for an ln-,tr‘e,a Ann Strlne' whoae e’tate u ion over me.” Psa. 119:133. PURKEY ha. received a new ship- vWt the home, estimated to be worth $153.50. M""" - R. moot of Pictures and Mirrors. , of ■ ! R Quneh and, ----------------------- Card of Thanks nUTO PAINTING and Body Wark. We wish to express our sincere Bring your car in------ we can start FOR LEASE OR SALE—On Highway thanks and appreciation to friends' 42 two miles west of Ten Mlle, 1 “ rs. Foster Rankin, sister-in-law, y r work at once. Southwestern Motor New Modern Home. Electricity. , oi M1“ Blanche Rank,n Electricity. Rankin, - R R. - N., at Mrs. W. E. Bosaerman entered the and neighbors for their kindness and Co. • gravity flow water, lota of straw-ith* Maat Hospital, left by bus Mon-, hospital for treatment last Saturday sympathy during our recent be- __ ____________________ berries. Will give ontto" te.w da y morning for Santa Ana, Calif.,! FOR SALE—100 Ton of baled Can­ option to lease day Calif., and the game day Avis Hudson, 18, > reavement, for the card messages re- ary Grass. Arthur Haga, Tway Thos. Dalton, be with her husband till the 17th ‘oi Coquille, underwent a tonsilec- I ceived and for the floral offerings at or buy (urgent). the services held for our husband of October when Mr. Rankin wUl tomy ranch, Coquille. , 34t4*s Brockway, Douglas Co., Ore. ¡then get a furlough to come visit his | On Sunday c. B. MWtor, of Ban- and brother, Wm. Gaffey, Sept. 21. BURN MIXTURES—AU kinds of Mrs. Hattie Gaffey, Mrs. J. I parents and other relatives here. Mrs. dor)t and Geo. Peffers. of Powers, un- grass seeds for your burn, pas­ HEADQUARTERS for Crown Dairy'Rankin left her two children with derwe,lt maJor operations and Clar- R. McGee and Bernard Gaffey. ture, or hay crop. FARR ft EL­ and Poultry Toed, at Pacific Fat her husband’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Byerg, Xrton, an appen- WOOD. • * Seed Co. ft tfs Frank Downing, until she and her dectomy. An examiner from the Secretary i Louise Hurst, of Fairview, sub­ of State's office will be at the Co­ PAPERHANGING, Kalsomining, In­ WATER SYSTEMS—We stock both husband return. Harold Simmons is home,, on a „utted to an operation for appendi- quille city hall again next Tuesday, terior and Exterior Painting. The Deep and Shallow Well, Automatic furlough and he and his wife and cltll Tueaday and Louise Sutton, Sept. 26, to receive applications from latest in Pittaburg, Imperial, Birge i Water Systems; also Rotary and children were last Friday visitors at CoqulUe entered for treatment the those desiring drivers' licenses and Wall Paper. Herbert E. Wood, 275 Centrifugal Pumps. J, A. LAMB the home of Mr, and Mrs. Ellis South- game day to conduct examinations. No. Henry, Coquille, phone 286. COMPANY. » mayd and in the evening the Har-1 AUn youn< of Mr and Mrs. 8tfs « rear PLUMBING repairs and Ser- old Simmons family, Mr. and Mrs. Aiton Dungey, underwent an appen- WANTED—Anyone willing to pick Vice—call 2-V. J.T^^AMROOM- Ray Epperson and »on, Bud, Mrs. ^ectomy Wednesday afternoon. Overseas Edition of The Cranberries this fall, about Oct. 1 PANY. 8 Belle Lewellen, Mr«, Ella Bryant and 1 I - Dismissals the past week were or sooner, should see L. L. Hooker Mr. and Mrs. Prank Southmayd had Edna* Abell and Oval Chard last at former Morrison ranch near HUNTERS—Start preparing for your a picnie dinner in the Frank South- Friday, Freeman Rivers on Tuesday, Hunting trip now. *~ Bandon. 35t2*s True, we b*** *meyd grove where they all sat ran be secured f»r mailing n>r <*• Mrs. Ciifofrd Cotter and baby, of no shells but we have everything around a bonfire and visited. I Green Acres, and Mrs. Blanche Sie- be »ent direct frem the OregmUn* else it takes for a good hunting BARRELS — Paraffin-lined fir bar­ Sunday evening Mr«. H. M. Bright 1 well, of Bandon, on Tuesday, office by ealllM *e Oregonian trip: Hunting Knives, Pack Sacks, rels for pickles, meat, kraut, eggs. NOTHING OVERLOOKED gave a surprise birthday party for Deer Bags, etc. J. A. LAMB her htisband. agency in Coquille, phono 861 FARR ft ELWOOD: S Several friends and COMPANY. s relatives came in for the evening, no matter how large and elaborate LOST—Small gold wrist watch with PAULINE TALBERT which was spent in visiting and play­ the scale upon which the funeral PURKEY has strong, comfortable, black strap, Saturday on First Sept. 45—Angus Jay McDonald -J arrangements are to Be made That unfinished chairs, selling at $2.50. ing games. Refreshments, consisting ' Street, Coquille. Finder plate re­ of a beautifully decorated birthday and Ftorente Romella Smith, both of turn to Mas. C. R. Quivey, Fair­ WANTED—A low-priced home in is our policy—that Is our proud cake, fruit salad and punch, were Marshfield. They were married here view route. lt»s claim after many yearn of expert- Coquille or Myrtle Point. Must served. by Rev. Chas. G. Brown at his Or. De Ita Rhn» have bath and be In livable condi­ ence A conference with us will Mrs. R. Haughton was a Thursday home the same day. FOR RENT—2-room house with tion and no street assesmentr—- afternoon visitor with Mrs. Julia Sept. 16—Max Herman Kruger and ■* lights and water.. Call at 630 Car­ be to your advantage. Eyesight Bx 3, Prosper Rt., Bullards, Ore­ Leap and Mrs. A. R. Bennett. Clarice V. Halstead, both of Marsh- ter Ave. C. A. Whitg. It’s ♦ Specialist gon. $4t0i _ The Pleasant Point Needle Glub field. They were married on Sat- SHINGLES—We have Cedar shingles w|ll mwl VVedpe^day, Sept. 27, at ’ urday by Justice Allan A. Hall at , Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted and Composition shingles. FARR BLOW TORCHES —Several sizes the home of Mr«, yjffofqujh.; his office in Marshfield, Reception room jointly with and kinds to choose from FARR ft ELWOOD. S formerly the J. F. ^hfoedw ¡Hjcf Dr. J. R. Bunch & ELWOOD. $ up the gulch. WANTED TO BUY—Old horses, cows Coquille liandon and calves for Mink feed. B. T. FOR RENT —* 3-room furnished the' t^pdefsigned has IMR 1083 FO» MONUNXN7B Llntid a. ; Intitratór Apartment downstairs, at 451 Hepler, buliards route. Phone Cement Grave Cover or Bw4er nl*? South Willard. Hartson Apart ­ rm j tn 9R5, Coquille. st Jan. 11,^5 ments. Its Also Cement Building Blocks Rhong PHR 123L. John I. Bane h fssns/f-ef Ns«e FARMERS—If you need a Tractor. Coquine, orogmt._________ »^^’¿nd w4m . ... mwes ¥9ufn«" tmtruetpr of pìat^ Milken, Haying Machinery. Elec- <f_ the _____________ estate II _____________ maMW 4f JSjtate of MABLE KATHERINE HUM- count in ________ deceased, and that the PHREY, that all per- ------- D C. ... Krantz, ----- -------- deceased, --------------- and ---------- ~ — County Court of the State of Oregon, sons having alaln«B against skid »ate 4lWld present the same. < duly for Coos County, has set October vouchers 10th, 1944, at the hour of 10 o’clock A. M. as the time and the County K ELECTRIC FENCE Units, $14.75 and First National Bank Blda; ¡an*."0"1'“ up. Will work on 110-volt line, or hot shot battery, of automobile ILLIA m ’ k KENDAI-L. said estate. battery. Also Hot-Shot Batteries for sale. Geo. F. Burr Motor. 18tfs Administrator Waiter A. Krantz. Kxei-utw of said Estate. IW w. IM Rtelte W-L Benham’s Transfer Storage SAND AND GRA VEf. QOAL — FUEL OIL — STORAGE 4f PRf? QfTEOff ^evada-psllloiraja Fast' Frekhl Office Phone | m s «wi » i