Personal Mention IN CHECKIKO ticur» ol th, n jarm Credit Administration, I nnd that farmers are paying off mortgages faster than at any oth­ er period in the history of the Fed­ eral Land Bank. . A* the same time, farmers are building up cash reserves, but the wise investment of this money is an extremely hard job for farm­ ers to undertake. The temptation is to try and obtain as high an interest rate as possible. < Many of us see no reasomwhy we should not get as much inter­ est on our money now as we had to pay the bank when we were forced to borrow during the de- prmion.1 The answer la that today money Is cheap—“expanded”, as the bankers express it. Therefore In­ terest rates are low except in very speculative securities. Nat­ urally no farmer wants to risk losing his hard earnedxash. We farmers know our own busi­ ness and we can invest money in it safely because we understand it. However, when we branch off Miss Dorothy Belle Newton in­ tends leaving Friday ter McMinn­ ville, where she will enter Linfield College for her senior year? She is Iitlmg herself tor the teaching pro­ fession. a message to the gradoat' ALL the VITAMINS fa til the family al just a FEW PENNIES a DAT Sunday [Friday, FEATURE NO. 1 Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Rletman were back on duty in his office in the First National Bank building on Monday this week, after spending last week fishing down on the Rogue. He reports catching 1# salmon, all oy trolling, and says the sliversides were just beginning to come into the river. ssTTra M VITMM (H nnmi I m fl«« INS U.LF. VnM. imiml ■ VRMI} D Pi Presents U.KS. IMel. SEPT 24 - 25 - Ring Up The Curtain . . . . PN CAyALCADE pF SHOWS AND SHOW-FOLKS! »WWi rofnaadug , , , MAKING Broadway , , , , fropi Burlesque U [he Bjg Tjjqel “SHOW “BUSINESS Coquille Cafe, on West Front 8t., opens at six o’clock each evening and runs until two in the morning. Spe­ cialize in Steaks and on Saturday night Chicken Suppers. The public is invited to come tn. 34t4*s I •"'¿.t. i rÄr* I ««a »r HAItY JOÉ IIOWM . Va. < . 41 -I DONALD DUCK ( CABTOON LATEST NEWS EVENTS I * ADMISSION