Dozen Divorces Granted Tuesday . Judge King in circuit court here on Tuesday granted divorces to the plaintiffs in an even dozen cases, as follows: Carl N. Wilson vs. Lucille F. Wilson Bertha B. Parker vs. Geo. L. Thee. H. Offord vs. Wilma I. Of- ford. Irene O. Munroe vs. Geo. R. Mon­ roe. »■ Dorothy Pike vs. Edwin W. Pike. Evaa M. Rudberg vs. Lloyd J. Rudberg. » Eleanor Simpson vs. Claud Simp­ son. Cleo Dorothy Lent vs. Gail E. Lent. ! Margaret Leith vs. John C. Leith. Clemrua L. Parker vs. Walter Parker. . r Thelma Stevenson • vs. Geo.' L. Stevenson. Marjorie E. McGarvin vs. Donald P. McGarvin. Circuit Court Cases Sept. IS—Loren H. Guerin vs, Emma L. Guerin. Suit for divorce. Sept. 16—Martha J. Reisen vs. Nelson W. Reisèn. Suit for divorce. Sept. IS Ruth E. Russell vs. Fred H. Russell. , Suit for divoree. Sept. 16-—Carl Norman Wilson va Lucille Frances Wilson. Suit for di­ vorce. Sept. 19— Maxine Braunan vs. Leonard L. Braunan. Suit for di­ vorce, » Sept- JO—Donald L. Adams vs. Helen Muriel Adams. Suit for di­ vorce. '• \ Sept. 20—Martha Rachel Zimmer­ man va. Wm. H. Zimmerman. Suit for divorce. Sept. 20—James Arthur Pratt vs. Nora Mae Pratt. Suit for divorce. Sept. 20—Mildred Dick vs. C. A. Smith Fir Co. et al. Suit to quiet title. • 1 Sept. 20—Florence M Stevens et THE SAME CAPARLE DIRECTION, COURTEOUS SU- PERVISION AND SYMPATHETIC UNDERSTANDING PREVAILS IN EVERY GANO SERVICE fono (funeral (Home semce • T€L£PHone,ioo*-#/raí/z4dce coquille ' Insurance Are You Adequately Insured? My Office Can Serve You. between commercial OREGON GREEN 1 Used my Imagination to try to picture what a photograph of a dear friend would mean to someone far from home. This is the result. New . .. while T»*'** * WOCTy QDOUl yOW HswM Wí’tl MtA»9UAtTiaj FOB ». ». nooaaicH ritti Thornton Tire Service Hoqlhprg Oracea's Largest and M i lour home baking methods are very different from commercial bakeshop methods. That’s why you use home­ type baking powder and shortening. For the same reason you need Kitchen Craft—the new home-type flour I Kitchen Craft is made especially for your home-size recipes and home bak­ ing conditions; Gives you pies, cakes and breads that are light as a feather, truly delicious every single timet What’s more, Kitchen Craft Flour is enriched with healthful B vitamins and iron. Try this home-type flour ... notice the improvement it makes in all your baking. Should it fail to delight you in any way, return the unused flour to your grocer and he will refund your full purchase price.That’s a guarantee. at SAFEWAY