------ _ ■ "q— .............................. J « I.*! !■ ~~ ■ PAG! TtUlE " It is amusing ___ to see the , notices , Ricky Nielson, who will also be sta- permission, and Colonel H. R. Türkei I the _______ ___ __ Graydon Crows Now A was also sentenced Germans put up when they leave1 Navy Lleut.-Commander itioned,at Tampa for replacement I , to one year in the pen. Writes From France quitous “Achtung Minen.” Most * U*uterikht Commander Graydon Sheriff Howell left Tuesday morn­ , Margaret Türkei, who is living here for an indefinite time with her two small children while her hue­ band, a young attorney of Washing­ ton, D. C., is in the war, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stauff. Mrs. Türkei just received word that her husband, Harry R. Türkei, has been promoted to Lieu­ tenant-Colonel, with a moat inter­ esting letter of conditions in France where he has been since D plus 13 (twelve dqys since D-day). His squadron has been having phenom­ enal successes. Col. Türkei speaks both German and French and thus has been able to converse freely with the French people. Mrs. Türkei kindly permitted the printing of the following excerpts from two of her husband’s reeent letters: We carry a complete uqg ur V- Belts for all makes of Refrigerators, Washing Machines and other •quip- ¡Harold Dey, Curt Wornstaff ing with the two for Salem, j Cecil W. Smith, who pleaded guilty ment. Washer Service Co. 3«5 W. Came In Last Friday Front, Coquille. Pbooe IV _ ■ to forgery by endorsement, and ■ Two Coquille boys, home on fur­ Donald M. Aldridge and John Routh, See •Spike” Leslie for the oeat in lough and leave since they arrived who pleaded guilty to larceny, of an Liability, or other Insurance. Office, last Friday, are Harold Dey who autcqnobile, are to be sentenced next 373 So. Hall, In former hospital bldg.; came from Camp Roberts,, and Curt I motion day. phone 5; residence phone B5L. s Wornstaff, who left his vessel at San Francisco. Curt, who is in the Merchant Marine, has been on a tanker in the South Pacific and is expecting his discharge from the service. He has been in for about a year. Harold has been in the Army for leas than a year and expects to leave next Monday to return to his camp. often you will see "Wir kommen Crew* iu*l advanced to that position wieder” (We’ll come back.) But I after •***"« •*rvlc* <» “n aircraft found one which said in German. carrier in the PacUlt- left Mon Wm R Pook 1 Tayloj, Po^ujllg phono 85 • V » Del Moqte No. 2 Vi can SEEDLESS TREET, TANG or KEM Canned Moat 13 os. can 33C LIMA BEANS California Large 20c Toucan depend oa this. Safeway 11c neats are always the best quality the best eating Safeway Meats 34c VEAL STEAK 8-lb. Jar KARO Dark 3 lb. bag ROYAL SATIN Quick Mix Shortening t-lb. jar 1Qe> " PANCAKE FLOUR Susanna 3*4-lb. sack WHEATIES Gtant atoo * U os. pkg. 25c VEAL ROAST "A” grade 59c • Ilo. box , WlC KITCHEN CRAFT 1.99 DUZZ SOAP Granola ted ,b- 28c lb. 33c VEAL RIB CHOPS lb IO, (no pte) “A” grade lb. *OC 14c » BISQUICK Betty Croekgra RAISINS 2 ÜU STRING BEANS Lorraine Cat AQr «• box 23c WHITE MAGIC Bleach 4 gal. boUle ---- :—a— 17c BEEF SHORT RIBS (no pts.) A k B grades lb. T-BONE STEAKS (14 pts) -A” grade ». 48c BEEF ROASTS blade cuts Grade A » 27c GUARANTEED-FRESH PRODUCE VB4 y ^B B M PRi^ ^BRyB78 8RffeCt ^BR 1y tllR b I b ^BIBRBt ^VO^I r RR"^^^ •nd Ale M A n d te M»w«y to teech yea »Alle Mi at Ms bed. k t sve w iteed te giesse yee—qr «II ygg deaer bedil GRAPES Ribier lb 12c '] «■ » 1»..... -......... |y.75 558 x 17 -------------- - ----------------- ---------------- *....... 14.37 »V ............ x 18 ..................- 15.55 858 x 18 ......................---------- -------------...._................. 18.83 With your old tire. Excise Tag included. PUMPKIN 47c marmalade TfoftoM 28 ox. can 13c fancy sweets No. 2 can 14c 5c Soups Campbells Veg.-Beef, Chic-N'dle can can 14c BABY FOODS Gerber or Heins can 7c i PEACH JAM Dude Rancb . ; 2 lb. 4Sc *__________ ♦ MIRACLE WHIP Kraft DrvqatM Penthouse TOMATO SAUCE Gardenside 8 ox. can J SAVE on, Huit awL oihaJc ibutu, at Sapuaay.! CANTALOUPE lb. 7c j Oranges all sises lb 10c j* Celery, Utah 9c TOMATOES LOWEST MKT. Carrots Peas, Local, lb Ucuuwtq. VUtdi. REGULAR FRUIT JARS Kerr Mason Kerr Glass Top Boll Vaca-Seal Pints 2 dox. t.35 Qts. dox. 83c Wide Mouth Lids, Kerr ’dox. 14c , Kerr Economy Capa dox. 17c Jar Caps, Kerr, Ball, Vacu-S. dx 21 Jar Rubbers, Bulldog or Ball dx 4c ■