PM COR01LLÍ tint tra _ l - . V a LUV t .' ..j?- stNtiNfcL, COtwnXB. OREGON» THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1944. ■ g.1 ■ a tratton of voters would ctoee on < tober 7. It has bean predicted that the'women's vote this year would, for the first time in the history of the nation, be the deciding factor in the School administrators and others' Saturday, September 16, wps a A reception was held last Monday outcome of the election. The Legis­ ■net yesterday in Superintendent I busy day for many of the school ad­ evening at the Guild Hall by the lative committe will endeavor to Mayfield’s office in Marshfield, in! ministrators in Coos county. Business and Professional Women’s bring some able speakers before the order' to discuss the school lunch! * To economize in the traveling sit­ Club for guests from the business members to discuss the various meas­ program. This meeting was re-1 uation, the Schoolmasters’ Club, the and professional group in Coquille, ures that will appear on the ballot quested by Carl H. Hasencamp, ad- . county coaches, and the executive not members of the club. About fifty- attended and the affair was con­ so that a clear picture may be pre- mjnistrative assistant with the War council of the Coos County Division sented and members may vote intel­ Food Administration, through Coun­ ducted in a manner conducive' to get­ I of the Oregon State Teachers’ As­ ligently on the various measures. ty School Superintendent Martha E. sociation all met on t e same day. ting acquainted with the result a A musical program followed, which • Mulkey. IV1U4JIE7Y. Thqjr first session was held to- very pleasant evening was enjoyed. included two piano selections by Inez M ... . , getlier in the forenoon in the circuit Eva Stevens, president, said in Rover. Mildred TyrreU sung two ... , __ . , . . quirements for re-imbursement court room In the court house to her welcoming address, that Oregon . hear an address by Dr. R. F. Hawk, has 1300 in Ito B. P. W. membership and in the National Federation 00,- Mrs. M O. Hawkins. Ronald Wil- much M had been set up for the who came as a representative ot the yeur 1M3.M |t belng 000 women. This year marks, the' llama contributed two violin num- Oregon State Teachers’ Association. 25th anniversary of the National. bers, also accompanied by Mrs. Haw- jble to provide either ^of the three After luncheon at the Coquille Federation And the 19th anniversary klni . . . . . I Type A, Type B, or Type C luncheon. Hotel, the executive council met in aw’rdedIJ°r “J““? Th. first is a complete school lunch; Mrs. Mulkey’s office (or their session, of Coquille's organization. I 1 played, which went to Idyle Godard. the lunch wp. with Dr. Hawk as speaker. Ruth Beyers, charter president and RUeet prize going to Opal p]emenf what the children bring Th schoolmasters and coaches fin­ program chairman for the evening, ■ i florist's ar­ home, and the third, milk only. ished their session at the hotel. was presented by Mrs. Stevens and Buckles ' A beautiful Besides foe partial reimburse­ The following were present: Dr. R. she responded with a' discussion of rangement was received from Hattie the club’s aims and benefits, stating Lee Holimon, who is visiting in ment which is allowed by the gov­ F. Hawk, Oregon State Teachers’ that it was international as well as Arkansas, the card with which read, ernment, there may be an opportun­ Association, Portland; Lloyd Turn­ national Meetings, she sa|fi, follow- j “To You, B. P. W., had the suggee- ity to receive some' free commodities bull, Lawrence Landrith, Lyle Riggs, ed a regular plan, outlined by the tlon it be sent to any member who with the payment of handling of Fred Shepman, and Victor Adams, club magazine- "Mrs. Beyers is also might be ill. transportation charges^ I all of North Bend; Leonard May­ chairman of membership. j The hostess committee wore formats All school districts interested in field,"Eulalia Titus, Juanita Richard- «meea.ma4 lzu> nrtzi cof-j Mr». Bertha J. Smith »poke for.«* served ice naaam cream, nulra cake and beginning a hot lunch program, | son, Virginia MacLean, all of Marsh­ >e Legislative committee, uttfing >*• At the next meeting members , should at onoe write to: C. R. Tully, field;'Robert L. Dusenberry and Ev­ the Legislative committee, urging all -women to register for the Novem- will have a potluck dinner to cele­ | War Food Administration, Of(Jce of erett Sandburg.' ef Coos River; Ben brate the club's birthday. The fol­ (Distribution, Western Region, 215 C. Huntingtun, Lillian Farley and tH-r election, stating that the regis- lowing attended: Eva Stevens, Edna Mayer Building, Portland 5. Oregon. ! Frances Holveratott, . all of Bandon; Kern, Nellie Prey, Mary Lee Mawds- I Leland P. Lino, Myrtle Point; B. R. ley, Jane Creager. Helen " Nicklsus,' Powers; Carl Morrison, t ola Newton, Hasel Jacobean, Ernest Jarites, Hazel Hanna, Wayne narn. Grace Rackleff, Laura Bran-1 G«c«»«lo» (Mrte Smith, and Martha Mulkey, ail of fave a don, Minnie E. McCarthy, Genevieve i The Bachelor Girls Club _ Coquille; Wayne Young, Bunker HUI, Preston, Cora Mackey, Robah Rob|- { dinner party at Rippers in North and Mrs. Laura Brandon, Norway.- son, Lu Montgomery, Leah Rover,' Bend last Thursday nlgh't, in honor RUSONASLE HATES Dorothy Page Fischer, Leia IJrod, of Dorothea Yarbrough, who will Sylvia Taylor, Bess Maury, Pearl leave in October to join the Waves. Wacs Celebrate 1st Anniversary Ellingsen, Dorethy Tbttle, Margaret Donna Dean Boaserman, on leave With A Parade In Italy Snider, Mildred James, Lois Stevens, from her station at San Diego, was a Corporal Wilda M. Van Meter, of Opal Buckles, Bertha J. Smith, special guest. Attending were Mar- Coquille, was one of the approxi­ Mabel Johnson, Florence Barton, J garet Bellon), Maxine Johnson, Ruth mately six hundred members of the Helen Thomas, Leila McClure, Inez Dockwood, Betty Medley. Mary Lou Rover, Elfleda Endsley, Myrtle De' Culver, Marybeile Yarbrough, No­ Women’s Army Corps stationed in Italy, who paraded September 1 in Long, Alice Lafferty, Idyle Godard, rene McKeown, Jean Watkins. Jean recognition ot the first anniversary Williams, Helen Wlnnegar, Alys Lucile Counts, Ellen Arreil, Arlene of the formation of the Women’s Robertson, Jesse Kay, Florence Hal- ; June Fox, Dorothea Yarbrough •nd Army Corps as a component of the Donna Dean Bosse rm an lock, Mildred TyrreU. Mabel Wer- ( Army of the United States. nlch. The review was staged on the “ School Lunch Program Discussed Reception Monday I . By B. P.W Club ’ Insurance Specialist School Meetings Held Saturday F. Rt Butt. » < 'M naprs ec a bonth ‘HOME IN INDIANA” AT ROXY THUIL, FRI., SAT, SEPT 21-23 ^To^kni^x w?r^r°^h *“• d*p*rtment — PROMPT ^MVMGVAN ACKING, CRATING ISTRIBUTION CARTAGE I d Justice Court Here $3.»s NEW Mattresses M-lb. Cot >17.59 Broo USED FURNITURE Calling cards, SO A. C. Schultz 9 1M 100 IM IM 100 With Gilmore" Alee see him for • AaW teMRtlM by Mechanics • Ante Repairing e( Ml kinds * Kenyon & Davidson Strain Bulblets Field Run ............................... -................. - SE.MperlMO ADDRESS» P. O. BOX 4M, BANDON, OREGON $49.50 * 1 only White Enamel Olympic Ranges ? B$84 JO ' 4 'M Slightly damaged — Full Spring Constructed Living Room Daveno Group I $129.50 Exceptionally Substantial and Well Designed Unfinished Chest, Bookcases fir Desks $9.95 to $25.00 Large Walnut Office Desks $69.50 Purkey Furniture Specials Thurs., Fri, Sat tor Si, 00. i PLANTING STOCK inch up (double nosed) bulbs --------- Inch bulbs .............. -_____ inch bulbs ’\......... .... .......... .......... inch bulbs -------- -----................. inch bulbs ........ ........ ...... ..................... BULBLETS, field run SELECTED BULBLETS . .................. i ____ DillardManet Lily Bulbs For Sale Pure Croft Strain - Will take 20-iuch Wood i ' Guy Davis, charged with petting fires on forest land without a permit on Sept. 11, appeared voluntarily in court and Justice Bull set hjs hearing to be held at 10 a. m., Sept, •>. Gw, Hurst, arrested by the state police for illegal possession of veni­ son, was fined «00 and floats last Saturday. Justice Bull then •h — i*U^ I NORTON’S—The place to buy your pended |S5 of the fine and gavel ive hln’f’Chrbimas card» for that boy or girl until Sept. 20 to pay the 130. in the service. Henry Albert Hatfield, taken on Monday for possession of a game an- Imai, a deer, during the closed un­ ison, was given until Oct. 1 to pay 'h|a >25 fine and $4 costs. Lionel C|a|r Baker, picked up for passing a car on the erpsf of a hill on Monday, paid the *5 fine and H j coots which the judge penalized him. High Chairs Ï0V NEED MY OF THESE SEDUCES 3 only Olympic Wood Burning Circulators z parade area where Italian Armies were reviewed by the, King of Italy and in recent years by Mussolini. Of the Waps in that Sept. 1 forma­ tion, over 2QQ were sworn into the Army just a year before to the day at a ceremony in North Africa at which they were reviewed by Gen­ eral Dwight B. Eisenhower. The Fast Wegk NEW • C4U US WHEN Specials At Purkey s Gilmore Service Station R St. at Willard S3± Fresh Fruits and Vegetables ____ in apple boxes *|B||B9 TOMATOES PEACHES Improved Elbertas apple box $2.50 PEARS Good quality Bartletts apple box $2.25 POTATOES Klamth Gem U.S, No.. 1100 lbs $3.89 YAMS or SWT. SPUDS No, 1 grade 2 lbs. 25c Italian & Date PRUNES in apples boxes lor Canning * 7 GROCERIES WITH THERE GENUINE SUGAR COLOR ETCHINGS in Cloth Bags ♦ - - - 10 lbs. 67c AMONS THS LAST TO OS Imported from France Fruit Jars S'-'X'"1”" doz. 89c • • • SIGRID IV THAT COVNTIY S GREATEST ARTISTS SHRIMP Louisiana fanry Jumbo SAUERKRAUT fresh Home-made COFFEE S & W Drip or Regular SYRUP Karo Blue Label • » w 45c pl. 20c lb. 29c can « r. Southwestern Motors Goodyear Store Hal! MW HAMillSS STYLI- -UW TO CHAR vous sham or THsas • ass itsmo NOWI Purkey Furniture When you think of furniture think WALHUT MEATS Urge White Halves 1 L i 4 ■» Î '/z lb. (elio 49c ¡Vili __________ 2 cam 39c j stand. pack 2 >4 tins 2for29c