& i V • : 4 PAGE SEVEN se ! ♦ 63.50 ' r . E. Duncan, tabor------- ------ 193.50 43-50 B. I. Duncan, tabor.. .... 'S. J. J. Hartley, tabor................ 106.00 Hartley, labor ........ F. Robinette, labor.................... 34.24 10.01 Raymond Barklow, labor. labor___ 208.02 I E. M. Smith, Operating JUv- tM 6.88 •. erton Ferry ..................................70.40 State Ind. Acc. Comm., In. 5.67 Emeet Pauiaan, labor...... ...... 156.00 dustrial Ina. ....... 44.37 1 Viking Press Inc., publishers tobor—......... 23.66 , (tenrt Hease KM Bill Dodge, labor..................... , 101.04 , Surveyors Offtae West Coast Telephone Co., I Donald Weaton, tabor.. ,.. 64.24 Pharmacy, Am­ Services _...;-------- H7_gi ; Rackleffs ! George Adams, tabor__ _____ 348 monia ................... 1.75 First NatT Bank at Postland C©imty C guf I Walter E. York, Repair on ¡Reductions, With Tex........ 939.80 Chta Stauff, Co. Treas., De- Typewriters _____________ 3.85 )L. D. Felsheim, business trips | to Portland ........................ . 12.25. ductions War Bonds.... „.... 327.82 Prebotten Officer Chas. Stauff, Co. Treat., mile­ . Coquille Medical Service Bur­ Jumes H. Leonard mileage and age exp. ..._.................. ......... eau. Hoapital Dues ........... 77.50 exp. .......... ............. ............ Health Dept. 51.05 Mutual Benefit Health & Acc. „ Justice Court Coquille Laundry Co., Ser- Deduction, Insurance ...... 68.56 W. D. Haynes, JP Fees No. 8 2.351 Coos Bay Stationery Co., I aw Mbrwy f Supplies .... .................... . Dr. L. C. Witcosky, vaccinate 2.50 Bancroft-Whitney Co, Law I West Coast Telephone Co., 620 calve« and TB tests—25 Books —....... .. 5.00 Sesvtoaa ............................... head cattle ............... ... 313.56 21.50 Dependent ChliA-en 'City of Coquille, water OesMtay Haras 2.00 Oregon Protedtive Society, Peoples Water & Gas Co., Thornton Tire Service, recap •" Care . — » _____ _______ „ 22.25 water _____________ work ___................................ .. 9.32 Oaurt Hedae City of Bandon, water,.,....... Steven« Cash Hardware, Jani ­ Mountain States Power Co., Philip Seeber, labor, moving tor« ......................... «7 «■ wrs Supplies ¡supplies ........................ 1.94 lights and power ..... ............. Schroeder ........... _............ . 24 36' City 9 ity of oI Coquille, Co *B4ry, farm Central Transfer Co., freight 4.44 jn full ....... ... Bancroft Whitney Co. 153X1 100 00 Aurora Willard, salary, wait- 120.00 Consolidated Freight Ways— freight ......x.._ ................ .» 1.83 in full ....... I.... T"_ ’ ~ -------------- _ W«t>bUshtag Co, P-Ft in H^Sm a Brov^ dr- 80.00 Benham’s Transfer, freight- X 5.66 General Paint Corporation, — ! fun 655.43 derJy and nJght watch ai49 paints ................... . .......... 120.70 The Frank Shephard Co., payt. «7 ni> 1 paul Harris, salary night J. E. Haseltlne Co., material... 11.04* in fuU . .^.......__________ si.uv watch .................................... lx.** 11.62 W. F. Fuller A Co., myratec 26.10 E. Mullins, mZeage^and - Retg salary, nurse , Horton, — — . — — . 122.50 “.to C. f. Besaee, mileage, sur- .__ T---------------------------- C. W. A. Sloan, plumbing work 12.50 veying 2.00 exp. q>. ......................... . ............ 60.00 I Coos r.----- County'Farm, — s__. McNair Hard Iware Co., mater- food used . IpHig-airti Sol(li(^f*8 on farm — .... ........................ 88.25 ial ................... .............. .. ............. .00 i Helen R Graham ... Pioneer Grocery Co., grocer- Western Auto Supply Co., Mrs. Erma wise ................ — __ .00 __ 114.07 i auto supplies ...... TT- 18.53 Marie Bellah, salary, Steaog. 150.36 Coquille Bakery, bread 13.22 Pacific Wrecking Co., auto Edna Danielson, salary, Depu­ Pacific Feed A Seed Co., feed supplies ........................ .7» 1.50 ty Shf...................... 147.10 and seed ........... ........... ........ 48.15 Reds Auto Wrecking, .auto Marie Clinton, salary, elerk. Hudsons Drug Store, drugs, ... 57.50 1 suppl e# • Tax . .......................... .-..i 146.90 Rackleff Pharmacy, drugs ...... 8.50 , Orchart Auto Parts Co,, auto Helen Winegar. salary, Ddp. J. A. Lamb Co, electric water I er -i niPPles .......... „ Shf, Tax ....................I..,...... 13440 heater —...... «107.06 Ben Wlgle, auto supplies ..... Emma M. Pierce, salary, clerk, Smith Wood Product«, Inc. , O. K. Rubber Welders Tire Tax ..... .._7M84.4O x«--- T b * ......... _ Lumber ..................... shop, auto supplies 143.78 I M uriel Herman, salary, clerk 131.90 Coos Bay Times, advertising L. G, Smith, auto supplies... 12,50 I J. W. Leneve, salary, Deputy American Can Co, cans and 1J A J Tire Co., auto supplies 84-62 Clerk .......................... i 160.15 top« ............ ........... ............... . *. 43« 78 | (3oqu|l|e Service Station, auto Georgianna Vaughan, salary, nm ».uWtWR, •«PPU«6 ........... 8 76 I Deputy .......... -.....«................... 162.70 Earl Littrell Supply Co« auto I Dorothy M. Warren, salary, land, withholding tax ..... 755.03 i,sup^»8 . ........... HSU 166.90 Deputy ..... ............. ......... H. C. Gets, mileage, dep Bay Motors, auto supplies...... . ,M Avis M. Hudson, sslary, re- County Awewor ......... 1.45 ,3. W, Mote,«, auto supplies... 73.23 cording clerk ________ , 91.63 Sbenrrw QrncG ¡Golders Auto Parts Co« auto Deputy H. C. Getz, •alary, sa Wm. F. Howell, Sheriff, mile- .1 »»FW46 34.53 ____ __________ 178.90 j 58.50 Southwestern Motor Co., auto Ellis Sclaifat-r, .jiiary Deputy ' 154.50 Tom Robb, for sheriffs office 5.00 supplies .................................. . 41.71 I Robert MacLeod, salary, Depu­ 1.46 George F. Burr Motor Co., ty .............. .7.....” 155.55 j Western union, services___ MAW Auto Service, auto auto supplies ............ ........... 15.811 May Ensele, salary. Deputy... 162.30 supplies ...........vr.___ 37.65 MAW Auto Service, auto Jean Schroeder, salary, ylerk 117.90 supplies —............ :..... 86.0Q I Elda Ostrander, salary, clerk 127.25 Martha E. Mulkey, Institute Thompson Wrecking Hopsp, I H. R. Clark, salary. Land 170.00 Fund ........................ I Agent ---------------------- ---------- 186.80 Health Dept. w Avis Compton, salary, Btenog. 117.30 Coquille Laundry Darjs Ann WooR, gataqr, PROCEEDINGS OF COUNTY COURT Dept.............. ....... Vartans ' L. W. Oddy, Postage and ex­ pense ......... £....„______ __ I Ssvertatamleata Office Martha E. Mulkey, mileage -■ Pitas. Tex earhart, sajary,- Buy- M Benham’« Trai A. B.DaJy Q, »alary, .« I - J . Ûi;* ' « - ■ J aa,^ .waw* «»'S. _ iF , of tne Count» Court affixed this /••.■.•.'tvtn 4 wi 14th day of September, 1944. ..... .. 181 36 L. W. Oddy, County Clerk 8440 133.55 'Seal) By J W Lenrve. Deput« OMIdrsn Henry Franson, tabor------------ 189.45 Children's Fsym Home^mr«.... 68.87 A. O. Trendell, tabor.... ........ 153.85 eeaniroia 197.80 C. J. Martell, labor ____ y given that the last Remington Rand Inc., balance John B. O’Sullivan, lsbor___ IO enT of Ethal Hart- on account ................... —— 47.03 Carl Mathews, tabor ......... • Health Office W*4 «frnltled to pro- Coos County Health Dept., «oHI in the County ty, Oregon, on postage ’ Chas. Hafer, labor. ...i........... , and that the under* ""7.« Mgned was appointed by said Court as Executor thereof. Therefore, all JOO " 1 157.99 Ersons having claims against said Sec. 81.60 pen Wille.’ lab<* ......................... 133.65 1 late art hereby required to pre­ i kw .. — ‘ Jason Smart, labor....,---- ------- sent them to me, with proper vouch­ aca**?- 15.00 Berlyn Billing«, latjoj. ers attached and duly verified, at ... the office of O. C. Sanford, Attorney, _ aa ' Oeoric Huthw, operating Rlv in CoquiRq, Oregon, within six Catholic Charities Inc., care “•u” I erton Ferry .............. .. months rrom the date hereof. Coos County Fire Patrol Assn. ......... Young, ......... ...................... 'Oran labor, ™.. Dated and published fleet time prot. of Co owned lands........S.Ogg.OS^c. , U. F. r. Christian, unrisiian, tabor labor ......?. Sept. 14, 1944. I Teen Miller, labor....... Charles Stauff, Co TTbas., d«ff..„ ___ 35tS ||. Hartman, Executor. deuctions for War Bonds, Chas. Chas Woli, Wolf, labo^ labor County Employees ........... - 220 J] w $• wlllianU, laL. „ . J NOTICE TO QHPITOMn labor Madeleine KeRy. wages, pc. • Wm. Burbeck, labor ’Al 1.20 ' Notice is hereby given that th« un­ Lemon, jaljx« peo*lliw^knSn. Ortlwiy an^ McDùHiiiq. operating dersigned was on the 21st day of pjght wa|ch, Co. Fartfc....... rds Ferry ............... . J87.3O August, 1M4, appointed hy the Coun- W-54 ty Court of Coos Oregon, aa ■ . . rator * >1 Bettencourt, |abor.. 178 80 T Xdmtatatr'gtoy at County, the 86.97 Manuel ~------- Playa A- E. E. Q r mi WM- kbor............. 166.40 EartOveun,deeuasudj .. _____ 1; and aU persona Aasmsors Offiee gou. M. A. Peterson, tabor............. 154.M .—. . having havfng claims against against said Estate are Jyan Williams, extra hejn .... • Charles Perrott, Asst. Ope>^- ¡hereby required to present them to Myrtle wwt «ai«' tor, Bullards Fasfy ........ .. 159.80 me at the eftce of O. C. Sanford, At- 9 2(1 Johr' ........... - 188.60 toroey, in Coquille. Oregon, with Veya Bfshop, Extra woy|t 184.44 proper vouchers and duly verified, .............. "4v Leonard Paulson, labor......... FhlUp W°rk M0° PauRne jgäZ&’o»,- 95.86 within six months from the date of this notice. Up P petefibn, expense fq _ tor. Builardi Ferry ........... 46.60 I Dated and published first time 180 40 August 24, 1944. Portland ........................ — ...... 18.43 e . H. Norris, labor 192.70 I Raymond Jasper Green, , Sheriffs Offiee 162.70 22t5 Administrator. Coquille Valley Sentinel, Sup- Records v85’--MD * « Ï fa? V- . ¡t" > S.Z « ‘ li * a % 'M / n ■ ; Men, Women, High School Boys and Girls Coquille Chamber of Commerce URGES YOU TO * 1-, I L. 80t 40 r - a **'. .**».’* a ^ l.oq HWIBERRY PICKERS flO ”°l, 4.00 Cherry Creek Mill Co., lum­ fM -....I"..,.:.;..... ‘«alary, HcaRh ber ............. ............. ........ 673.81 Jail Smith Wood Products, Iqc. Coquille Bakery, bread 4.48 •utober ....................... 863 88 3.64 . .......... 108.30 Cow Beil Dairy milk iwtor|al . 10.tQ I Coquille Woqd Co., wood........ 39.40 p.. gas and o||, Wm. F, Hnwell, oonyeylni & prj-....— ... ----- 5.W Schroeder salary Jani- Paci * oik,., 886.74 - conditioning typewriter....... 83.W ChM- ltoburta, Mtary, Jan|- PU, culvert tar-Jajler .......................... . . 10915 standup oS*?«, 3*IJaW.-. ------------------- 194.25 Comm., In­ Bell« Whitsett, salary, Matron „ dustrial Insurance --------- 503.38 87.18 and C'x>k .......... ............ 72 40 F. ¿7 McNelly, salary, 6upl, pairs ....................... . ...... ......... 12.42 Co. Farm ----- --------------- ----- — 197.50 STATE OF ORWOff Oregon State Game Comm., Edith McNelly, salary, Matron County Of Cow: m. Predatory Animal Control.... 300.00 Co. Farm ................. -........... 107.50 _ *• ... It- W eddy, Coynty Clerk of Stanley Clausen, cattle In- |_ -* Ed Peterson, salary, Deputy Shf. at Powers ----------- ------ 49.90 A. O. Walker, salary, work in _------__ ___ _ sert ify 3|2.O0 Tax Botf. Alda L. Nosier,, salary, ch|e( Bigt the n>F«6OHW in • true end cor- etnefJl of the amount of bills clerk Roadmastar Offto. regjrtjl Pfta Elrod, mfleage and yx- on the various funds of the ■nty as audited by the County p£de|e|pe KeRy «alary Health I Court of said County a{ |h« regular General Ro«b HI«! e..„. u„ , a ^ .----- -hereof M the Gunder Gunderson, labor— j gahibits of floquille MeSïcâl Service Bur- J. L. Lea, labor __________ **fr«nt* ln my oitic* eau, Hospital dues ------------- 62.50 Wayne Goodman, labor...... WITNES& my hand and the seal e Mutual Benefit Health A Acc. I — *■* <***• ’ N«ll- «Rito HUPPlito , »unpliea I Pharmacy. Tint O|1 fe, ■_ » , ; - ■«■>»»« easy’s* U B“’1“ viSiMH, c.£ SSBTU -1 !Sä, DÄ15® I JSlt U.M Cui*“—— ’Üä- Harvest This Essential War Crop 6 Keep this $50,000 Payroll at Home GROWERS WILL PAY 50c A BOX REGISTER at one of the following points for Assignments to Jobs MARSHFIELD - CHAMBER OF COMMERCE J. A. VINING FARM AT BANGOR HAUSER STORE BANDON POST OFFICE BANDON-A. G. RANDALL FARM COQUILLE-COUNTY AGENT’S OFFICE V. I V ri Special Gas Available for Transportation » — /