♦ Till COQUILLE VALLEY ttNffMtL^OQDtUR. OREGON. PAGB Btt THURSDAY, IEPTRMBBR 14. 1944. 9 . ... 1. . —■ 9BP X'tX’ielle Knife Hospital I | ROOM. BOARD A 1 FOR QUICK BALE Church Of Th« Nasarene high school girl, five ■ wn* i —This Week Osdy— Ninth and Heath ' Rev Chas. Goodwin Brown, Pastor to be with two school age children, Hi Acres on Cunningham Creek and Rev. V, W. Anglin. Pastor One Cent a Word Eaoh Ins e rtila Duane Brady, of Powers, under- 9:45—This is our Sunday School North Henry Street—4-room and . from 7:00 a. m. to school time and 9:45 a. m. Sunday Bible School Ne Adv. less than 85 eenta went a major operation last Thursday, hour, with classes and rooms for ail. 3:30 p. m. to 5:30 p. m. 241 So. bath; full basement with garage, 1J:OO a. m. Morning Worship, Evan­ On Friday, Orville Card from Del-J 11:00—Sunday morning worship lt*As-9-21 chicken house, fruit trees and ber- ) Hall St., Coquille. * gelist K M. Arnold will speak. t mar entered for treatment of an in-,hour. “What Is Discipleship?” ries; city water, electricity. Priced f— 2:30 p. m. There will be an after­ jured arm; Nonnan Christenabn. of* 7:00—Sunday evening Youth Fel- LOST by service man ’ s wife — Brown tor quick sale at $2325.00 cash. W|U Intermediate and noon special service at which Evan- Suede Billfold, in Coquille Tues­ Bandon, underwent an operation on I i lowship groups, help finance. ■f gelist Arnold will speak. ! his foot; Mrs. O. H. Parker, of Myr-J Senior, day. Reward If returned to owner, J. & BARTON, Realter I 7:30 p. m. Closing service of the ---------------------- _ _------ _ Apartment, _________ -1 tie Point, submitted to a tonsilectomy, I 8:00 — Sunday evening Florence Peart, Phillips worship $55 SMtb Tarier Pheae 2U special evangelist!« meetings when Marshfield, or call 75J, Coquille. 1» and Freeman Rivers, of CoquUle, to • hour. Fourth in a series of messages WATER WELL Drilling — Fred C.! Rev. E. M. Arnold wUl preach. ----- -------- -____ ; _ 'an appendectomy. L FOR LEASE OR SALE — On Highway on “ Mountain Tops of God." Lee, 507 Clark St., North Bend, 42 twe miles west of Ten Mile. LOST—Monday in north end of Co- | An $K pound baby girl, who has ' 7:30—Wednesday evening choir re­ Oregon. Phone 5411. quille, an envelope containing a been nanwd was I hearsal hour. The Assembly oi God New Modern Home. Electricity, .f t $5 bill, with the name Mrs. DeLong bom, s. pt . #> to Mr and Mr> I 7:30—Thursday evenings mid-week flsosnl sad Heath Bis. DEER BAGS — Heavy cotton Ibags gravity flow water, lots of straw- | on outside. T - returned - L. C. Persing, Pastor Reward * if to'tord cotter, of Coquille. with draw string, made especially service. berries. Will give option to lease i Altie Gardner, to hold your deer. FARR A EL­ ---> 290 No. Elliott, Mrs Herman Sumerlin, of Arago, Sunday:» ■ Living in God’s world should cause or buy (urgent), . Thos. Dalton. ” M* Sunday and Donnie Pierce, of Co- ¡us to be more conscious of God’s WOOD. s 9:45—A class for every age in tiie Brockway, Douglas Co., Cfn. U»s I pn ne Study of the Bible for you. We use Tuesday. presence with us. Sept «• . | j FOR SALE—Pre-war wicker Bab? quiUe’ * ilLECTRIC FENCE Units, $14.75 and ' n ____ __ _______ «___ ««___ I ¡ Mrs. Mack-Brown was hero from the Seven Yew Bible Study course Mrs. Mack »Brown was here from Buggy, with waterproof mattress. CBM. . ------------- up. Will work on.llO-volt line, I IBRB Which will take you through the en­ u . . Roseburg on Tuesday for consultation St. Jamas ’ Episcopal Church Call Lucille Walker, 152R. 1 or hot shot battery, or automobile I __________ NOTICE TO FARMERS ■ _ _______________ _ , and examination. tire Bible in seven years. Bertha “ - i Coreer E. 3rd A EUteU Sts. battery. Also Hot-Shot Batteries Plenty of old tires fox Brush Burn- FOR SALE—Four good Jersey heifers C 2L __ ..2„ ____________ _____ Byrd, Superintendent. » Geo. Glenn, who was accompanied | The Re V Rob«» hta «nch ELWOOD. ' . • I 11:00 a. m. Nursery and Kindergar­ Newton, president. Free Dog — Shetland Pony — 2 Itedg. CUpper. Phone 265M. Mil-1 Dllmloall pagt w~k wefe . 7:45 Evening evangelistic service, ten. - ' , SOMETHING NEW — Milking i Buggies — Bulls — Battery Radio dred MUler, 515 North Hall, Co- and Mrs. Keith Kribbs last a service that is different, lifting and 11:00 Morning Prayer with Sermon. — Wanted. ’ Hudson Engine. See Machines, Vacuum Pumps,' quU“’________________________ 1, Wednesday, Wm. Betty, and Mrs (1st and 3rd Sundays—Holy Com­ inspiring: The pastor speaks. “Swap Hand and all-electric Separa-l FARR & ELWOOD’S Monday 6:30 Radio broadcast of FALL GRASS SEEDS Fresh seeds Mary Damron on Thursday, James munion ) - s tors, will soon be in stock, i Board.” “Songs of Memory” over KOOS. for BURNS—Pastures—Hay crops, Ereser on Friday; Dorothy Pedro on 5:00 p. m. High School Young Peo ­ Eaton’s Feed Store, Coquille, s WASHING MACHINE REPAIR—We pheed right. FARR A ELWOOD. Sunday, and Mrs. Wendell Wilcox ' Tuesday 7:45 Prayer service. The ple- \ service all makes of washers. ......................................................... .........and baby on Monday thia week. man on his knees can see farther than FOR MONUMENTS Tuesday _______________ Washer Service Co. 365 West BRING Your Tire Troubles to Thorn- [ Cement Grave Cover or Border. 8:00 p. m. Altar Guild (2nd Tues- the one on the highest mountain peak. ton’s, the most completely equipped I Thursday 7:45 Devotional and Bible Front St. Phone 17. tf» Also Cement Building Blocks. Phone ay). shop in Southern Oregon. Only ex­ study. 123L. John S. Sanders, 541 West 6th, 8:00 p. m. Shortened Evening ONION SETS—Plant now for green perienced workmen. Best quality Coquille, Oregon. • 8 Prayer with Instruction for Adults. Sept. 7 — Howard G. Ball and Nor ­ onions in mid-winter. FARR A materials and equipment used. All First Church of Christ, Scientist (4th Tuesday.) ELWOOD. s WATER SYSTEMS—We stock both work fully guaranteed. Thornton mfr Ridgley, both of Charleston. They Coquille. Oregon Wednesday were married by Justice Fred Bull Deep and Shallow Well, Automatic ‘ Tire Service. tf WALLBOARD — Cahec fiber board 10:00 a. m. Holy Communion. here last Thursday. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. Water ' Systems; also- Rotary and 4x8 sheets primed one side. FARR FOR SALE—80-acre ranch. 10 acres j Sept. 7—Willard Norris and Val- 2:30 p. m. St. James ’ Guild. Sunday Service at 11 a. m. Centrifugal Pumps J. A. LAMB & ELWOOD. s' bottom. Will handle 10 milk cows, lerie Dinsmore, both of________ 8:00 p. m. Evening Guild (1st and Bullards. Subject tor next Sunday. ‘Matter ’’ COMPANY. > a Three miles from Myrtle Point. They were married by^Rev. C. F. 3rd Wednesdays). Wednesday evening meeting at 8:00 FOR SALE—Eight-room house and HARNESS—Leather and Chain har- Giles Harris, Box 214, Myrtle Point. Christian at the bride’s home last Thareday o'clock. two lots. Close in. Price $4300.00. i nesses on hand. FARR A EL- 8:00 p. m. Bishop's Committee (3rd Thursday. 33t3’i Free public Reading Room St 269— Mrs. Birdie Skeels, 125 E. Third St. “ WOOD. a Sept. 8—Melvin H. Moor, of Gresh­ Thursday). W. Second, Roxy Bldg., open every Phone 147J. 34t2s WANTED TO BUY — Old horses, cows ----- . '*■ -—-i- am, Ore., and Clara Isabella Alder- day except Sunday and holidays from WANTED—Anyone willing to pick and calves for Mink feed. B. T. dyce, of Wecoma, Ore. Rev. Chas. 0,1 The Holy Name Catholic Church 1:30 to 5:00 p. m. DE LAVAL SEPARATORS and Milk­ Cranberries this fall, about Oct. 1 Hepler, ouUards route. Phone Mass at 9:30 a tn. every Sunday. '---------- ers. Parts snd Dairy Supplies. Get Brown said the words that made them or sooner, should see L. L. Hooker 9R5, CoquUle. st Jan. 11, 46 man and wife, at the Pioneer parson­ them at Pacific Feed A Seed So. tie Insurance Specialist. F. R- Bull, s at former Morrison ranch near Emmanuel Baptist Church age here last Friday. Bandon. 35t2*s WE HAVE a complete line of Grade For Refrigeration Service phone Rev. Menno D. RempelTPastor NOTICE TO CREDITORS shqp, 106J; write Box 307, Co­ Sept. 9—Alva N. Hobbs, of Bakers­ 1 Tires, 19x500, 17x5.50, 16x6.00 Notice is hereby given that the last 10:00 Sunday School. field, Calif., and Charlotte W.'Blohm, FOR SALE — *32 Plymouth Sedan. quille. “ If Available, we ’ U apt I and 16x6.50. Western Auto Sup­ Sermon, Will and Testament of Ethel Hart­ 11:00 Morning Service. Mrs. A. Halter, 997 N. Henry St., man, deceased, was admitted to pro­ it” Garnier’s Refrigeration Of Marshfield. ply, Coquille. a “One For AU.” Sept. 9 — Harry Kern, of North Coquille. lt*s i — ■" ■ . bate and of record in the County . ■ ------ — Service. ___________ 17tts Sunday School picnic at Norway Court for Coo* County, Oregon, on Bend, and Lydia Holstein, of Coquille. FOR SALE- Baby’s large pink Bath FOUND—Metal Lunch Box which Sept. 9—Harvey W. McDowall, of grove Sunday afternoon, Pot-luck Sept. 11, 1944, and that the under­ NOTICE TO CEEDITOES Tub; also good high chair with signed was appointed by said Court can be secured at the Sentinel of­ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Portland, and Mabel Hering, of Cor- lunch at noon. If possible all chll- as Executor thereof. Therefore, all tray, both like new, at 410 East fice by paying 35 cents for this I dren should be brought by their par ­ . U 21 d,r ! lg ? e f 1 . vallta - Juatice F. R. Bull, at hie of- , persons having claims against said Sth St or phone 283L. Mrs. LeRoy pointed administrator of the estate .. „ ._ . adv. a' CHARLES ALFORD HUM- |flce Saturday, said the words uniting , ents. Free ice cream. Bring food Estate are hereby required to pre­ Starr. its of enough for supper, too. Young peo­ sent them to me, with proper vouch­ PHREY. deceased, and that all per- them. FOR PLUMBING repairs and Ser­ CLEARANCE PRICE on 3-piece sons having claims against said ee- ; Sept. 11—Hdward Cecil Moy and ple’s meetings and evening service ers attached and duly verified, at vice-call 2-L. J. A. LAMB OOM- the office of O. C. Sanford, Attorney, Walnut Bedroom set; Vanity has ST“'*. : around the campfire at 6 and 7 p. m. in Coquille, Oregon, within six PÀNY. s 40 in. Plate Glass Mirror. $06.50. therefor, to the undersigned at the Sept. 13—Carl Arthur Mohr and Everyone urged to stay for the eve- months from the date hereof. Dated and published first time Ceiling price $109.50. WATER PIPE—All common sizes on Western Uw office of HARRY A. SLACK, Marguerite Gloor, both of Marshfield. ning service. No evening service at Sept. 14, 1944. 1 church. Auto Supply, Coquille. hand. FARR U. ELWOOD. s a First National Bank Bldg., Coquille, ( 35t5 M. C. Hartman, Executor. Oregon, within six months from the Tuesday: Two choirs. Electric Fence Units, $14.73 and WANTED—A low-priced home i* BRICK—Build your fireplace now. date of this notice. . i ■ — ;— Thursday: Prayer meeting and r ¡up. WUl-work on 110-voit line, or Dated: September 15, 1944.' No priority on materials. FARR & Coquille or Myrtle Point. Must choirs. WILLIAM K. KENDALL, hot shot battery, or automobile bat ­ Overseas Edition of The ELWOOD. s have bath and be in livable condi­ 35t5 Administrator tery. Also Hot-Shot Bateries for tion and no street asseements.— sale. Geo.*F. Burr Motor. ’.6tfs SMALL FLOCK PARMENTER R. I. Church of God NOTICE TO CREDITORS Bx 3, Prosper Rt.. Bullards, Ore­ —--------- r------------ Hens, pedigreed, trapnested and Corner of Henry 8« Seventh Sts. tei NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that gon. 34tfs bloodtested, averaged over 300 eggs the undersigned has been duly ap­ Get a ¿bod Book at Norton's Rent- Walter Lee Greer. Pastor first year; also some young stock; pointed administrator of the estate »•1 Library. HEADQUARTERS for Crown Dairy tie Sunday, Sept. 1$ of MABLE KATHERINE HUM­ reasonably priced. Wm. Ziedrich, PHREY, deceased, and that all per­ and Poultry Feeds at Pacific Feed 10:00 a. m. Sunday school. NOTICE TO CREDITORS & Seed Co. tf s 601 N Taylor Street. Coquille, or sona having claims against said es­ 11:00 a. m. Worship: sermon, Notice is hereby given that the un­ Phone 751. « Its tate, should present the same, duly dersigned was on the 21st day of “The Highest Wisdom.” PAPERHANGING, Kalsomtning, In­ verfied, and with proper vouchers August, 1944, appointed by th« Coun­ 6:30 p. m. Junior Devotionsl hour. terior and Exterior Painting. The WANTED—Night clerk, experience therefore, to the undersigned at the ty Court of Coos County, Oregon, as 7:30 p. m. Evangelistic Service: law office of HARRY A. SLACK, Administrator of the Estate of Lnyd Jätest in Pittsburg, Imperial, Birge not necessary, apply Coquille I First National Bank Bldg., Coquille, sermon by the pastor. Hotel. ' Its Oregon, within six months from the Earl Green, deceased* and aU persona Wall Paper. Herbert E. Wood, 275 Thursday, Sept. 7 having claims against said Estate are Na Henry, Coquille, phone 286 date of this notice. hereby required to present them to 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting. FOR SALE—4 Saddle* all stock and Dated: September 15, 1944. atfs me at the ofice of O. C. Sanford, At­ In good shape; 3 practically new. WILLIAM K. KENDALL, torney, in Coquille, Oregon, with «“They that fear thee will be glad & Administrator. proper vouchers and duly verified, when they see me; because I have PLENTY OF FEED at Farr & El­ Clovis Church. 429 So. Heath, 35t5 within six months from the date of hoped in thy word” Psa. 119:74. wood’s. s phone 248J. It’s NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT this'notice. . - NOTICE is hereby given that the Dated and published first time FOR SALE—100 Ton of boled Can­ WANTED—Reliable women to care undersigned has filed his Final Ac­ f for two small children while count in the matter of the Estate of August 24, 1944. ary Grass. Arthur Haga, Tway Raymond Jasper Green, mother is in hospital. Write Mrs. D. C.“Krantz, deceased, and that thefts — ranch, Coquille. 34t4*s Administrator. John R. Seeley, Box 712, Coquille, County Court of the State of Oregon, I Those Early Editions of the Sun­ for Coos County, has aet October I IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FARMERS—If you need a Tractor. Ore. or call 130J. lt*s 10th, 1944, at'the hour of 10 o’clock 1 STATE OF OREGON IN AND day Journal may again be pur­ — ' ___ - _ Milkers, Haying Machinery, Elec­ A. M. as the time and the County HFOR i COOS COUNTY chased while doing your Saturday tric Milk Coolers, or any kind of WANTED—Boy or strong woman to Court* Room... in the County Court ORIE E. McGARVIN, shoppings. Buy them at Hen­ wash dishes between 6 and 9 st House at Coquille, Oregon, as the Farm Machinery or Repairs, see ninger’s — Rexy Fountain — >lace for hearing objections to said night. Wages good. Apply at the us—your McCormick Deering deal­ PLAINTIFF, Brandon’s — Farmers* Grocery — Coquille Hotel Coffee Shop. Its l'inal Account and the settlement of er. J. A. LAMB COMPANY. s said estate. DONALD P. McGARVIN. MRS. L. E. HAMLIN Walter A. Krantz, MAIL CARRIER WANTEli Call at NOTHING OVWLOORID DEFENDANT 325 East 10th St. 34t5 . NEW ROOFING and Waterproofing Executor of said Estate, Coquille Poet Office. Ask (pr Mr. Recently appointed manager for of elder roofs, all types and kinds, Hawkins or Mr. Grimes. NOTICE OF CAUCUS TO NOMIN­ To: DONALD P. McGARVIN, the no matter how large and elaborate dtstribuption of Oregon Journal done by the Standard Roofing Co., above-named Defendant: ATE CANDIDATES FOR CITY OF­ the rcale upon which the funeral In Coquille I n the name of the state of 893 North Pint street. Marshfield. FOR SALE^—Trailer House & equip­ FICES OF THE CITY OF COQUILLE OREGON: arrangements are to be made. That Phone 856. Glen Wm. Curtis, ment, electric brakes A lights. TO BE FILLED AT THE GENERAL You are hereby required to appear ELECTION NOVEMBER 7. 1944 Mgr . 8 Will sell for less than cost of ma­ is our policy—that is our proud NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that and answer the Complaint riled terials. m A c an offer. O’Dell at pursuant to a resolution adopted by against you in the above-entitled claim after many yeass of experi­ CEDAR SHINGLES—No. 1 and l’s. Phone 81. lt*e he Common Council of the City of Court and cause on or before the last Dr. De La Rhueo ence A conference with us will FARR A ELWOOD. s Coquille at the regular meeting on date prescribed in the Order for Pub­ FOR SALE—Axminster Rug, 8x12, th« 21st day of August, 1944, pro­ lication of Summons herein, and if be to your advantage. Eyenight AUTO PAINTING and Body Work. ______ you fall ao to appear and answer, for for holding the City < Caucur pre-war, $7.50. See it at 707 viding tor want thereof, the Plaintiff will ap ­ Specialist for nomination of candidates, a Bring your car in------ we can start North Taylor, or phone 249L. Mrs. caucus for the purpose of nominating ply to the Court for the relief de­ work at once. Southwestern Motor Eyes Exaaatned - Glasses Fit Mary Burns. Its a Mayor to serve two years, a City manded In said Complaint, a succinct Ca - r Recorder to serve for two years, statement of which 14 as follows: Reception room jointly with ARC or ACETYLENE Welding, any three Councilmen to serve four years That Plaintiff be granted a decree of from Defendant; that Plaintiff GOOD SERVICE makes Good In­ Dr. J. II. Bunch time, anywhere, day or night. ¿nd one Councilman to serve two divorce be awarded the care, custody, and surance I give service. F. R Coquille Prince Auto Electric, 260 North years, will be held at the Community control of the minor child: Joan Dar­ Laird Hall in the City of Coquille, Coos Bull. ' ( 109K lene McGarvin. Taylor, Coquille, Phone 174M. its County, Oregon, on Monday, Septem­ This Summons is published pursu­ ber 25th, 1944, at the hour of 7:30 NET dish crr>THS—Just received WANTED—To buy Drag Saw. Must ant to an Order for Publication o’clock P. M. on said day. a shipment. FARR & ELWOOD, s made by the Honorable L. D. Fel- be in good condition and will pay All voters of the City interested ..... ......... — . - , |. sheim. Judge of the County Court of cash. David Tosten, Fairview, or in the nomination of candidates are the State of Oregon for Coos County, requested to be present and partici­ phone 5R15. lt*s pate in the nomination of such can­ on August 14, 1944. The date of first publication of this Summons is Au­ didates. High School FARM MACHINERY Repairs — We Dated this Sth day of September, gust 17, 1944, and the date of the Credits carry genuine McCormick Deering 1944 1 last publication of thia Summons is September 14, 1944. Given (Seal) * F. G. Leslie, repairs. 3. A. LAMB COMPANY s HARRY A. SLACK, Mtt___________ ; • City Recorder 1 Attorney for Plaintiff, FOR SALE Gentle, young team, Residence and postoffice address: NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT with harness. Weight about 1500 Coquille, Oregon. SETTLEMENT /’ 31t5 BARROW DRUG COMPAMT NOTICE is hereby given that the NOTICE OF FINAL each. F. R. Brown, Camas Valley, undersigned baa filed her First and NOTICE la hereby given that the Oregon. 34t4s Final Account in the matter of the undersigned has filed her First and administration of the estate of Les­ Final Account in the matter of the FOR RENT—Furnished Cottages with ter A. Borgard, deceased, and that administration of the estate of A. R. _____________ shower baths _____ and _____________ wash room, i the County Court of the State of Ore- Clinton, deceased, and that the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Coos County, has set September 26th, rent. 945Vk North Coulter St. tfs A. M., as the time, and the County 1944, at the hour of 10:00 A. M., as SERVICE Court Room in the County Court the time, and the County Court Room FALL PLOWING—I have a Ford- House at Coquille, Oregon, as the in the County Court House at Co­ Phone 83 Ferguson tractor and 2-bottom place, Place, for hearing objection« objections to said quille, Oregon, as the place for the Night Phone 1MB plow which is 'available for fall Final Account and the settlement of hearing of objections to said First and Final Account and the settlement of plowing. Anyone needing such said estate. Agents for Oregon-Nevada-California Fast Freight Maude E. TrflWx said estate. work before the rains start, write Esther Clinton. Administratrix with the Will I Office Phone 5 275 s T. H. Benham, Fairview route, Executrix of the estate of Annexed of the Estate of | P A. R Clinton, deceased. Coquille, or phone 5R13. 33t3*s 31t5 Lester A. Borgard. deceased.. i31t5 CLASSIFIED Marriage Licenses 1 i Oregonian Attention to Details Out of Town Folks! MISS INEZ ROVER Instructor of Plano Benham’s Transfer WRECKER Storage SAND ANDTiRAVEL COAL — FUEL OIL — STORAGE Southwestern Motors . i * r . f