J '•V I PAGE SEVEN Bare Facts From BearCreek onto, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Schroeder. Mr. Warner feas been quite siek ths 7ur“hed ' Whi!\we Choir practice was held Friday past two weeks with septic sort admit that It is necessary during evening at the hülne of Mrs O. H. throat. war, to force certain restrictions, at' Mrs. Julla Leap and Mrs. A. R Aasen with the following in atten­ the same time such things can be car­ dance: Mesdamea Albert Lillie, Al­ Bennett attended the Dorcas society ried to the extreme, as certain rulings bert Gulstrom, Werner Plaep, Stanley meeting of the S. D. A. church held of the present administration have Halter, S. C. McAlUbter and Mias at the residence of Virgil McKinnej proved. Anyway, there is an upward Frances Hall, with Mrs. O. H. Aasen in the Johnson Mill district Wednes­ trend of juvenile delinquency In Others presents at the piano. They will meet again day of last week America today — the greatest trend this Friday evening at the O. H. were Mrs. Perley Crowley, Mrs. Rob­ in history. Whai is the answer? ertson and Mrs. Kenneth Kasper,* of Aaaen home at 8:00 p. m. Last week, Katherine “Sunshine” Rev. G. A. Gray conducted the reg­ Dora, and Mrs. L. L. Bunch, of Co­ Devereux left for Portland to resume ular Sunday morning church service. , quille. her studies at |wr school there. Her Sunday school followed with an at- ' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Yarbrough's brother, Junior, backed out of going Sidney Marie, came home tendance of 42. The church anni- | daughter, ' back to his Portland school st the versary was observed in the after- i Tuesday evening on her first va- last moment and decided to attend noon with a short program which was Icktion since entering the Sacred Coquille high school this year. Dur­ I enjoyed by all present. There were Heart Hospital in Eugene last March, ing their vacations, both youngsters i at which time she entered on a nurse's special and vocal bv the ladies "”77 " 1 Devereux, 7ve5eu’' I ' choir trios numbers by Mrs. Warner Plaep, ’ training course. assisted their father, ’ John with farm and dairy work, he being m au m m Fr«- Mr. and Mrs. Pete Gale and his very short-handed, thus proving that i oes Hall, of McMinnville. Miss Hail foster mother, Mrs. Turner, were vis­ they are really worth while kids. 1 also favored the • audience with a itors Tuesday at the home of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Lem Culver and two Mrs. vojal' solo. Jake Moomaw was in and Mrs. Walter Schroeder. children spent several' days with the charge of the afternoon meeting. The Gale is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Culver family of Bear Creek pot-luck dinner at noon was attended Dick Sumerlin. last week. They were accompanied Last Friday evening, Bill Smith, by a crowd of between 75 and 100 by their two children. seaman second class and son of Mrs. and was certainly enjoyed by all. It is with deep regret that we note The regular monthly school board Martin Schmidt, came home on a the resignation of Vem Billings from meeting was held Monday evening at thlrty-day leave. the State Poljce force. Vern was a A. R. Bennett, Harry Druliner and the school house. valuable man to the force, as well us Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Barkiow J. D. Bright are rerbofing the Seldon ^.“777 end'W^dww-d Warner house near Broadbent. friends. He is going to be a mighty Sunday the Myrtle Grange held its came from Port Orford and spent the hard man to replace. While we are annual picnic in the Norway grove. week-end at their home in Arago. very fond of Vern we, however, do 1 Mr. and Mrs. S. C. McAllister were There was a 'large attendance. ------- ■> not crave too" close association with Monday evening callers at the home him in his new position. He Is now of Mr. and Mrs. Werner Plaep. associated with “Red” Campbell, of { Mr. and Mrs. Nile Miller were Wm. K. Kendall was last Thursday Marshfield, in the undertaking busi­ Tuesday guests at the home of Mr. ness. appointed administrator of the MOO land Mrs. Frank Herker. estate left by Mabie Katherine Hum­ Last week we'noted the fact that { Frank Miller was a Friday dinner phrey and of the »900 estate of huckleberries were ripe In August.1 guest of Mr. and Mrs. Nile Mlllqr. Charles Alfoad Humphrey, of Powers, The 5th of September we gathered a i Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fish were I large bouquet of dogwood blooms. It 1 Sunday dinner guestFof Mr. and Mrs. who wore killed Aug. 27 in an auto accident- Appraisers of both estates looks as though the seasons were in 1 Robert Fish in Coquille. are Ed Petersqn, Wm. Groves and reverse. Mrs. J. D. Carl visited at the home Clyde Allen. “The Trail Blazers” of Bear Creek, ' of Mrs. Kate Hodson in Myrtle Point while looking over'a fire, on ita^ThurJay'^Ml^'M/'c«! £ M. C. Hartman was on Monday named as executor of the »10,200 es­ ton ranch, became somewhat confurad c)ub d)nner tate left by his late wife, Ethel Hart­ to the smoke and instead of coming < M M ld c j and , 1“!wh*r* ^Sunday dinner guesU of M^and Mrs. man, who died at Myrtle Point Aug. 9. A. Y. Meyers, John Ferguson and W £ Cr°“ in Coquille.. over the divide * on Creek. We “ Lampa * *1 Gporgp Mason WM W Tuesday and G. W. Kaufman were named as ap­ praisers. would tell you who “The Trail Blaz­ unable to work. / ers” i *• ' Mr- Mr». H- E- Watkins called Harry Heffley and Don Fellows to at the home-of Mr. and Mrs. S. C. become angry at us. McAllister Tuesday evening. On the Rose farm near here a v strange sight may be witnessed. A 1 “banty" rooster has taken.over theNoTWOy NeWS IteOIS S-±reu5^a^in': Arago News items (By Lans Lenevo) Three accidents occurred on Bear Creek the past ten days. Frank Flam, old time resident, suffered a broke» hip and to confined in the Belle Knife Hospital at Coquille. He is being missed a lot by his many friends In this district. Rodger Culver, “the pig man” of Bear Creek, ran a nail almost com­ pletely through his foot. It being a rusty nail, the youngster was given a “shot” for lockjaw. “Uncle Frank” took care of the pigs until Rodger was again on both feet. The third accident occurred when Lucy Haga cut a foot quite aeverely. "Pee-wee” Williams, who suffered a broken collar bone and severe bruises in an accident at the Harring­ ton-Ray log dump several weeks ago. was visiting in this district last week. When he is fully mended he Intends to resume again his former job of truck-driv«rr"T * ’ . The old apple orchard at the old awhnmin* hole, some three miles above Powers was at one time a beau­ tiful camping spot and picnic ground. It to now, we understand, (correct us If we are-wrong), been taken over by Coos county. That is what we call really looking into the future. Hbwever, the camp and picnic ground is nothing to brag about at the pres­ ent time, owing to the fact that sheep and cattle are allowed to roam there at wiH. Anyone frequenting this nice spot must constantly watch his step.. ; It is a noticeable fact that in coun- » Just Arrived New Supply CHESTS Baverai Prices Local er Factory New Mattresses I MJBtollBAO We carry a complete une ut V- Belts for aU niakes of Refrigerators, Washing Machines and other equip­ ment Washer Service Co. ' 355 W Front. Coquille. Phone 17. s ALTERATIONS REPAIR WORK on LADIES and GENTLEMEN’S GARMENTS . Will cater to Stores and Dry Cleaners MISS WILKERSON 241 So. Hall WHY SELL YOUR CAB TO AN INDIVIDUAL AND GO THROUGH ALL THE NECESSARY O. S":7.“ 7 V^7-^ 7 P. A. RED TAPE WHEN YOU CAN DRIVE IT TO Used Car Lot Probate Court Items and receive the full amouat in spot cash with no red tape or delay whatever. We will pay you the top O. P. A. ceiling price if yoqr car is in good condition, and take care of all details. See CINCE FINLEY or LOU BRALY Southwestern Motor Co Coquille Phone 83 Coquille The way you balw at homo is different rearing of six small chicks. The mother hen Is not allowed near them Mr. ahd Mrs. J. F. SchrodUer were by the rooster; he mothers then», hov- Sunday afternoon visitors at the era them and clucks to them In • very home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Hubbard, motherly fashion. Well, as we have of Powers, the parents of their daugh- stated before, anything may happen1 ter's husband. She was Joyce under the New Deal, Schroeder and she and son, Jerry, »re still at.Sioux falls, South Da­ kota, with her husband, Wayne Hub­ bard. Mrs. M. L. Daniels returned Thurs­ Visiting last weefc-cnd at the home, day of last week from a nine days’ of tils aunt and family were Mr, and visit with her sisters, Mrs. Earnel Mrs. Byron Graham of Loa Angeles Spanner and Mrs. Della Hutchings. and their daughter. They left for Mrs. Fraser Hoffman, Mrs. Charlie their home early Monday. Shellhammer were last Thursday The Teagardens are expecting their callers on Mrs. Leep and Mrs. A. R. eon, Russell Young, on a furlough Bennett. soon, The Nprway school opened Mon­ Orange met last Saturdsy evening. day, Sept- 11, with an enrollment of Mrs. Wm. Judd, as hostess, served 39 pupils.. The-pupils were pleased jello, jelly rolls and coffee. They as well as was the teacher, to find will meet again Sunday when the ' the school house, garage and pump men will dig a test well and the la- '* , I house all newly painted. The hew dies will serve a picnic dinner. | pupils registered in the Norway dis­ Rev. and Mrs. Roy Parker have as trict are Carl, Imogene, Albert and their guests Mr. Parker's brother, Marlene Davis, from Santa Ana, Calif. Elbert, of Lodi, CslU., and Bobby The McKinleys, who were at Bridge Gilbert, of Eugene. during the summer, have moved back Mrs. L. A. Ryan and daughter, Mrs. to the Jimmie Matti house so their Earl Adams, Jr„ were callers in little daughter, Raye Marie, could also Marshfield Wednesday of last week. attend the Norway school again this Mrs. Karl Adams, Jr., of Coquille, year. Glenn and Calvin Farren, spent the week-end with her parents, from Bancroft, are among the Mr. and Mrs. L.( A. Ryan. pupils also. Wesley, son of Mr. and Mrs Hemember — Norton’s ter office J, Fowler who was stricken a year school and home supplies. ago this September with «InMnUle paralysis, after spending several months in the Shrine Hospital in Portland, is able to attend school again here. It’s to be hoped that a To make thto simple, no risk hear­ similar misfortune (infantile paral­ ing tost If you are tomnorarily deaf­ ysis) may not befall any of the others. ened, bothered oy ringing buzzli ln< Mrs. Chas. Smith and little daugh­ hoed noieee due to rsrdened or coagu­ lated wax (cerumen), try the Ourine ter, Joy, left Monday morning on the Home Method test that so many say bus for Los Angeles to visit her has enabled them to heat well again brother, Tony Block, who is home on You must hear better after making furlough. Mrs. Smith is the daugh- this simple test or you get your mone; j , ter-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Martin back at once. Ask about Ourine Far ■Jrnns todav at Barrow Drns Co. Schmidt- She experts to return in about ten day». Miss Anita Tedsen was a last week­ end Huett of Mrs. Ed McKeown and daughters, Norene and Madeline, of CoquUls, Mrs. Darrell Brodie and sons, Ed- dla and Jimmie, arrived Sunday from Belton. Texas, and are guests this week at the home of her husband's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Brodie. She states that the weather here is freedom sad our rlghts-not just delightfully refreshing when com­ as soldiers or civlllans-but m pared with that of Texas. (South­ American«/ \ ern Oregon climate can't be beaten From where I sit, that attitude anywhere for comfort thia time of Is going to win the war—and win year, so we who live in “this part the Peace too. If wo can respect of the world” think.) the rights of others - whether it’s Mr. and Mr»> Truman Wagner, of their right to enjoy a glass of Eugene, were Wednesday till Satur­ beer, or to vote the way they day guests last week of Mr. and please—we’ve got g «eighty Mrs. J. H. McCloskey. soppd foondattoa for our peace i Mrs. Pat Easley was a Sunday vis­ time world. itor at the J. H. McCloskey home. V Mrs. Easley's father, W. T. Brady, Is quite sick In the Mast Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Warner, of Coquille, spent Wednesday evening of last week at the home of her par- Brooks] USED FURNITURE Fairview News C{¿)LUe Juice I Lu ch âeuat Dellcotely l/»»i*tont.., never heavy, but oh, to ofiectivel In on sxqvltilo tolling of White lace. .. ......................................................... COtOONI 1-BRp.S, >-«• DUSTING rOWDtt BAkROW DRUG CO.' Soldiura v>. Civilians In Tomorrow’s World Well, maybe you saw that tot­ ter from a soldier overseas, la one of oar big magasinrs. It said that men in uniform aren’t thinking any such thoughts— any wore thtps folk« kt Mme aiv, The most important thing is, that we’re «U engaged In one ti­ tanic struggle to preserve our /Vo. 94 of a Series for home baking you need home-type flour YES, MY BAKED 40009 AKE LIGHTER AND MORE TENDER NOW I'M U8INO KITCHEN CRAFT 4 * Home-type Kitchen Craft Flour gives finer results in all home baked foods HOME-TYPE FLOUR Kitchen Cruft Is light-bodied: It mixes smoothly and quickly with other home-type ingredi­ ents to give fine even texture in oil your home baked foods. Kitchen Craft It properly milled: Retains desirable moisture in your pastries, cakes and breads tn spite of the drier heat of home ovens. ----- - ------ - Wanted! Men And Women Who Are Hard Of Hearing' From where I sitJoe Marsh You hear some talk about how- when the war Is over-there’s going to be bad feeling between soldiers and civilians; bow the country will be divided into those who fought in uniform and those who stayed at home. from commercial baking. — - Kitchen Craft Is dependably uniform: Absorbs the same amount of water each time — so you can follow your recipes to the letter, without change. Xour home-size recipes aren’t the same as big-batch bakers use. Your Ingredients are different, too. You use home-type shortening and baking powder. * '' , For perfect results, now try a koms- fl/pe flour—~ Kitchen Craft! Made es­ pecially for home baking, this top quality flour gives you cakes, pies and breads of jnouth-melting Velicacy and goodness. Adds important health val­ ues to your baked foods too because Kitchen Craft is enriched with B vita­ mins and iron. Get a sack of home-type Kitchen Craft Flour and try it in your favorite recipes. If it fails to please you in any way, return the unused portion to your grocer and get all your money hack! at SAFEWAY Kf MM A BOND TODAY