The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, September 14, 1944, Page 5, Image 5

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Personal Mention
"Spike" Says Goal
. k
Mr. and Mr.. P. A. Livesly, of Port­
land, spent from Friday • to Monday
with the J. S. Barton family. Mrs.
Livesly is a sister of Mr. Barton.
Part of the visit was spent at the
Barton cottage at Bandon. The rela­
tives were' on their way home from
a six weeks trip to California. Mrs.
Jess Barton, Jr., and baby, Jac­
queline, returned to Portland with
them for a visit there and later In
many new drivers in Oregon, the sec- sell and Julius Ruble.
' Iretary of stale quoted the Oregon Mrs. L. H. Hazard ai
ID FOR (ri“ht ul w*y taw:
Barton attended
“t Drlv,r,>
The tea table was i
highway interactions, shall look out unusual arrangements c
for recon- | for and 'give right of way to vehicles ers and large waxlike
xpansions on the right, simultaneously ap- candle* and th« fine a
ployment, proaching a given point, 'Whether coffee service,
assurance such vehicle first enter and reach the
Pouring from 2:30 t
from gov- , intersection or not; provided, that the were Mrs. Hawkins ai
foregoing provision shall not apply ford, 3:00 to**3:30 Mrs
to have a to any interaction where and when »nd Mr*. Geo. Chaney
She said on return last
Football Prospects
Coach Spike Leslie is optimistic
over the prospects for a good football
team at Coquille High this fall and
says it is the best looking squad, on
the first day, he has had since 1939,
There are ten or twelve more boys,
in addition to the following list which
did turn out, who would like to but
there are no more suits available:
George Hurst, Bob Alborn, Bud
Meek, Dave Kline., Floyd DeNoma,
Bob Kelly, Joe Stone, Harold Train.
Roy Porter, Wayne Cheezem, George
Johnson, Bob ftepass, Clare Gray,
Corky Johnson, BUI Kistner, Mlren
Ken Neeley, Elvin Fetch. Jack
Blum, Morris Williams, Cliff Wil­
liams, Harry Slack, Homer Anderson,
Dick Morrot, Walagmott, Don Min­
ard, Jack Buckles, Jim Kimsey, Noble
Dewey Gilkey,
Dick Martindale,
Courtright, Bill Train, Walter Mc­
Jack McKinney, Glenn
Thommen, Jim McNamara, Billings,
Louis Pinkston, Harold Stock, Pres­
ton Willis, Vernon, Bud Hickam,
Charles Stevenson, Robert Shrug,
George Litzenberger, Claire Reeder,
Pierce, Clovis Knight, Belmore, Good.
Haga and Boot*.
Donna Dean Bosserman entertain­
ed a few friend» Tuesday evening
at her home. The time was spent at
bridge and Margaret Belloni won high
Guests were Dorothea and
Marybelle Yarbrough, Maxine John­
son, Georgianna Perrott, Alberta
Will Examine Prospective
Brandon, Norene McKeown, Jean
th« entrance to a through highway Geo. uiett. A. Berg, H. A. Stack, Bryan, Mona Bryan, Dorothy Belle Football Officials In Valley
.hall yield to the other vehicle. r . A. Jeub> u A Lundquist, Georg, Newton, Jean Williams and Margaret
Supt. Carl E. Morrison, of this city,
within the intersection or approaching j<nkins,
Geo. Oerding,
Luckey Bplloni.
has been appointed to conduct exam­
' so closely on the through highway as Bonney. Don McCune
inations of prospective candidates as
.COn8At an lnu"e<llat* hazard’1 Due to the efforts Of Mr*. George I Mrs. T. O. Toon and sons. Billy and officials fqr officiating at football
but said driver, having so yielded, Johnson, chairman of membership, ■ Richard, arrived here this week from games in the valley this fall. He
may proceed, and other vehicle* ap- the cJub ha> a
membership of Portland. They are living on the 1 asks thUt anyone interested in acting
^ 213-
Overland road near one of Mr. Toon’s 'as referee, umpire or head linesman,
!oug i ughwaj shall yield to the
Mrs. Boober states the new vear coal mines in a rharmino hnmn
contact him so that time and place
Mr. Toon purchased and remodeled for the examinations may bet set.
which i. within the interaction or so
cloae thereto a. to constitute an im-
Mrs. O. C. Sanford will leave
Thursday morning for Portland to
attend an important meeting of the
Scholarship Loan Fund committee,
of which .he is state chairman, in
the Oregon State Federation of
Women'. Clubs.
Don Farr left for Portland
business trip Sunday.
L. L. Hooker was in town Monday
from hi* cranberry bog near Bandon
|—the former A. T. Morrison ranch—
and said the bog would have a larger
crop of berries this year than it ha*
ever had before. He is also adver­
tising the need for pickers, about
Oct. 1.
Mrs. Vaughan Entertains
Bridge Club Last Thursday
Mrs. Georgianna Vaughan enter­
taiped her bridge club at her home
Tuesday evening.' Esther Litzen-
berger won high score and June An­
derson, second high.
Members at­
tending were Wilda Schroeder, Mabel
Gould, Esther Litzenberger, Eunice
Barrow, Wanda Cochran, June An­
derson, and Hazel Foss. Ruth Axtell
was a guest.
Mrs. Jean Wilkinson left Monday
evening to return to her work ih the
Boeing plant in Seattle after being
here since last Friday visiting her
father, Martin Nye, and other rela­
tive. and friend*. Her father had
just returned from a week .pent
down in Eureka, Calif.
done at once.
While efforts to bring* about na-
n has been reported that many sta.
tional prohibition have ceased to hold tion* and tire owners have been tern-
public attention, the growth of the porartly booting and then leaving the
local option movement continues and tire in that condition.
in Texas many of that state's j rrom now on there wll[ be closer
254 counties
are now In the inspections made and if there 1* a
dry Column. As revenue',l<n oi abuse, no new tires W(U
In Texas is largely for the benefit granted a* replacement*.
abolish private brands and grades
and have all canned good, put un­
der a red. white and blue label whloh
would, of course, destroy the value of
brands nationally advertised. These
brands are still being advertised to
keep the name, before pie public un­
til such time as they are again avail­
able for civilian consumption. On
the other hand, the declaration is
made that government brands would
best Insure quality That well known
brand* would disappear from the
market, entailing heavy loea to pack­
ers and destroy the profit motive, is
another side of the controversy.
The attorney, attempted to pull a
fast one by circumventing the posi­
tive Instructions of congress, but were
caught. Representative Halleck of
Illinois has dragged the subject out
Into the open and says that this is a
hang-over of the 'Henderson-GIns-
tf !
Weasel Adds Water to Its Military Travel Diet