k $ I I m COaClLLi f AUtf stNtlNRU C04HI1LUL O88Ö0N. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 31. 1344. P VI TB ö . Reception Monday By B. P. W. Club 4 * I 4 * «■ J tration of voters would dose on Oc- ’ CssL-vJ I lim-L tober 7. It has been predicted that •JVIIUVI LlHK.ll I for the'women vote in thii year of the Program DlSCUSSed the first ’■ time the history I < »Id MW M • buncù 1 School Meetings Held Saturday nation, be the deciding factor in the School administrators and others 1 Saturday, September 16, wp* a A reception was held last-Monday outcome of the election. The Legis­ met yesterday tn Superintendent I busy day for many of the school ad­ evening at the Guild Hall by the lative committe will endeavor to Mayfield'* office in Marshfield, in ministrators in Coos county. Business and Professional Women’s bring some able speakers before the order» to discuss the school lunch ! • To economize in the traveling sit­ Club for guests from the business members to discus* the variou* meas­ program. This meeting was re­ uation, the Schoolmasters’ Club, the and professional group in Coquille, ures that will appear’on the ballot quested by Carl H. Hasencamp, ad­ ! county coaches, and the executive not members of the club. About fifty- so that a clear picture may be pre­ ministrative assistant with the War | council of the Coos County Division attended and the affair was Con­ sented and members may vote intel­ Food Administration, through Coun­ of th*.Oregon State Teachers’ As­ ducted in a manner conducive' to get­ ligently on the variou* measure*. ty School Superintendent Martha E. sociation all met on t e same day. ting acquainted with the result a A musical program followed, which f Mulkey. very pleasant evening was enjoyed. The!1' first session was held to­ included two piano selections by Inez Mr. Hasencamp stated that the re­ gether in tiie forenoon in the circuit Eva Stevens, president, said in Rover. Mildred Tyrrell sang two quirements for tier welcoming address, that Oregon re-imbursement court room in the court house to beautiful number«, accompanied by has 1300 in its B. P. W. membership through hi* department were very ! hear an address by Dr. R. F. Hawk, ha* 1300 in It* B. r. W. „ Hawkin. . ■ Ronald Wil- i much a* had been set up for the ! who caine a* a representative of the and in the National Federation 80,-1 J*» This year marks the'contributed wo violin num school year 1943-44. it being possi- , Oregon State Teachers’ Association, 000 women. 25th anniversary of of the tne National national.--— »1»° accompanied by Mrs. Haw- i ble to provide either- ^of the three' ’ After luncheon at the Coquille ' Type A, Type B, or Type C luncheon. Hotel, the executive council met in Federation Hnd the l»th anniversary A prize was awarded for a gam* Th< flrlt u a complete school lunch; ' Mrs. Mulkey s office fui their session, of Coquille’s organization. 1 Ruth Beyers, oharter president and played, which went to Idyle Godard, tiie second, a partial lunch to sup- j with Dr. Hawk as speaker, Th schoolmasters and coaches fin- program chairman for the evening, with the guest prize going to Opal piemen( what the children, bring A beautiful florist’s ar- fr()m home, and the third, milk only.' ished their session at the hotel, was presented by Mrs. Stevens and Buckle*. Besides the partial reimburse- i The following were present: Dr. R she responded with a’ discussion of rangement wa* received from Hattie the club’s aims and benefits, stating Lee Holimon, who is visiting in ment which is allowed by the gov- F. Hawk, Oregon State Teachers' !.. that it was international as well as Arkansas, th* card with which read,;ernment, there may be an opportun- ' Association, Portland; Lloyd Turn- __ sajfi, follow- ____ “To You, B. P. W, had the sugges- recejVe some free bull, ___________________ Lawrence Landrith, _ Lyle Riggs, national. Meetings, she ________________ ___ oommodi'ies ____ __ ________ _ _____ ed'T'regular'pUm? Uon il 11 b,‘ 8ent s<’"’ to any any member the payment of handling handling of of | I Fired Shepman, and and Victor Victor Adams, ed e regular plan, outtbied outlined by by the the Uon member who who Jwith i wlth the payment of Fred Shepman, Adams, ciub magazin*."Mrs. Beyers is also H1' transportation charges^ tall of North Bend; Leonard May­ chairman of membership. I The hostess committee wore formats A[) dirtricts interested jn 'field,"Eulalia Titus, Jusmlta Richard- Mrs. Bertha J. Smith spoke fori“"11 *«rv«d ice cream, cake and cof- beginning a hot lunch program, I son, Virginia Mat-Lean, all of Marsh- _ .... ... *_ ___’ ^aask At saaaast msaAtir»0 momhfirtl I . ^<. — — — ..I — - - — — - . _ — . — th* Legislative committee, urging fee. At the next meeting member* Iot 0HW write to: C. R. Tully, field;'Robert L. Dusenberry and Ev- will have a potluck dinner •- to cele- - a - ’ ^aT yjxxj Administration, OfJJce of erett Sandburg,' ef Coo* River; Ben - - ail -women to register for the Novem­ — brate the club's birthday. The fol­ t Distribution, Western Region, 2151C. Huntington, Lillian Farley and ber election, stating that the regis- lowing attended: Eva Stevens, Edna Mayer Building, Portland 5, Oregon.! Frances Holverstott, all of Bandon; * i Kern, N*1H« Prey, Mary Lee Mawds- I Leland P. Lino, Myrtle Point; B. R. I ley, Jane Crtoger, Helen Beyer», Vi­ Nicklaus, Pqwera; Carl Morrison, Party Honoring ola Newton, Hazel Jacobsen, V| C1. at a ceremony in North Africa at NEW , Geo Hurst, arrested by the state which they were reviewed by Gen­ polio* for illegal possession of veni­ eral Dwight B. Elsenhower. son, was fined M0 and sorts last SO-lb. Cotton Saturday. Justice Bull then sus­ .NORTON’S—The place to buy your $1730 pended |35 of the fine and gave hlriT Christmas cards for that boy or girl * until Sept, SO to pay the 329. in the service. tfs 111 Ne. Tarlar Coquille Henry Albert Hatfield, taken on Monday for possession of a game an­ USED FURNITURE imal, a deer, during the closed sea- - * --- PR OH PT SERV/Ct ■ I MTEsK oh I vWW»GTMlSHWItt| L p 1CKIN6,CRHIH61 L mrage I DISTRIBUTION jrWCAl CARTAGE ' I I I • MU US WHEH rou REW Mr OF High Chairs Mattresses 1 Rroohs r Lily Bulbs For Sale PLANTING STOCK < — 1 A. C. Schultz 100 100 Roar With Gilmore” Alee see jhgp* fer • A»to |L»brtoaUon by Mechanics 1*» » Fresh Fruits and Vegetables TOMATOES in apple boxes - $1.89 PEACHES Improved Elbertas apple box $2*50 PEARS Good quality Bartells apple box $2.25 POTATOES Klamth Gem U,Sf No, 1100 lbs $3.89 YAMS or SWT, SPUDS Ho, 1 grade 2 lbs. 25c Italian & Dale PRUNES in apples boxes for Canning «I 100 100 9 Aui* Hrpairin* of *|| kind* F, } i Kenyon & Davidson Strain Bulblets Field Run .................... -............................. 50.00 per 1000 ADDRESS? P. O. BOX 400, BANDON, OREGON to Gilmore Service Station Southside Pent M. st Willard Coquille. Oregon I | Specials Thurs., Fri., Sat, «g X&S Calling cards, #0 for gl.OQ. I —i n y i w - Pure Croft Strain v 7 inch up (double nosed) bulbs • inch bulbs .............. u ..... ...... .-..... ...'. 5 inch bulbs 4 .»«.u w«aaa» inch bulbs ..... ........ .......... 3 inch bulbs ............ BULBLETS», field run ... SELECTED BULBLETS DillardMarket Lionel C|ajr Baker, picked up for passing a car on the cresf of a hill on Monday, paid th* 35 fin* and »4 , cost« which the judge penalized him. fyoirtZfa Ls k r GROCERIES in Cloth Bags - - - 10 lbs. 67c « YOM HOME WITH THESE GENUINE SUGAR COLOR ETCHINGS AMON* THS LAST TO •« Imported from France ■ SIGHED IT THAT COUHTIVS NO CIRTIFLCATi NEEDED FOR RICAFPINO filEATEST ARTISTS w Ldl SHRIMP Louisiana lanty Jumbo ’ SAUERKRAUT fresh Home-made. ' COFFEE S & W Drip orRegular SYRUP Karo Blue Label ' (an 45c pt. 2©c lb. 29c jug 17c WALNUT MEATS Urge While Halves ’/z lb. cello 49c PORK & BEANS Festival 2% tins 2 cam 39c TOMATOES Spencer's stand, pack i'/i fins 2for29c ■■■................................. % '«'W •t I i i Southwestern Motors Goodyear Store 352 So. Hall p.. - Phone 184 r MW »AMILIJS STYlf- -EASY TO ftEAN ! I •AM ITKM8 NOWI Purkey Furniture I ........ nu n you think of furniture think 1 When I » I f doz. 89c Fruit Jars • • • 9 I ■ su -■*>